import { AccountStore, CategoryStore, Thread, Actions, Folder } from 'mailspring-exports'; import * as SnoozeUtils from '../lib/snooze-utils'; import SnoozeStore from '../lib/snooze-store'; xdescribe('SnoozeStore', function snoozeStore() { beforeEach(() => { = new SnoozeStore('plug-id', 'plug-name'); = 'Snooze folder'; this.accounts = [{ id: 123 }, { id: 321 }]; this.snoozeCatsByAccount = { 123: new Folder({ accountId: 123, displayName:, id: 'sn-1' }), 321: new Folder({ accountId: 321, displayName:, id: 'sn-2' }), }; this.inboxCatsByAccount = { 123: new Folder({ accountId: 123, name: 'inbox', id: 'in-1' }), 321: new Folder({ accountId: 321, name: 'inbox', id: 'in-2' }), }; this.threads = [ new Thread({ accountId: 123, id: 's-1' }), new Thread({ accountId: 123, id: 's-2' }), new Thread({ accountId: 321, id: 's-3' }), ]; this.updatedThreadsByAccountId = { 123: { threads: [this.threads[0], this.threads[1]], snoozeCategoryId: 'sn-1', returnCategoryId: 'in-1', }, 321: { threads: [this.threads[2]], snoozeCategoryId: 'sn-2', returnCategoryId: 'in-2', }, }; = Promise.resolve(); spyOn(, 'recordSnoozeEvent'); spyOn(, 'groupUpdatedThreads').andReturn( Promise.resolve(this.updatedThreadsByAccountId) ); spyOn(AccountStore, 'accountsForItems').andReturn(this.accounts); spyOn(SnoozeUtils, 'moveThreads'); spyOn(Actions, 'closePopover'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'reportError'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'showErrorDialog'); }); describe('groupUpdatedThreads', () => { it('groups the threads correctly by account id, with their snooze and inbox categories', () => { spyOn(CategoryStore, 'getInboxCategory').andCallFake(accId => this.inboxCatsByAccount[accId]); waitsForPromise(() => { return .groupUpdatedThreads(this.threads, this.snoozeCatsByAccount) .then(result => { expect(result['123']).toEqual({ threads: [this.threads[0], this.threads[1]], snoozeCategoryId: 'sn-1', returnCategoryId: 'in-1', }); expect(result['321']).toEqual({ threads: [this.threads[2]], snoozeCategoryId: 'sn-2', returnCategoryId: 'in-2', }); }); }); }); }); describe('onSnoozeThreads', () => { it('calls Actions.queueTask with the correct metadata', () => { waitsForPromise(() => { return, 'date', 'label').then(() => { expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled(); const task1 = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0]; expect(task1.pluginId).toEqual('plug-id'); expect(task1.modelId).toEqual(this.updatedThreadsByAccountId['123'].threads[0].id); expect(task1.value).toEqual({ snoozeDate: 'date', snoozeCategoryId: 'sn-1', returnCategoryId: 'in-1', }); const task2 = Actions.queueTask.calls[1].args[0]; expect(task2.pluginId).toEqual('plug-id'); expect(task2.modelId).toEqual(this.updatedThreadsByAccountId['321'].threads[0].id); expect(task2.value).toEqual({ snoozeDate: 'date', snoozeCategoryId: 'sn-2', returnCategoryId: 'in-2', }); }); }); }); it('displays dialog on error', () => { jasmine.unspy(SnoozeUtils, 'moveThreads'); spyOn(SnoozeUtils, 'moveThreads').andReturn(Promise.reject(new Error('Oh no!'))); waitsForPromise(async () => { try { await, 'date', 'label'); } catch (err) { // } expect(SnoozeUtils.moveThreads).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(AppEnv.reportError).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(AppEnv.showErrorDialog).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });