const { Actions, AccountStore, React, PropTypes, WorkspaceStore } = require('mailspring-exports');
const { RetinaImg, KeyCommandsRegion } = require('mailspring-component-kit');
const LabelPickerPopover = require('./label-picker-popover').default;
// This changes the category on one or more threads.
class LabelPicker extends React.Component {
static displayName = 'LabelPicker';
static containerRequired = false;
static propTypes = { items: PropTypes.array };
static contextTypes = { sheetDepth: PropTypes.number };
constructor(props) {
this._account = AccountStore.accountForItems(this.props.items);
// If the threads we're picking categories for change, (like when they
// get their categories updated), we expect our parents to pass us new
// props. We don't listen to the DatabaseStore ourselves.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
return (this._account = AccountStore.accountForItems(nextProps.items));
_keymapHandlers() {
return { 'core:change-labels': this._onOpenCategoryPopover };
_onOpenCategoryPopover = () => {
if (!(this.props.items.length > 0)) {
if (this.context.sheetDepth !== WorkspaceStore.sheetStack().length - 1) {
const buttonRect = this._buttonEl.getBoundingClientRect();
Actions.openPopover(, {
originRect: buttonRect,
direction: 'down',
render() {
if (!this._account) {
return ;
if (!this._account.usesLabels()) {
return ;
const btnClasses = 'btn btn-toolbar btn-category-picker';
return (
module.exports = LabelPicker;