path = require 'path' _ = require 'underscore' async = require 'async' CSON = require 'season' fs = require 'fs-plus' EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter {Emitter, CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit' Q = require 'q' {deprecate} = require 'grim' ModuleCache = require './module-cache' ScopedProperties = require './scoped-properties' TaskRegistry = require './task-registry' DatabaseObjectRegistry = require './database-object-registry' try packagesCache = require('../package.json')?._N1Packages ? {} catch error packagesCache = {} # Loads and activates a package's main module and resources such as # stylesheets, keymaps, grammar, editor properties, and menus. module.exports = class Package EmitterMixin.includeInto(this) @isBundledPackagePath: (packagePath) -> if NylasEnv.packages.devMode return false unless NylasEnv.packages.resourcePath.startsWith("#{process.resourcesPath}#{path.sep}") @resourcePathWithTrailingSlash ?= "#{NylasEnv.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}" packagePath?.startsWith(@resourcePathWithTrailingSlash) @loadMetadata: (packagePath, ignoreErrors=false) -> packageName = path.basename(packagePath) if @isBundledPackagePath(packagePath) metadata = packagesCache[packageName]?.metadata unless metadata? if metadataPath = CSON.resolve(path.join(packagePath, 'package')) try metadata = CSON.readFileSync(metadataPath) catch error throw error unless ignoreErrors metadata ?= {} = packageName if metadata.stylesheetMain? deprecate("Use the `mainStyleSheet` key instead of `stylesheetMain` in the `package.json` of `#{packageName}`", {packageName}) metadata.mainStyleSheet = metadata.stylesheetMain if metadata.stylesheets? deprecate("Use the `styleSheets` key instead of `stylesheets` in the `package.json` of `#{packageName}`", {packageName}) metadata.styleSheets = metadata.stylesheets metadata keymaps: null menus: null stylesheets: null stylesheetDisposables: null grammars: null settings: null mainModulePath: null resolvedMainModulePath: false mainModule: null ### Section: Construction ### constructor: (@path, @metadata) -> @emitter = new Emitter @metadata ?= Package.loadMetadata(@path) @bundledPackage = Package.isBundledPackagePath(@path) @name = @metadata?.name ? path.basename(@path) @displayName = @metadata?.displayName || @name ModuleCache.add(@path, @metadata) @reset() @declaresNewDatabaseObjects = false ### Section: Event Subscription ### # Essential: Invoke the given callback when all packages have been activated. # # * `callback` {Function} # # Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe. onDidDeactivate: (callback) -> @emitter.on 'did-deactivate', callback on: (eventName) -> switch eventName when 'deactivated' deprecate 'Use Package::onDidDeactivate instead' else deprecate 'Package::on is deprecated. Use event subscription methods instead.' EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments) ### Section: Instance Methods ### enable: -> NylasEnv.config.removeAtKeyPath('core.disabledPackages', @name) disable: -> NylasEnv.config.pushAtKeyPath('core.disabledPackages', @name) isTheme: -> @metadata?.theme? measure: (key, fn) -> startTime = value = fn() @[key] = - startTime value getType: -> 'nylas' getStyleSheetPriority: -> 0 load: -> @measure 'loadTime', => try @declaresNewDatabaseObjects = false @loadKeymaps() @loadMenus() @loadStylesheets() @settingsPromise = @loadSettings() if not @hasActivationCommands() mainModule = @requireMainModule() return unless mainModule @registerModelConstructors(mainModule.modelConstructors) @registerTaskConstructors(mainModule.taskConstructors) catch error console.warn "Failed to load package named '#{@name}'" console.warn error.stack ? error console.error(error.message, error) this registerModelConstructors: (constructors=[]) -> if constructors.length > 0 @declaresNewDatabaseObjects = true for constructor in constructors DatabaseObjectRegistry.register(constructor) registerTaskConstructors: (constructors=[]) -> for constructor in constructors TaskRegistry.register(constructor) reset: -> @stylesheets = [] @keymaps = [] @menus = [] @grammars = [] @settings = [] activate: -> @grammarsPromise ?= @loadGrammars() unless @activationDeferred? @activationDeferred = Q.defer() @measure 'activateTime', => @activateResources() if @hasActivationCommands() @subscribeToActivationCommands() else @activateNow() Q.all([@grammarsPromise, @settingsPromise, @activationDeferred.promise]) activateNow: -> try @activateConfig() @activateStylesheets() if @requireMainModule() @mainModule.activate(NylasEnv.packages.getPackageState(@name) ? {}, path.resolve(@path)) @mainActivated = true @activateServices() catch e console.log e.message console.log e.stack console.warn "Failed to activate package named '#{@name}'", e.stack @activationDeferred?.resolve() activateConfig: -> return if @configActivated @requireMainModule() if @mainModule? if @mainModule.config? and typeof @mainModule.config is 'object' NylasEnv.config.setSchema @name, {type: 'object', properties: @mainModule.config} else if @mainModule.configDefaults? and typeof @mainModule.configDefaults is 'object' NylasEnv.config.setDefaults(@name, @mainModule.configDefaults) @mainModule.activateConfig?() @configActivated = true activateStylesheets: -> return if @stylesheetsActivated @stylesheetDisposables = new CompositeDisposable priority = @getStyleSheetPriority() for [sourcePath, source] in @stylesheets if match = path.basename(sourcePath).match(/[^.]*\.([^.]*)\./) context = match[1] else if @metadata.theme is 'syntax' context = 'nylas-theme-wrap' else context = undefined @stylesheetDisposables.add(NylasEnv.styles.addStyleSheet(source, {sourcePath, priority, context})) @stylesheetsActivated = true activateResources: -> @activationDisposables = new CompositeDisposable @activationDisposables.add(NylasEnv.keymaps.add(keymapPath, map)) for [keymapPath, map] in @keymaps @activationDisposables.add(['menu'])) for [menuPath, map] in @menus when map['menu']? unless @grammarsActivated grammar.activate() for grammar in @grammars @grammarsActivated = true settings.activate() for settings in @settings @settingsActivated = true activateServices: -> for name, {versions} of @metadata.providedServices for version, methodName of versions @activationDisposables.add NylasEnv.packages.serviceHub.provide(name, version, @mainModule[methodName]()) for name, {versions} of @metadata.consumedServices for version, methodName of versions @activationDisposables.add NylasEnv.packages.serviceHub.consume(name, version, @mainModule[methodName].bind(@mainModule)) loadKeymaps: -> if @bundledPackage and packagesCache[@name]? @keymaps = (["#{NylasEnv.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}#{keymapPath}", keymapObject] for keymapPath, keymapObject of packagesCache[@name].keymaps) else @keymaps = @getKeymapPaths().map (keymapPath) -> [keymapPath, NylasEnv.keymaps.readKeymap(keymapPath) ? {}] loadMenus: -> if @bundledPackage and packagesCache[@name]? @menus = (["#{NylasEnv.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}#{menuPath}", menuObject] for menuPath, menuObject of packagesCache[@name].menus) else @menus = @getMenuPaths().map (menuPath) -> [menuPath, CSON.readFileSync(menuPath) ? {}] getKeymapPaths: -> keymapsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'keymaps') if @metadata.keymaps (name) -> fs.resolve(keymapsDirPath, name, ['json', 'cson', '']) else fs.listSync(keymapsDirPath, ['cson', 'json']) getMenuPaths: -> menusDirPath = path.join(@path, 'menus') if @metadata.menus (name) -> fs.resolve(menusDirPath, name, ['json', 'cson', '']) else fs.listSync(menusDirPath, ['cson', 'json']) loadStylesheets: -> @stylesheets = @getStylesheetPaths().map (stylesheetPath) -> [stylesheetPath, NylasEnv.themes.loadStylesheet(stylesheetPath, true)] getStylesheetsPath: -> if fs.isDirectorySync(path.join(@path, 'stylesheets')) deprecate("Store package style sheets in the `styles/` directory instead of `stylesheets/` in the `#{@name}` package", packageName: @name) path.join(@path, 'stylesheets') else path.join(@path, 'styles') getStylesheetPaths: -> stylesheetDirPath = @getStylesheetsPath() if @metadata.mainStyleSheet [fs.resolve(@path, @metadata.mainStyleSheet)] else if @metadata.styleSheets (name) -> fs.resolve(stylesheetDirPath, name, ['css', 'less', '']) else if indexStylesheet = fs.resolve(@path, 'index', ['css', 'less']) [indexStylesheet] else _.filter