import { Contact, Message, Thread, Folder, CategoryStore, DatabaseStore, AccountStore, SoundRegistry, NativeNotifications, } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { Notifier } from '../lib/main'; describe('UnreadNotifications', function UnreadNotifications() { beforeEach(() => { this.notifier = new Notifier(); const inbox = new Folder({ id: 'l1', role: 'inbox', path: 'Inbox' }); const archive = new Folder({ id: 'l2', role: 'archive', path: 'Archive' }); spyOn(CategoryStore, 'getCategoryByRole').andReturn(inbox); const account = AccountStore.accounts()[0]; this.threadA = new Thread({ id: 'A', accountId: 'a', folders: [inbox], }); this.threadB = new Thread({ id: 'B', accountId: 'a', folders: [archive], }); this.msg1 = new Message({ id: '1', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Ben', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msgNoSender = new Message({ id: 'no', unread: true, date: new Date(), from: [], accountId: 'a', subject: 'Hello World', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msg2 = new Message({ id: '2', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Mark', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World 2', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msg3 = new Message({ id: '3', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Ben', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World 3', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msg4 = new Message({ id: '4', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Ben', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World 4', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msg5 = new Message({ id: '5', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Ben', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World 5', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msgUnreadButArchived = new Message({ id: 'uba', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Mark', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World 2', threadId: 'B', version: 1, }); this.msgRead = new Message({ id: 'read', unread: false, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Mark', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World Read Already', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msgOld = new Message({ id: 'old', unread: true, date: new Date(2000, 1, 1), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Mark', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World Old', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msgFromMeSameAccount = new Message({ id: 'from-me', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId:, from: [], subject: 'A Sent Mail!', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msgFromMeDiffAccount = new Message({ id: 'from-me-diff', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'other', from: [], subject: 'A Sent Mail!', threadId: 'A', version: 1, }); this.msgHigherVersion = new Message({ id: 'hv', unread: true, date: new Date(), accountId: 'a', from: [new Contact({ name: 'Ben', email: '' })], subject: 'Hello World', threadId: 'A', version: 2, }); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'find').andCallFake((klass, id) => { if (id === 'A') { return Promise.resolve(this.threadA); } if (id === 'B') { return Promise.resolve(this.threadB); } return Promise.resolve(null); }); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findAll').andCallFake(() => { return Promise.resolve([this.threadA, this.threadB]); }); this.notification = jasmine.createSpyObj('notification', ['close']); spyOn(NativeNotifications, 'displayNotification').andReturn(this.notification); spyOn(Promise, 'props').andCallFake(dict => { const dictOut = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(dict)) { const val = dict[key]; if (val.value !== undefined) { dictOut[key] = val.value(); } else { dictOut[key] = val; } } return Promise.resolve(dictOut); }); }); afterEach(() => { this.notifier.unlisten(); }); it('should create a Notification if there is one unread message', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgRead, this.msg1], }); advanceClock(2000); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); const options = NativeNotifications.displayNotification.mostRecentCall.args[0]; delete options.onActivate; expect(options).toEqual({ title: 'Ben', subtitle: 'Hello World', body: undefined, canReply: true, tag: 'unread-update', }); }); }); it('should create multiple Notifications if there is more than one but less than five unread messages', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1, this.msg2, this.msg3], }); // Need to call advance clock twice because we call setTimeout twice advanceClock(2000); advanceClock(2000); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification.callCount).toEqual(3); }); }); it('should create Notifications in the order of messages received', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1, this.msg2], }); advanceClock(2000); await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg3, this.msg4], }); advanceClock(2000); advanceClock(2000); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification.callCount).toEqual(4); const subjects = => { return call.args[0].subtitle; }); const expected = [this.msg1, this.msg2, this.msg3, this.msg4].map(msg => msg.subject); expect(subjects).toEqual(expected); }); }); it('should create a Notification if there are five or more unread messages', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1, this.msg2, this.msg3, this.msg4, this.msg5], }); advanceClock(2000); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); const [{ title, tag }] = NativeNotifications.displayNotification.mostRecentCall.args; expect({ title, tag }).toEqual({ title: '5 Unread Messages', tag: 'unread-update', }); }); }); it('should create a Notification correctly, even if new mail has no sender', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgNoSender], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); const options = NativeNotifications.displayNotification.mostRecentCall.args[0]; delete options.onActivate; expect(options).toEqual({ title: 'Unknown', subtitle: 'Hello World', body: undefined, canReply: true, tag: 'unread-update', }); }); }); it('should not create a Notification if there are no new messages', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({}); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not notify about unread messages that are outside the inbox', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgUnreadButArchived, this.msg1], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); const options = NativeNotifications.displayNotification.mostRecentCall.args[0]; delete options.onActivate; expect(options).toEqual({ title: 'Ben', subtitle: 'Hello World', body: undefined, canReply: true, tag: 'unread-update', }); }); }); it('should not create a Notification if the new messages are read', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgRead], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not create a Notification if the message model is being updated', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgHigherVersion], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not create a Notification if the new messages are actually old ones', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgOld], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not create a Notification if the new message is one I sent from the same account', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgFromMeSameAccount], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should xcreate a Notification if the new message is one I sent from a different linked account', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msgFromMeDiffAccount], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('clears notifications when a thread is read', () => { waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1], }); expect(NativeNotifications.displayNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.notification.close).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); const read = this.threadA.clone(); read.unread = false; await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [read], }); expect(this.notification.close).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should play a sound when it gets new mail', () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andCallFake(config => { if (config === 'core.notifications.enabled') return true; if (config === 'core.notifications.sounds') return true; return undefined; }); spyOn(SoundRegistry, 'playSound'); waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1], }); expect(AppEnv.config.get.calls[1].args[0]).toBe('core.notifications.sounds'); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new-mail'); }); }); it('should not play a sound if the config is off', () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andCallFake(config => { if (config === 'core.notifications.enabled') return true; if (config === 'core.notifications.sounds') return false; return undefined; }); spyOn(SoundRegistry, 'playSound'); waitsForPromise(async () => { await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1], }); expect(AppEnv.config.get.calls[1].args[0]).toBe('core.notifications.sounds'); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should not play a sound if other notiications are still in flight', () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andCallFake(config => { if (config === 'core.notifications.enabled') return true; if (config === 'core.notifications.sounds') return true; return undefined; }); waitsForPromise(async () => { spyOn(SoundRegistry, 'playSound'); await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg1, this.msg2], }); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).toHaveBeenCalled(); SoundRegistry.playSound.reset(); await this.notifier._onDatabaseChanged({ objectClass:, objects: [this.msg3], }); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });