_ = require "underscore" React = require "react" ReactDOM = require 'react-dom' ReactTestUtils = require('react-dom/test-utils') {Actions, Utils, File, Contact, Message, Account, DraftStore, DatabaseStore, NylasTestUtils, AccountStore, ContactStore, FocusedContentStore, ComponentRegistry} = require "mailspring-exports" {InjectedComponent, AttachmentItem, ImageAttachmentItem, ParticipantsTextField} = require 'nylas-component-kit' DraftEditingSession = require('../../../src/flux/stores/draft-editing-session').default ComposerEditor = require('../lib/composer-editor').default Fields = require('../lib/fields').default u1 = new Contact(name: "Christine Spang", email: "spang@nylas.com") u2 = new Contact(name: "Michael Grinich", email: "mg@nylas.com") u3 = new Contact(name: "Evan Morikawa", email: "evan@nylas.com") u4 = new Contact(name: "Zoƫ Leiper", email: "zip@nylas.com") u5 = new Contact(name: "Ben Gotow", email: "ben@nylas.com") f1 = new File(id: 'file_1_id', filename: 'a.png', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, object: "file") f2 = new File(id: 'file_2_id', filename: 'b.pdf', contentType: '', size: 999999, object: "file") users = [u1, u2, u3, u4, u5] ComposerView = require("../lib/composer-view").default # This will setup the mocks necessary to make the composer element (once # mounted) think it's attached to the given draft. This mocks out the # proxy system used by the composer. DRAFT_ID = "local-123" DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID = "test-header@message-id" useDraft = (draftAttributes={}) -> @draft = new Message(Object.assign({id: DRAFT_ID, draft: true, body: "", headerMessageId: DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID}, draftAttributes)) @session = new DraftEditingSession(DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID, @draft) # spyOn().andCallFake wasn't working properly on ensureCorrectAccount for some reason @session.ensureCorrectAccount = => Promise.resolve(@session) DraftStore._draftSessions[DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID] = @session @session._draftPromise useFullDraft = -> useDraft.call @, from: [AccountStore.accounts()[0].me()] to: [u2] cc: [u3, u4] bcc: [u5] files: [f1, f2] subject: "Test Message 1" body: "Hello World
This is a test" replyToHeaderMessageId: null makeComposer = (props={}) -> @composer = NylasTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) advanceClock() describe "ComposerView", -> beforeEach -> ComposerEditor.containerRequired = false ComponentRegistry.register(ComposerEditor, role: "Composer:Editor") spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask') spyOn(Actions, 'queueTasks') spyOn(DraftStore, "isSendingDraft").andCallThrough() spyOn(DraftEditingSession.prototype, 'changeSetCommit').andCallFake (draft) => @draft = draft spyOn(ContactStore, "searchContacts").andCallFake (email) => return _.filter(users, (u) u.email.toLowerCase() is email.toLowerCase()) spyOn(Contact.prototype, "isValid").andCallFake (contact) -> return @email.indexOf('@') > 0 afterEach -> ComposerEditor.containerRequired = undefined ComponentRegistry.unregister(ComposerEditor) DraftStore._cleanupAllSessions() NylasTestUtils.removeFromDocument(@composer) describe "when sending a new message", -> it 'makes a request with the message contents', -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) editableNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@composer).querySelector('[contenteditable]') spyOn(@session.changes, "add") editableNode.innerHTML = "Hello world" @composer._els[Fields.Body]._onDOMMutated(["mutated"]) expect(@session.changes.add).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@session.changes.add.calls.length).toBe 1 body = @session.changes.add.calls[0].args[0].body expect(body).toBe "Hello world" ) describe "when sending a reply-to message", -> beforeEach -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, from: [u1] to: [u2] subject: "Test Reply Message 1" body: "" replyToHeaderMessageId: "1") .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) @editableNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@composer).querySelector('[contenteditable]') spyOn(@session.changes, "add") ) it 'begins with empty body', -> expect(@editableNode.innerHTML).toBe "" describe "when sending a forwarded message", -> beforeEach -> @fwdBody = """

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Evan Morikawa <evan@evanmorikawa.com>
Subject: Test Forward Message 1
Date: Sep 3 2015, at 12:14 pm
To: Evan Morikawa <evan@nylas.com>

This is a test!
""" sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, from: [u1] to: [u2] subject: "Fwd: Test Forward Message 1" body: @fwdBody) .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) @editableNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@composer).querySelector('[contenteditable]') spyOn(@session.changes, "add") ) it 'begins with the forwarded message expanded', -> expect(@editableNode.innerHTML).toBe @fwdBody it 'saves the full new body, plus forwarded text', -> @editableNode.innerHTML = "Hello world#{@fwdBody}" @composer._els[Fields.Body]._onDOMMutated(["mutated"]) expect(@session.changes.add).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@session.changes.add.calls.length).toBe 1 body = @session.changes.add.calls[0].args[0].body expect(body).toBe """Hello world#{@fwdBody}""" describe "When sending a message", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(AppEnv, "isMainWindow").andReturn true {remote} = require('electron') @dialog = remote.dialog spyOn(remote, "getCurrentWindow") spyOn(@dialog, "showMessageBox") spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft").andCallThrough() it "shows an error if there are no recipients", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, subject: "no recipients").then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe false expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.detail).toEqual("You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.") expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Edit Message', 'Cancel'] ) it "shows an error if a recipient is invalid", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, subject: 'hello world!' to: [new Contact(email: 'lol', name: 'lol')]) .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe false expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.detail).toEqual("lol is not a valid email address - please remove or edit it before sending.") expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Edit Message', 'Cancel'] ) describe "empty body warning", -> it "warns if the body of the email is still the pristine body", -> pristineBody = "

" sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, to: [u1] subject: "Hello World" body: pristineBody) .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) spyOn(@session, 'draftPristineBody').andCallFake -> pristineBody status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe false expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Send Anyway', 'Cancel'] ) it "does not warn if the body of the email is all quoted text, but the email is a forward", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, to: [u1] subject: "Fwd: Hello World" body: "

This is my quoted text!
") .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe true ) it "does not warn if the user has attached a file", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, to: [u1] subject: "Hello World" body: "" files: [f1]) .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe true expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() ) it "shows a warning if there's no subject", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, to: [u1], subject: "").then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe false expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Send Anyway', 'Cancel'] ) it "doesn't show a warning if requirements are satisfied", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useFullDraft.apply(@).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe true expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() ) describe "Checking for attachments", -> warn = (body) -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, subject: "Subject", to: [u1], body: body).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe false expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled() dialogArgs = @dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1] expect(dialogArgs.buttons).toEqual ['Send Anyway', 'Cancel'] ) noWarn = (body) -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, subject: "Subject", to: [u1], body: body).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe true expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() ) it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "Check out the attached file") it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "I've added an attachment") it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "I'm going to attach the file") it "warns", -> warn.call(@, "Hey attach me
") it "doesn't warn", -> noWarn.call(@, "sup yo") it "doesn't warn", -> noWarn.call(@, "Look at the file") it "doesn't warn", -> noWarn.call(@, "Hey there
") it "doesn't show a warning if you've attached a file", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, subject: "Subject" to: [u1] body: "Check out attached file" files: [f1]) .then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft() expect(status).toBe true expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() ) it "bypasses the warning if force bit is set", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, to: [u1], subject: "").then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) status = @composer._isValidDraft(force: true) expect(status).toBe true expect(@dialog.showMessageBox).not.toHaveBeenCalled() ) it "sends when you click the send button", -> sessionSetupComplete = false useFullDraft.apply(@).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) sendBtn = @composer._els.sendActionButton sendBtn.primarySend() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID, 'send') expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 # Delete the draft from _draftsSending so we can send it in other tests delete DraftStore._draftsSending[DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID] ) it "doesn't send twice if you double click", => sessionSetupComplete = false useFullDraft.apply(@).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) sendBtn = @composer._els.sendActionButton sendBtn.primarySend() sendBtn.primarySend() expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID, 'send') expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 # Delete the draft from _draftsSending so we can send it in other tests delete DraftStore._draftsSending[DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID] ) describe "when sending a message with keyboard inputs", -> beforeEach -> sessionSetupComplete = false useFullDraft.apply(@).then => makeComposer.call(@) @$composer = @composer._els.composerWrap sessionSetupComplete = true waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) afterEach -> # Delete the draft from _draftsSending so we can send it in other tests delete DraftStore._draftsSending[DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID] it "sends the draft on cmd-enter", -> ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@$composer).dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('composer:send-message')) expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID, 'send') expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 it "doesn't let you send twice", -> ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@$composer).dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('composer:send-message')) expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID, 'send') expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@$composer).dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('composer:send-message')) expect(Actions.sendDraft).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DRAFT_HEADER_MSG_ID, 'send') expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1 describe "drag and drop", -> beforeEach -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, to: [u1] subject: "Hello World" body: "" files: [f1]) .then( => makeComposer.call(@) sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) describe "_shouldAcceptDrop", -> it "should return true if the event is carrying native files", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[{'pretend':'imafile'}] types:['Files'] expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(true) it "should return true if the event is carrying a non-native file URL", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[] types:['text/uri-list'] spyOn(@composer, '_nonNativeFilePathForDrop').andReturn("file://one-file") expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(true) expect(@draft.files.length).toBe(1) it "should return false otherwise", -> event = dataTransfer: files:[] types:['text/plain'] expect(@composer._shouldAcceptDrop(event)).toBe(false) describe "_nonNativeFilePathForDrop", -> it "should return a path in the text/nylas-file-url data", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/nylas-file-url'] getData: -> "image/png:test.png:file:///Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe("/Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png") it "should return a path in the text/uri-list data", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/uri-list'] getData: -> "file:///Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe("/Users/bengotow/Desktop/test.png") it "should return null otherwise", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/plain'] getData: -> "Hello world" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe(null) it "should urldecode the contents of the text/uri-list field", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/uri-list'] getData: -> "file:///Users/bengotow/Desktop/Screen%20shot.png" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe("/Users/bengotow/Desktop/Screen shot.png") it "should return null if text/uri-list contains a non-file path", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/uri-list'] getData: -> "http://apple.com" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe(null) it "should return null if text/nylas-file-url contains a non-file path", -> event = dataTransfer: types: ['text/nylas-file-url'] getData: -> "application/json:filename.json:undefined" expect(@composer._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)).toBe(null) describe "A draft with files (attachments)", -> beforeEach -> @file1 = new File id: "f_1" filename: "f1.pdf" size: 1230 @file2 = new File id: "f_2" filename: "f2.jpg" size: 4560 @file3 = new File id: "f_3" filename: "f3.png" size: 7890 spyOn(Actions, "fetchFile") sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@, files: [@file1, @file2]).then( => makeComposer.call(@) sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) it 'starts fetching attached files', -> waitsFor -> Actions.fetchFile.callCount == 1 runs -> expect(Actions.fetchFile).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(Actions.fetchFile.calls.length).toBe(1) expect(Actions.fetchFile.calls[0].args[0]).toBe @file2 it 'renders a AttachmentItem for any present attachments', -> els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, AttachmentItem, {}) expect(els.length).toBe 1 expect(els[0].props.displayName).toEqual(@draft.files[0].filename) it 'renders an ImageAttachmentItem for any attachments that look like images', -> els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, ImageAttachmentItem, {}) expect(els.length).toBe 1 expect(els[0].props.displayName).toEqual(@draft.files[1].filename) describe "when a file is received (via drag and drop or paste)", -> beforeEach -> sessionSetupComplete = false useDraft.call(@).then( => sessionSetupComplete = true ) waitsFor(( => sessionSetupComplete), "The session's draft needs to be set", 500) runs( => makeComposer.call(@) @file = new File({size: 1000, filename: 'f.txt', id: 'f'}) spyOn(Actions, 'addAttachment').andCallFake ({filePath, messageId, onCreated}) => @draft.files.push(@file) onCreated(@file) spyOn(Actions, 'insertAttachmentIntoDraft') ) it "should call addAttachment with the path and id", -> @composer._onFileReceived('../../f.txt') expect(Actions.addAttachment.callCount).toBe(1) expect(Object.keys(Actions.addAttachment.calls[0].args[0])).toEqual([ 'filePath', 'headerMessageId', 'onCreated', ]) it "should call insertAttachmentIntoDraft if the file looks like an image", -> @file = new File({size: 1000, filename: 'f.txt', id: 'f'}) @composer._onFileReceived('../../f.txt') advanceClock() expect(Actions.insertAttachmentIntoDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(!!@file.contentId).not.toEqual(true) @file = new File({size: 1000, filename: 'f.png', id: 'g'}) expect(Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage(@file)).toBe(true) # sanity check @composer._onFileReceived('../../f.png') advanceClock() expect(Actions.insertAttachmentIntoDraft).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(!!@file.contentId).toEqual(true)