fs.listSync(stylesheetDirPath, ['css', 'less']), (file) -> path.basename(file)[0] isnt '.' loadGrammarsSync: -> return if @grammarsLoaded grammarsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'grammars') grammarPaths = fs.listSync(grammarsDirPath, ['json', 'cson']) for grammarPath in grammarPaths try grammar = NylasEnv.grammars.readGrammarSync(grammarPath) grammar.packageName = @name @grammars.push(grammar) grammar.activate() catch error console.warn("Failed to load grammar: #{grammarPath}", error.stack ? error) @grammarsLoaded = true @grammarsActivated = true loadGrammars: -> return Q() if @grammarsLoaded loadGrammar = (grammarPath, callback) => NylasEnv.grammars.readGrammar grammarPath, (error, grammar) => if error? console.warn("Failed to load grammar: #{grammarPath}", error.stack ? error) else grammar.packageName = @name @grammars.push(grammar) grammar.activate() if @grammarsActivated callback() deferred = Q.defer() grammarsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'grammars') fs.list grammarsDirPath, ['json', 'cson'], (error, grammarPaths=[]) -> async.each grammarPaths, loadGrammar, -> deferred.resolve() deferred.promise loadSettings: -> @settings = [] loadSettingsFile = (settingsPath, callback) => ScopedProperties.load settingsPath, (error, settings) => if error? console.warn("Failed to load package settings: #{settingsPath}", error.stack ? error) else @settings.push(settings) settings.activate() if @settingsActivated callback() deferred = Q.defer() if fs.isDirectorySync(path.join(@path, 'scoped-properties')) settingsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'scoped-properties') deprecate("Store package settings files in the `settings/` directory instead of `scoped-properties/`", packageName: @name) else settingsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'settings') fs.list settingsDirPath, ['json', 'cson'], (error, settingsPaths=[]) -> async.each settingsPaths, loadSettingsFile, -> deferred.resolve() deferred.promise serialize: -> if @mainActivated try @mainModule?.serialize?() catch e console.error "Error serializing package '#{@name}'", e.stack deactivate: -> @activationDeferred?.reject() @activationDeferred = null @activationCommandSubscriptions?.dispose() @deactivateResources() @deactivateConfig() if @mainActivated try @mainModule?.deactivate?() catch e console.error "Error deactivating package '#{@name}'", e.stack @emit 'deactivated' @emitter.emit 'did-deactivate' deactivateConfig: -> @mainModule?.deactivateConfig?() @configActivated = false deactivateResources: -> grammar.deactivate() for grammar in @grammars settings.deactivate() for settings in @settings @stylesheetDisposables?.dispose() @activationDisposables?.dispose() @stylesheetsActivated = false @grammarsActivated = false @settingsActivated = false reloadStylesheets: -> oldSheets = _.clone(@stylesheets) @loadStylesheets() @stylesheetDisposables?.dispose() @stylesheetDisposables = new CompositeDisposable @stylesheetsActivated = false @activateStylesheets() requireMainModule: -> return @mainModule if @mainModule? unless @isCompatible() console.warn """ Failed to require the main module of '#{@name}' because it requires an incompatible native module. Run `apm rebuild` in the package directory to resolve. """ return mainModulePath = @getMainModulePath() @mainModule = require(mainModulePath) if fs.isFileSync(mainModulePath) return @mainModule getMainModulePath: -> return @mainModulePath if @resolvedMainModulePath @resolvedMainModulePath = true if @bundledPackage and packagesCache[@name]? if packagesCache[@name].main @mainModulePath = "#{NylasEnv.