@import "ui-variables"; @import "ui-mixins"; *:focus, input:focus { outline:none; } #thread-list { order: 3; flex: 1; overflow: auto; -webkit-user-select: none; display: flex; position: relative; .message-count { color: @text-color-inverse; background: @background-tertiary; padding: 4px 6px 2px 6px; margin-left: 1em; } .participants { font-size: @font-size-large; font-weight: @font-weight-semi-bold; } .subject { font-size: @font-size-small; font-weight: @font-weight-normal; } .snippet, .timestamp { font-size: @font-size-small; font-weight: @font-weight-normal; color: @text-color-subtle; } .selected { .participants { color: @text-color-inverse; } .subject { color: @text-color-inverse; } .snippet, .timestamp { color: @text-color-inverse-subtle; } } } .thread-list-container { position: relative; .thread-list-item { font-size: @font-size-base; line-height: @line-height-large; color: @text-color; background: @list-bg; .participants { font-weight: 500; } &:hover { background: @list-hover-bg; } &.unread:not(.selected) { &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; height: 99%; width: 5px; top: 0; left: 1px; background: @unread-color; } .subject { color: @unread-color; } } &.selected { background: @list-active-bg; color: @list-active-color; } } .star-button { font-size: 16px; .fa-star { color: rgb(239, 209, 0); &:hover { cursor: pointer; color: rgb(220,220,220); } } .fa-star-o { color: rgb(220,220,220); &:hover { cursor: pointer; color: rgb(239, 209, 0); } } } } .thread-list-tabular { flex: 1; width: 100%; display: flex; overflow: hidden; position: relative; .thread-list-tabular-item { position: relative; width: 100%; display: flex; &:hover { cursor: default; } } .thread-rows { overflow: auto; // Add back when when we re-implement thread-list-headers // padding-top: @font-size-base * 2; /* height of thread-list-headers*/ } .thread-list-column { // The width is set by React. display: inline-block; padding: @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; border-bottom: 1px solid @list-border; &:last-child { text-align: right; } } .thread-list-headers { display: flex; position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 0; position: absolute; background: fade(@list-bg,90%); font-size: @font-size-base; line-height: @font-size-base * 1.6; height:@font-size-base * 2; z-index: 3; } .thread-list-header { } .participants { text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } }