fs = require 'fs-plus' path = require 'path' KeymapManager = require 'atom-keymap' CSON = require 'season' {jQuery} = require 'space-pen' Grim = require 'grim' bundledKeymaps = require('../package.json')?._atomKeymaps KeymapManager::onDidLoadBundledKeymaps = (callback) -> @emitter.on 'did-load-bundled-keymaps', callback KeymapManager::loadBundledKeymaps = -> keymapsPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'keymaps') if bundledKeymaps? for keymapName, keymap of bundledKeymaps keymapPath = path.join(keymapsPath, keymapName) @add(keymapPath, keymap) else @loadKeymap(keymapsPath) @emit 'bundled-keymaps-loaded' if Grim.includeDeprecatedAPIs @emitter.emit 'did-load-bundled-keymaps' KeymapManager::getUserKeymapPath = -> if userKeymapPath = CSON.resolve(path.join(@configDirPath, 'keymap')) userKeymapPath else path.join(@configDirPath, 'keymap.cson') KeymapManager::loadUserKeymap = -> userKeymapPath = @getUserKeymapPath() return unless fs.isFileSync(userKeymapPath) try @loadKeymap(userKeymapPath, watch: true, suppressErrors: true) catch error if error.message.indexOf('Unable to watch path') > -1 message = """ Unable to watch path: `#{path.basename(userKeymapPath)}`. Make sure you have permission to read `#{userKeymapPath}`. On linux there are currently problems with watch sizes. See [this document][watches] for more info. [watches]:https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/docs/build-instructions/linux.md#typeerror-unable-to-watch-path """ atom.notifications.addError(message, {dismissable: true}) else detail = error.path stack = error.stack atom.notifications.addFatalError(error.message, {detail, stack, dismissable: true}) KeymapManager::subscribeToFileReadFailure = -> @onDidFailToReadFile (error) => userKeymapPath = @getUserKeymapPath() message = "Failed to load `#{userKeymapPath}`" detail = if error.location? error.stack else error.message atom.notifications.addError(message, {detail, dismissable: true}) # This enables command handlers registered via jQuery to call # `.abortKeyBinding()` on the `jQuery.Event` object passed to the handler. jQuery.Event::abortKeyBinding = -> @originalEvent?.abortKeyBinding?() module.exports = KeymapManager