_ = require 'underscore' s3 = require 's3' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' request = require 'request' Promise = require 'bluebird' s3Client = null packageVersion = null fullVersion = null module.exports = (grunt) -> {cp, shouldPublishBuild, spawn, rm} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt) appName = -> grunt.config.get('nylasGruntConfig.appName') dmgName = -> "#{appName().split('.')[0]}.dmg" zipName = -> "#{appName().split('.')[0]}.zip" winReleasesName = -> "RELEASES" winSetupName = -> "Nylas N1Setup.exe" winNupkgName = -> "nylas-#{packageVersion}-full.nupkg" populateVersion = -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> json = require(path.join(grunt.config.get('nylasGruntConfig.appDir'), 'package.json')) cmd = 'git' args = ['rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'] spawn {cmd, args}, (error, {stdout}={}, code) -> return reject() if error commitHash = stdout?.trim?() packageVersion = json.version if packageVersion.indexOf('-') > 0 fullVersion = packageVersion else fullVersion = "#{packageVersion}-#{commitHash}" resolve() runEmailIntegrationTest = -> return Promise.resolve() unless process.platform is 'darwin' buildDir = grunt.config.get('nylasGruntConfig.buildDir') new Promise (resolve, reject) -> appToRun = path.join(buildDir, appName()) scriptToRun = "./build/run-build-and-send-screenshot.scpt" spawn cmd: "osascript" args: [scriptToRun, appToRun, fullVersion] , (error) -> if error reject(error) return resolve() postToSlack = (msg) -> return Promise.resolve() unless process.env.NYLAS_INTERNAL_HOOK_URL new Promise (resolve, reject) -> request.post url: process.env.NYLAS_INTERNAL_HOOK_URL json: username: "Edgehill Builds" text: msg , (err, httpResponse, body) -> return reject(err) if err resolve() put = (localSource, destName, options = {}) -> grunt.log.writeln ">> Uploading #{localSource} to S3…" write = grunt.log.writeln ext = path.extname(destName) lastPc = 0 params = Key: destName ACL: "public-read" Bucket: "edgehill" _.extend(params, options) new Promise (resolve, reject) -> uploader = s3Client.uploadFile localFile: localSource s3Params: params uploader.on "error", (err) -> reject(err) uploader.on "progress", -> pc = Math.round(uploader.progressAmount / uploader.progressTotal * 100.0) if pc isnt lastPc lastPc = pc write(">> Uploading #{destName} #{pc}%") uploader.on "end", (data) -> resolve(data) uploadToS3 = (filename, key) -> buildDir = grunt.config.get('nylasGruntConfig.buildDir') filepath = path.join(buildDir, filename) grunt.log.writeln ">> Uploading #{filename} to #{key}…" put(filepath, key).then (data) -> msg = "N1 release asset uploaded: <#{data.Location}|#{key}>" postToSlack(msg).then -> Promise.resolve(data) uploadZipToS3 = (filenameToZip, key) -> buildDir = grunt.config.get('nylasGruntConfig.buildDir') buildZipFilename = "#{filenameToZip}.zip" buildZipPath = path.join(buildDir, buildZipFilename) grunt.log.writeln ">> Creating zip file…" new Promise (resolve, reject) -> rm(buildZipPath) orig = process.cwd() process.chdir(buildDir) spawn cmd: "zip" args: ["-9", "-y", "-r", buildZipPath, filenameToZip] , (error) -> process.chdir(orig) if error reject(error) return grunt.log.writeln ">> Created #{buildZipPath}" uploadToS3(buildZipFilename, key).then(resolve).catch(reject) grunt.registerTask "publish-nylas-build", "Publish Nylas build", -> return false if not shouldPublishBuild() awsKey = process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ? "" awsSecret = process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ? "" if awsKey.length is 0 grunt.fail.fatal "Please set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable" if awsSecret.length is 0 grunt.fail.fatal "Please set the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable" s3Client = s3.createClient s3Options: accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID scretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY done = @async() populateVersion() .then -> if process.env.RUN_APPLE_SCRIPT_INTEGRATION runEmailIntegrationTest() else Promise.resolve() .then -> uploadPromises = [] if process.platform is 'darwin' uploadPromises.push uploadToS3(dmgName(), "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}/#{process.arch}/N1.dmg") uploadPromises.push uploadZipToS3(appName(), "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}/#{process.arch}/N1.zip") else if process.platform is 'win32' uploadPromises.push uploadToS3("installer/"+winReleasesName(), "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}/#{process.arch}/RELEASES") uploadPromises.push uploadToS3("installer/"+winSetupName(), "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}/#{process.arch}/N1Setup.exe") uploadPromises.push uploadToS3("installer/"+winNupkgName(), "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}/#{process.arch}/#{winNupkgName()}") else if process.platform is 'linux' buildDir = grunt.config.get('nylasGruntConfig.buildDir') files = fs.readdirSync(buildDir) for file in files if path.extname(file) is '.deb' uploadPromises.push uploadToS3(file, "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}-deb/#{process.arch}/N1.deb", {"ContentType": "application/x-deb"}) if path.extname(file) is '.rpm' uploadPromises.push uploadToS3(file, "#{fullVersion}/#{process.platform}-rpm/#{process.arch}/N1.rpm", {"ContentType": "application/x-rpm"}) else grunt.fail.fatal "Unsupported platform: '#{process.platform}'" Promise.all(uploadPromises).then(done).catch (err) -> grunt.log.error(err) return false