fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.registerTask 'generate-license', 'Generate the license, including the licenses of all dependencies', (mode) -> legalEagle = require 'legal-eagle' done = @async() options = path: process.cwd() overrides: require './license-overrides' legalEagle options, (err, dependencyLicenses) -> if err? console.error(err) exit 1 licenseText = getLicenseText(dependencyLicenses) if mode is 'save' targetPath = path.join(grunt.config.get('atom.appDir'), 'LICENSE.md') fs.writeFileSync(targetPath, licenseText) else console.log licenseText done() getLicenseText = (dependencyLicenses) -> {keys} = require 'underscore-plus' text = """ #{fs.readFileSync('LICENSE.md', 'utf8')} This application bundles the following third-party packages in accordance with the following licenses:\n\n """ names = keys(dependencyLicenses).sort() for name in names {license, source, sourceText} = dependencyLicenses[name] text += "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" text += "Package: #{name}\n" text += "License: #{license}\n" text += "License Source: #{source}\n" if source? if sourceText? text += "Source Text:\n\n" text += sourceText text += '\n' text