_ = require 'underscore' React = require 'react' classNames = require 'classnames' MessageItemContainer = require './message-item-container' {Utils, Actions, Message, DraftStore, MessageStore, AccountStore, DatabaseStore, WorkspaceStore, ChangeLabelsTask, ComponentRegistry, ChangeStarredTask} = require("nylas-exports") {Spinner, RetinaImg, MailLabel, ScrollRegion, MailImportantIcon, InjectedComponent, KeyCommandsRegion, InjectedComponentSet} = require('nylas-component-kit') class MessageListScrollTooltip extends React.Component @displayName: 'MessageListScrollTooltip' @propTypes: viewportCenter: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired totalHeight: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired componentWillMount: => @setupForProps(@props) componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) => @setupForProps(newProps) shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) => not _.isEqual(@state,newState) setupForProps: (props) -> # Technically, we could have MessageList provide the currently visible # item index, but the DOM approach is simple and self-contained. # els = document.querySelectorAll('.message-item-wrap') idx = _.findIndex els, (el) -> el.offsetTop > props.viewportCenter if idx is -1 idx = els.length @setState idx: idx count: els.length render: ->
{@state.idx} of {@state.count}
class MessageList extends React.Component @displayName: 'MessageList' @containerRequired: false @containerStyles: minWidth: 500 maxWidth: 999999 constructor: (@props) -> @state = @_getStateFromStores() @state.minified = true @_draftScrollInProgress = false @MINIFY_THRESHOLD = 3 componentDidMount: => @_unsubscribers = [] @_unsubscribers.push MessageStore.listen @_onChange componentWillUnmount: => unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @_unsubscribers shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) => not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state) componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) => return if @state.loading newDraftClientIds = @_newDraftClientIds(prevState) if newDraftClientIds.length > 0 @_focusDraft(@_getMessageContainer(newDraftClientIds[0])) _keymapHandlers: -> 'application:reply': => @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft('reply') 'application:reply-all': => @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft('reply-all') 'application:forward': => @_onForward() 'application:print-thread': => @_onPrintThread() 'core:messages-page-up': => @_onScrollByPage(-1) 'core:messages-page-down': => @_onScrollByPage(1) _newDraftClientIds: (prevState) => oldDraftIds = _.map(_.filter((prevState.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.clientId) newDraftIds = _.map(_.filter((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.clientId) return _.difference(newDraftIds, oldDraftIds) ? [] _getMessageContainer: (clientId) => @refs["message-container-#{clientId}"] _focusDraft: (draftElement) => # Note: We don't want the contenteditable view competing for scroll offset, # so we block incoming childScrollRequests while we scroll to the new draft. @_draftScrollInProgress = true draftElement.focus() @refs.messageWrap.scrollTo(draftElement, { position: ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Top, settle: true, done: => @_draftScrollInProgress = false }) _createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft: (type) => unless type in ['reply', 'reply-all'] throw new Error("_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft called with #{type}, not reply or reply-all") last = _.last(@state.messages ? []) return unless @state.currentThread and last # If the last message on the thread is already a draft, fetch the message it's # in reply to and the draft session and change the participants. if last.draft is true data = session: DraftStore.sessionForClientId(last.clientId) replyToMessage: Promise.resolve(@state.messages[@state.messages.length - 2]) type: type if last.replyToMessageId msg = _.findWhere(@state.messages, {id: last.replyToMessageId}) if msg data.replyToMessage = Promise.resolve(msg) else data.replyToMessage = DatabaseStore.find(Message, last.replyToMessageId) Promise.props(data).then @_updateExistingDraft, (err) => # This can happen if the draft was deleted and the update hadn't reached # our component yet, but it's very rare. This is here to silence the error. Promise.resolve() else if type is 'reply' Actions.composeReply(thread: @state.currentThread, message: last) else Actions.composeReplyAll(thread: @state.currentThread, message: last) _updateExistingDraft: ({type, session, replyToMessage}) => return unless replyToMessage and session draft = session.draft() updated = {to: [].concat(draft.to), cc: [].concat(draft.cc)} replySet = replyToMessage.participantsForReply() replyAllSet = replyToMessage.participantsForReplyAll() if type is 'reply' targetSet = replySet # Remove participants present in the reply-all set and not the reply set for key in ['to', 'cc'] updated[key] = _.reject updated[key], (contact) -> inReplySet = _.findWhere(replySet[key], {email: contact.email}) inReplyAllSet = _.findWhere(replyAllSet[key], {email: contact.email}) return inReplyAllSet and not inReplySet else # Add participants present in the reply-all set and not on the draft # Switching to reply-all shouldn't really ever remove anyone. targetSet = replyAllSet for key in ['to', 'cc'] for contact in targetSet[key] updated[key].push(contact) unless _.findWhere(updated[key], {email: contact.email}) session.changes.add(updated) @_focusDraft(@_getMessageContainer(draft.clientId)) _onForward: => return unless @state.currentThread Actions.composeForward(thread: @state.currentThread) render: => if not @state.currentThread return