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}#{packagesCache[@name].main}" @mainModulePath = fs.resolveExtension(@mainModulePath, ["", _.keys(require.extensions)...]) else @mainModulePath = null else mainModulePath = if @metadata.main path.join(@path, @metadata.main) else path.join(@path, 'index') @mainModulePath = fs.resolveExtension(mainModulePath, ["", _.keys(require.extensions)...]) hasActivationCommands: -> for selector, commands of @getActivationCommands() return true if commands.length > 0 false subscribeToActivationCommands: -> @activationCommandSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable for selector, commands of @getActivationCommands() for command in commands do (selector, command) => # Add dummy command so it appears in menu. # The real command will be registered on package activation @activationCommandSubscriptions.add NylasEnv.commands.add selector, command, -> @activationCommandSubscriptions.add NylasEnv.commands.onWillDispatch (event) => return unless event.type is command currentTarget = while currentTarget if currentTarget.webkitMatchesSelector(selector) @activationCommandSubscriptions.dispose() @activateNow() break currentTarget = currentTarget.parentElement getActivationCommands: -> return @activationCommands if @activationCommands? @activationCommands = {} if @metadata.activationCommands? for selector, commands of @metadata.activationCommands @activationCommands[selector] ?= [] if _.isString(commands) @activationCommands[selector].push(commands) else if _.isArray(commands) @activationCommands[selector].push(commands...) if @metadata.activationEvents? deprecate """ Use `activationCommands` instead of `activationEvents` in your package.json Commands should be grouped by selector as follows: ```json "activationCommands": { "nylas-workspace": ["foo:bar", "foo:baz"], "nylas-theme-wrap": ["foo:quux"] } ``` """ if _.isArray(@metadata.activationEvents) for eventName in @metadata.activationEvents @activationCommands['nylas-workspace'] ?= [] @activationCommands['nylas-workspace'].push(eventName) else if _.isString(@metadata.activationEvents) eventName = @metadata.activationEvents @activationCommands['nylas-workspace'] ?= [] @activationCommands['nylas-workspace'].push(eventName) else for eventName, selector of @metadata.activationEvents selector ?= 'nylas-workspace' @activationCommands[selector] ?= [] @activationCommands[selector].push(eventName) @activationCommands # Does the given module path contain native code? isNativeModule: (modulePath) -> try fs.listSync(path.join(modulePath, 'build', 'Release'), ['.node']).length > 0 catch error false # Get an array of all the native modules that this package depends on. # This will recurse through all dependencies. getNativeModuleDependencyPaths: -> nativeModulePaths = [] traversePath = (nodeModulesPath) => try for modulePath in fs.listSync(nodeModulesPath) nativeModulePaths.push(modulePath) if @isNativeModule(modulePath) traversePath(path.join(modulePath, 'node_modules')) traversePath(path.join(@path, 'node_modules')) nativeModulePaths # Get the incompatible native modules that this package depends on. # This recurses through all dependencies and requires all modules that # contain a `.node` file. # # This information is cached in local storage on a per package/version basis # to minimize the impact on startup time. getIncompatibleNativeModules: -> localStorageKey = "installed-packages:#{@name}:#{@metadata.version}" unless NylasEnv.inDevMode() try {incompatibleNativeModules} = JSON.parse(global.localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey)) ? {} return incompatibleNativeModules if incompatibleNativeModules? incompatibleNativeModules = [] for nativeModulePath in @getNativeModuleDependencyPaths() try require(nativeModulePath) catch error try version = require("#{nativeModulePath}/package.json").version incompatibleNativeModules.push path: nativeModulePath name: path.basename(nativeModulePath) version: version error: error.message global.localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify({incompatibleNativeModules})) incompatibleNativeModules # Public: Is this package compatible with this version of N1? # # Incompatible packages cannot be activated. This will include packages # installed to ~/.nylas/packages that were built against node 0.11.10 but # now need to be upgrade to node 0.11.13. # # Returns a {Boolean}, true if compatible, false if incompatible. isCompatible: -> return @compatible if @compatible? if @path.indexOf(path.join(NylasEnv.packages.resourcePath, 'node_modules') + path.sep) is 0 # Bundled packages are always considered compatible @compatible = true else if packageMain = @getMainModulePath() @incompatibleModules = @getIncompatibleNativeModules() @compatible = @incompatibleModules.length is 0 else @compatible = true