import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react' import {RetinaImg, Flexbox} from 'nylas-component-kit' import {Actions, FileDownloadStore} from 'nylas-exports' class AttachmentComponent extends Component { static displayName = 'AttachmentComponent'; static propTypes = { file: PropTypes.object.isRequired, download: PropTypes.object, removable: PropTypes.bool, targetPath: PropTypes.string, messageClientId: PropTypes.string, }; constructor() { super() this.state = {progressPercent: 0} } static containerRequired = false; _isDownloading() { const {download} = this.props const state = download ? download.state : null return state === 'downloading' } _canClickToView() { return !this.props.removable } _canAbortDownload() { return true } _downloadProgressStyle() { const {download} = this.props const percent = download ? download.percent || 0 : 0; return { width: `${percent}%`, } } _onDragStart = (event) => { const {file} = this.props const filePath = FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file) if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { // Note: From trial and error, it appears that the second param /MUST/ be the // same as the last component of the filePath URL, or the download fails. const DownloadURL = `${file.contentType}:${path.basename(filePath)}:file://${filePath}` event.dataTransfer.setData("DownloadURL", DownloadURL) event.dataTransfer.setData("text/nylas-file-url", DownloadURL) } else { event.preventDefault() } }; _onClickView = () => { if (this._canClickToView()) { Actions.fetchAndOpenFile(this.props.file) } }; _onClickRemove = (event) => { Actions.removeFile({ file: this.props.file, messageClientId: this.props.messageClientId, }) event.stopPropagation() // Prevent 'onClickView' }; _onClickDownload = (event) => { Actions.fetchAndSaveFile(this.props.file) event.stopPropagation() // Prevent 'onClickView' }; _onClickAbort = (event) => { Actions.abortFetchFile(this.props.file) event.stopPropagation() // Prevent 'onClickView' }; _renderRemoveIcon() { return ( ) } _renderDownloadButton() { return ( ) } _renderFileActionIcon() { if (this.props.removable) { return (
) } else if (this._isDownloading() && this._canAbortDownload()) { return (
) } return (
) } render() { const {file, download} = this.props; const downloadState = download ? download.state || "" : ""; return (
{file.displayName()} {file.displayFileSize()}
) } } export default AttachmentComponent