path = require 'path' cjsxtransform = require 'coffee-react-transform' rimraf = require 'rimraf' fs = require 'fs-plus' _ = require 'underscore' donna = require 'donna' tello = require 'tello' module.exports = (grunt) -> {cp, mkdir, rm} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt) getClassesToInclude = -> modulesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'internal_packages') classes = {} fs.traverseTreeSync modulesPath, (modulePath) -> # Don't traverse inside dependencies return false if modulePath.match(/node_modules/g) # Don't traverse blacklisted packages (that have docs, but we don't want to include) return true unless path.basename(modulePath) is 'package.json' return true unless fs.isFileSync(modulePath) apiPath = path.join(path.dirname(modulePath), 'api.json') if fs.isFileSync(apiPath) _.extend(classes, grunt.file.readJSON(apiPath).classes) true classes sortClasses = (classes) -> sortedClasses = {} for className in Object.keys(classes).sort() sortedClasses[className] = classes[className] sortedClasses processFields = (json, fields = [], tasks = []) -> if json instanceof Array for val in json processFields(val, fields, tasks) else for key, val of json if key in fields for task in tasks val = task(val) json[key] = val if _.isObject(val) processFields(val, fields, tasks) grunt.registerTask 'build-docs', 'Builds the API docs in src', -> done = @async() # Convert CJSX into coffeescript that can be read by Donna docsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('docsOutputDir') cjsxOutputDir = path.join(docsOutputDir, 'temp-cjsx') rimraf cjsxOutputDir, -> fs.mkdir(cjsxOutputDir) srcPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'src') fs.traverseTreeSync srcPath, (file) -> if path.extname(file) is '.cjsx' transformed = cjsxtransform( # Only attempt to parse this file as documentation if it contains # real Coffeescript classes. if transformed.indexOf('\nclass ') > 0 grunt.file.write(path.join(cjsxOutputDir, path.basename(file)[0..-5]+'coffee'), transformed) true # Process coffeescript source metadata = donna.generateMetadata(['.', cjsxOutputDir]) console.log('---- Done with Donna ----') try api = tello.digest(metadata) catch e console.log(e.stack) console.log('---- Done with Tello ----') _.extend(api.classes, getClassesToInclude()) api.classes = sortClasses(api.classes) apiJson = JSON.stringify(api, null, 2) apiJsonPath = path.join(docsOutputDir, 'api.json') grunt.file.write(apiJsonPath, apiJson) done()