Utils = require './utils'
SimpleMDE = require 'simplemde'
{React, ReactDOM, QuotedHTMLTransformer} = require 'nylas-exports'
# Keep a file-scope variable containing the contents of the markdown stylesheet.
# This will be embedded in the markdown preview iFrame, as well as the email body.
# The stylesheet is loaded when a preview component is first mounted.
markdownStylesheet = null
splitContents = (contents) ->
quoteStart = contents.search(/(
@mde = new SimpleMDE(
element: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.textarea),
hideIcons: ['fullscreen', 'side-by-side']
showIcons: ['code', 'table']
@mde.codemirror.on("change", @_onBodyChanged)
@mde.codemirror.on("keydown", @_onKeyDown)
componentDidUpdate: (prevProps) =>
wasEmpty = prevProps.body.length is 0
if @props.body isnt prevProps.body and @props.body isnt @currentBodyInDOM()
if wasEmpty
focus: =>
focusAbsoluteEnd: =>
setCurrentBodyInDOM: =>
[editable, uneditable] = splitContents(@props.body)
uneditableEl = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.uneditable)
uneditableEl.innerHTML = uneditable
uneditableNoticeEl = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.uneditableNotice)
if Utils.getTextFromHtml(uneditable).length > 0
uneditableNoticeEl.style.display = 'block'
uneditableNoticeEl.style.display = 'none'
currentBodyInDOM: =>
uneditableEl = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.uneditable)
return @mde.value() + uneditableEl.innerHTML
getCurrentSelection: ->
getPreviousSelection: ->
setSelection: ->
_onDOMMutated: ->
_onBodyChanged: =>
setImmediate =>
value = @currentBodyInDOM()
@props.onBodyChanged({target: {value}})
_onKeyDown: (codemirror, e)=>
if e.key is 'Tab' and e.shiftKey is true
position = codemirror.cursorCoords(true, 'local')
isAtBeginning = position.top <= 5 and position.left <= 5
if isAtBeginning
# TODO i'm /really/ sorry
# Subject is at position 2 within the tab group, the focused text area
# in this component is at position 17, so that's why we shift back 15
# positions.
# This will break if the dom elements between here and the subject ever
# change
e.codemirrorIgnore = true
render: ->
# TODO sorry
# Add style tag to disable incompatible plugins
The markdown editor does not support editing signatures or quoted text. Content below will be included in your message.
module.exports = MarkdownEditor