import { ComponentRegistry, WorkspaceStore } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { HasTutorialTip } from 'nylas-component-kit'; import ModeToggle from './mode-toggle'; const ToggleWithTutorialTip = HasTutorialTip(ModeToggle, { title: 'Compose with context', instructions: 'Mailspring shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. See LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more.', }); // NOTE: this is a hack to allow ComponentRegistry // to register the same component multiple times in // different areas. if we do this more than once, let's // dry this out. class ToggleWithTutorialTipList extends ToggleWithTutorialTip { static displayName = 'ModeToggleList'; } export function activate() { ComponentRegistry.register(ToggleWithTutorialTipList, { location: WorkspaceStore.Sheet.Thread.Toolbar.Right, modes: ['list'], }); ComponentRegistry.register(ToggleWithTutorialTip, { location: WorkspaceStore.Sheet.Threads.Toolbar.Right, modes: ['split'], }); } export function deactivate() { ComponentRegistry.unregister(ToggleWithTutorialTip); ComponentRegistry.unregister(ToggleWithTutorialTipList); }