import temp from 'temp'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import { execSync } from 'child_process'; import ini from 'ini'; const Context = { ACTIONS: 'actions', ANIMATIONS: 'animations', APPLICATIONS: 'applications', CATEGORIES: 'categories', DEVICES: 'devices', EMBLEMS: 'emblems', EMOTES: 'emotes', INTERNATIONAL: 'international', MIMETYPES: 'mimetypes', PANEL: 'panel', PLACES: 'places', STATUS: 'status', }; const HOME = os.homedir(); const ICON_THEME_PATHS = [ path.join(HOME, '.local/share/icons'), path.join(HOME, '.icons'), '/usr/share/icons', '/usr/local/share/icons', ]; const DESKTOP = process.env.XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP; const ICON_EXTENSION = ['.png', '.svg']; /** * Create a gsettings command string for icons themes * * @returns {string} command * @private */ function __getGsettingsIconThemeCMD(): string { const path = __getDesktopSettingsPath(); const key = 'icon-theme'; return path != null ? `gsettings get ${path} ${key}` : null; } /** * Create a gsettings command string for themes * * @returns {string} command * @private */ function __getGsettingsGtkThemeCMD(): string { const path = __getDesktopSettingsPath(); const key = 'gtk-theme'; return path != null ? `gsettings ${path} ${key}` : null; } /** * Returns the path for the gsettings command. Currently only GNOME and MATE are supported * * @returns {*} * @private */ function __getDesktopSettingsPath(): string { switch (DESKTOP) { case 'MATE': return 'org.mate.interface'; case 'GNOME': case 'Budgie:GNOME': return 'org.gnome.desktop.interface'; default: return null; } } /** * Execute a command and return the string result * * @param {string} cmd to execute * @returns {string} result of the command * @private */ function __exec(cmd: string): string { try { return cmd == null ? null : execSync(cmd) .toString() .trim() .replace(/'/g, ''); } catch (error) { console.warn(error); return null; } } /** * Get the current icon theme * * @returns {string} name of the icon */ function getIconThemeName(): string { return __exec(__getGsettingsIconThemeCMD()); } /** * Get the current GTK theme * * @returns {string} name of the theme */ function getThemeName(): string { return __exec(__getGsettingsGtkThemeCMD()); } /** * Parse the icon themes index.theme file * * @param {string} themePath path to the themes root * @returns {object} parsed ini file * @private */ function __parseIconTheme(themePath: string): object { const themeIndex = path.join(themePath, 'index.theme'); if (fs.existsSync(themeIndex)) { return ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(themeIndex, 'utf-8')); } return null; } /** * Find the path to the icon theme and parse it * * @param {string} themeName to parse * @returns {IconTheme} containing the parsed index.theme file and path to the theme */ function getIconTheme(themeName): IconTheme { if (themeName != null) { for (const themesPath of ICON_THEME_PATHS) { const themePath = path.join(themesPath, themeName); const parsed = __parseIconTheme(themePath); if (parsed != null) { return { themePath: themePath, data: parsed, }; } } } return null; } type IconTheme = { themePath: string; data: object; }; /** * Get all possible icon paths * * @param {IconTheme} theme data * @param {string} iconName name of the icon * @param {number} size of the icon * @param {string|string[]} contexts of the icon * @param {1|2} [scale=1] of the icon * @returns {string[]} with all possibilities of the icon in one theme * @private */ function __getAllIconPaths( theme: IconTheme, iconName: string, size: number, contexts: string | string[], scale: 1 | 2 = 1 ): string[] { const icons = []; if (!(contexts instanceof Array)) { contexts = [contexts]; } for (const [sectionName, section] of Object.entries( { if (sectionName !== 'Icon Theme') { const _context = (section.Context || '').toLowerCase(); const _size = parseInt(section.Size, 10); const _minSize = parseInt(section.MinSize || section.Size, 10); const _maxSize = parseInt(section.MaxSize || section.Size, 10); const _scale = parseInt(section.Scale || 1, 10); if ( contexts.indexOf(_context) > -1 && (_size === size || (_minSize <= size && size <= _maxSize)) && (scale == null || scale === _scale) ) { const iconDir = path.join(theme.themePath, sectionName); for (const extension of ICON_EXTENSION) { const iconPath = path.join(iconDir, iconName + extension); if (fs.existsSync(iconPath)) { icons.push(iconPath); } } } } } return icons; } /** * Get the icon from a theme * * @param {IconTheme} theme name * @param {string} iconName name of the icon * @param {number} size of the icon * @param {string|string[]} contexts to search in * @param {1|2} [scale=1] of the icon * @returns {string} path to the icon or null */ function getIconFromTheme( theme: IconTheme, iconName: string, size: number, contexts: string | string[], scale: 1 | 2 = 1 ) { const icons = __getAllIconPaths(theme, iconName, size, contexts, scale); for (let path of icons) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { return fs.realpathSync(path); } } return null; } /** * Get the absolute path to the icon. If the icon is not found in the theme itself, the inherited * themes will be searched * * @param {string} iconName to search for * @param {number} size of the icon * @param {array|string} context the icons context * @param {1|2} [scale=1] 1 = normal, 2 = HiDPI version * @returns {string} absolute path of the icon */ function getIconPath(iconName: string, size: number, context: string | string[], scale: 1 | 2 = 1) { let defaultTheme = getIconTheme(getIconThemeName()); if (defaultTheme != null) { let inherits =['Icon Theme']['Inherits'].split(','); let icon = getIconFromTheme(defaultTheme, iconName, size, context, scale); if (icon !== null) { return icon; } // in case the icon was not found in the theme, we search the inherited themes for (let key of inherits) { let inheritsTheme = getIconTheme(inherits[key]); icon = getIconFromTheme(inheritsTheme, iconName, size, context); if (icon !== null) { return icon; } } } return null; } /** * Return an icon from the current icon theme * * @param {string} iconName name of the icon you want to search for (i.e. mailspring) * @param {number} [size=22] size of the icon, if no exact size is found, the next possible one will be chosen * @param {array|string} [context=Context.APPLICATIONS] icon context to search in, defaults to APPLICATIONS * @param {number} [scale=2] icon scale, defaults to HiDPI version * @returns {string} path to the icon */ function getIcon( iconName, size = 22, context: string | string[] = [Context.APPLICATIONS], scale: 1 | 2 = 2 ) { if (process.platform !== 'linux') { throw Error('getIcon only works on linux'); } return getIconPath(iconName, size, context, scale); } /** * Convert any icon to a png using ImageMagick. If ImageMagick is not present the icon cannot be * converted. * * @param {string} iconName to name the tmp file * @param {string} iconPath to the original icon to be converted * @returns {string} path to the converted tmp file */ function convertToPNG(iconName: string, iconPath: string) { try { const version = execSync('convert --version') .toString() .trim(); if (!version) { console.warn('Cannot find ImageMagick'); return null; } const tmpFile = temp.openSync({ prefix: iconName, suffix: '.png' }); execSync(`convert ${iconPath} -transparent white ${tmpFile.path}`); return tmpFile.path; } catch (error) { console.warn(error); } return null; } export { convertToPNG, getIcon, getIconThemeName, getThemeName, Context };