window.eval = global.eval = function () { throw new Error('Sorry, N1 does not support window.eval() for security reasons.'); }; var util = null; console.inspect = function consoleInspect(val) { util = util || require('util'); console.log(util.inspect(val, true, 7, true)); }; function setLoadTime(loadTime) { if (global.AppEnv) { global.AppEnv.loadTime = loadTime; if (AppEnv.inSpecMode()) return; console.log('Window load time: ' + global.AppEnv.getWindowLoadTime() + 'ms'); } } function handleSetupError(error) { var currentWindow = require('@electron/remote').getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow.setSize(800, 600);;; currentWindow.openDevTools(); console.error(error.stack || error); } function copyEnvFromMainProcess() { const newEnv = Object.assign({}, process.env, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(require('@electron/remote').process.env))); process.env = newEnv; } function setupWindow(loadSettings) { if (process.platform === 'linux') { // This will properly inherit process.env from the main process, which it doesn't // do by default on Linux. See: copyEnvFromMainProcess(); } var CompileCache = require('../src/compile-cache'); CompileCache.setHomeDirectory(loadSettings.configDirPath); setupVmCompatibility(); require(loadSettings.bootstrapScript); } function setupVmCompatibility() { var vm = require('vm'); if (!vm.Script.createContext) { vm.Script.createContext = vm.createContext; } } window.onload = function () { try { var startTime =; // Skip "?loadSettings=". var rawLoadSettings = decodeURIComponent(; var loadSettings; try { loadSettings = JSON.parse(rawLoadSettings); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to parse load settings: ' + rawLoadSettings); throw error; } // Normalize to make sure drive letter case is consistent on Windows var path = require('path'); process.resourcesPath = path.normalize(process.resourcesPath); setupWindow(loadSettings); setLoadTime( - startTime); } catch (error) { handleSetupError(error); } };