wrapClass = classNames "messages-wrap": true "ready": not @state.loading
_renderSubject: -> subject = @state.currentThread.subject subject = "(No Subject)" if not subject or subject.length is 0
{subject} {@_renderLabels()} {@_renderIcons()}
_renderIcons: =>
_renderExpandToggle: => if MessageStore.items().length < 2 else if MessageStore.hasCollapsedItems()
_renderLabels: => account = AccountStore.accountForId(@state.currentThread.accountId) return false unless account.usesLabels() labels = @state.currentThread.sortedCategories() labels = _.reject labels, (l) -> l.name is 'important' labels.map (label) => @_onRemoveLabel(label) }/> _renderReplyArea: =>
Write a reply…
# Returns either "reply" or "reply-all" _replyType: => defaultReplyType = NylasEnv.config.get('core.sending.defaultReplyType') lastMsg = _.last(_.filter((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> not m.draft)) return 'reply' unless lastMsg if lastMsg.canReplyAll() if defaultReplyType is 'reply-all' return 'reply-all' else return 'reply' else return 'reply' _onToggleAllMessagesExpanded: -> Actions.toggleAllMessagesExpanded() _onPrintThread: => node = React.findDOMNode(@) Actions.printThread(@state.currentThread, node.innerHTML) _onRemoveLabel: (label) => task = new ChangeLabelsTask(thread: @state.currentThread, labelsToRemove: [label]) Actions.queueTask(task) _onClickReplyArea: => return unless @state.currentThread @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft(@_replyType()) _messageElements: => elements = [] hasReplyArea = not _.last(@state.messages)?.draft messages = @_messagesWithMinification(@state.messages) messages.forEach (message, idx) => if message.type is "minifiedBundle" elements.push(@_renderMinifiedBundle(message)) return collapsed = !@state.messagesExpandedState[message.id] isLastMsg = (messages.length - 1 is idx) isBeforeReplyArea = isLastMsg and hasReplyArea elements.push( ) if hasReplyArea elements.push(@_renderReplyArea()) return elements _renderMinifiedBundle: (bundle) -> BUNDLE_HEIGHT = 36 lines = bundle.messages[0...10] h = Math.round(BUNDLE_HEIGHT / lines.length)
@setState minified: false } key={Utils.generateTempId()}>
{bundle.messages.length} older messages
{lines.map (msg, i) ->
_messagesWithMinification: (messages=[]) => return messages unless @state.minified messages = _.clone(messages) minifyRanges = [] consecutiveCollapsed = 0 messages.forEach (message, idx) => return if idx is 0 # Never minify the 1st message expandState = @state.messagesExpandedState[message.id] if not expandState consecutiveCollapsed += 1 else # We add a +1 because we don't minify the last collapsed message, # but the MINIFY_THRESHOLD refers to the smallest N that can be in # the "N older messages" minified block. if expandState is "default" minifyOffset = 1 else # if expandState is "explicit" minifyOffset = 0 if consecutiveCollapsed >= @MINIFY_THRESHOLD + minifyOffset minifyRanges.push start: idx - consecutiveCollapsed length: (consecutiveCollapsed - minifyOffset) consecutiveCollapsed = 0 indexOffset = 0 for range in minifyRanges start = range.start - indexOffset minified = type: "minifiedBundle" messages: messages[start...(start+range.length)] messages.splice(start, range.length, minified) # While we removed `range.length` items, we also added 1 back in. indexOffset += (range.length - 1) return messages # Some child components (like the composer) might request that we scroll # to a given location. If `selectionTop` is defined that means we should # scroll to that absolute position. # # If messageId and location are defined, that means we want to scroll # smoothly to the top of a particular message. _scrollTo: ({clientId, rect, position}={}) => return if @_draftScrollInProgress if clientId messageElement = @_getMessageContainer(clientId) return unless messageElement pos = position ? ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Visible @refs.messageWrap.scrollTo(messageElement, { position: pos }) else if rect @refs.messageWrap.scrollToRect(rect, { position: ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.CenterIfInvisible }) else throw new Error("onChildScrollRequest: expected clientId or rect") _onScrollByPage: (direction) => height = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap).clientHeight @refs.messageWrap.scrollTop += height * direction _onChange: => newState = @_getStateFromStores() if @state.currentThread isnt newState.currentThread newState.minified = true @setState(newState) _getStateFromStores: => messages: (MessageStore.items() ? []) messagesExpandedState: MessageStore.itemsExpandedState() currentThread: MessageStore.thread() loading: MessageStore.itemsLoading() module.exports = MessageList