_ = require 'underscore-plus'
React = require 'react'
ipc = require 'ipc'
{NamespaceStore, DatabaseStore, Message, ComponentRegistry} = require('inbox-exports')
NewComposeButton = require('./new-compose-button')
ComposerView = require('./composer-view')
module.exports =
item: null # The DOM item the main React component renders into
activate: (@state={}) ->
# Register our composer as the app-wide Composer
name: 'Composer'
view: ComposerView
if atom.state.mode is 'editor'
if @item? then return # Activate once
@item = document.createElement("div")
@item.setAttribute("id", "composer-full-window")
@item.setAttribute("class", "composer-full-window")
# Wait for the remaining state to be passed into the window
# from our parent. We need to wait for state because the windows are
# preloaded so they open instantly, so we don't have data initially
ipc.on 'composer-state', (optionsJSON) =>
options = JSON.parse(optionsJSON)
@_createDraft(options).then (draftLocalId) =>
React.render(, @item)
.catch (error) -> console.error(error)
deactivate: ->
if atom.state.mode is 'composer'
@item = null
@new_compose_button = null
serialize: -> @state
# This logic used to be in the DraftStore (which is where it should be). It
# got moved here becaues of an obscure atom-shell/Chrome bug whereby database
# requests firing right before the new-window loaded would cause the
# new-window to load with about:blank instead of its contents. By moving the
# DB logic here, we can get around this.
_createDraft: ({draftLocalId, draftInitialJSON}) ->
# The NamespaceStore isn't set yet in the new window, populate it first.
NamespaceStore.populateItems().then ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
if draftLocalId?
# Create a new draft
draft = new Message
from: [NamespaceStore.current().me()]
date: (new Date)
draft: true
namespaceId: NamespaceStore.current().id
# If initial JSON was provided, apply it to the new model.
# This is used to apply the values in mailto: links to new drafts
if draftInitialJSON
DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then ->
_activateComposeButton: ->
unless @new_compose_button?
@new_compose_button = document.createElement("div")
@new_compose_button.setAttribute("id", "new-compose-button")
@new_compose_button.setAttribute("class", "new-compose-button")
atom.workspace.addColumnItem(@new_compose_button, "left-sidebar")
React.render(, @new_compose_button)