const path = require('path'); const Handlebars = require('handlebars'); const marked = require('meta-marked'); const fs = require('fs-plus'); const _ = require('underscore'); marked.setOptions({ highlight(code) { return require('highlight.js').highlightAuto(code).value; }, }); let standardClassURLRoot = ''; let standardClasses = [ 'string', 'object', 'array', 'function', 'number', 'date', 'error', 'boolean', 'null', 'undefined', 'json', 'set', 'map', 'typeerror', 'syntaxerror', 'referenceerror', 'rangeerror', ]; let thirdPartyClasses = { 'react.component': '', promise: '', range: '', selection: '', node: '', }; module.exports = function(grunt) { let { cp, mkdir, rm } = grunt.config('taskHelpers'); let relativePathForClass = classname => classname + '.html'; let outputPathFor = function(relativePath) { let classDocsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('classDocsOutputDir'); return path.join(classDocsOutputDir, relativePath); }; var processFields = function(json, fields, tasks) { let val; if (fields == null) { fields = []; } if (tasks == null) { tasks = []; } if (json instanceof Array) { return (() => { let result = []; for (val of Array.from(json)) { result.push(processFields(val, fields, tasks)); } return result; })(); } else { return (() => { let result1 = []; for (let key in json) { val = json[key]; let item; if (Array.from(fields).includes(key)) { for (let task of Array.from(tasks)) { val = task(val); } json[key] = val; } if (_.isObject(val)) { item = processFields(val, fields, tasks); } result1.push(item); } return result1; })(); } }; return grunt.registerTask('docs-render', 'Builds html from the API docs', function() { let documentation, filename, html, match, meta, name, result, section, val; let classDocsOutputDir = grunt.config.get('classDocsOutputDir'); // Parse API reference Markdown let classes = []; let apiJsonPath = path.join(classDocsOutputDir, 'api.json'); let apiJSON = JSON.parse(; for (var classname in apiJSON.classes) { // Parse a "@Section" out of the description if one is present let contents = apiJSON.classes[classname]; let sectionRegex = /Section: ?([\w ]*)(?:$|\n)/; section = 'General'; match = sectionRegex.exec(contents.description); if (match) { contents.description = contents.description.replace(match[0], ''); section = match[1].trim(); } // Replace superClass "React" with "React.Component". The Coffeescript Lexer // is so bad. if (contents.superClass === 'React') { contents.superClass = 'React.Component'; } classes.push({ name: classname, documentation: contents, section, }); } // Build Sidebar metadata we can hand off to each of the templates to // generate the sidebar let sidebar = {}; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { var current_class = classes[i]; console.log( + ' ' + current_class.section); if (!(current_class.section in sidebar)) { sidebar[current_class.section] = []; } sidebar[current_class.section].push(; } // Prepare to render by loading handlebars partials let templatesPath = path.resolve(grunt.config('buildDir'), 'docs_templates'); grunt.file.recurse(templatesPath, function(abspath, root, subdir, filename) { if (filename[0] === '_' && path.extname(filename) === '.html') { return Handlebars.registerPartial(filename,; } }); // Render Helpers let knownClassnames = {}; for (classname in apiJSON.classes) { val = apiJSON.classes[classname]; knownClassnames[classname.toLowerCase()] = val; } let expandTypeReferences = function(val) { let refRegex = /{([\w.]*)}/g; while ((match = refRegex.exec(val)) !== null) { let term = match[1].toLowerCase(); let label = match[1]; let url = false; if (Array.from(standardClasses).includes(term)) { url = standardClassURLRoot + term; } else if (thirdPartyClasses[term]) { url = thirdPartyClasses[term]; } else if (knownClassnames[term]) { url = relativePathForClass(knownClassnames[term].name); grunt.log.ok('Found: ' + term); } else { console.warn(`Cannot find class named ${term}`); } if (url) { val = val.replace(match[0], `${label}`); } } return val; }; let expandFuncReferences = function(val) { let refRegex = /{([\w]*)?::([\w]*)}/g; while ((match = refRegex.exec(val)) !== null) { var label; let [text, a, b] = Array.from(match); let url = false; if (a && b) { url = `${relativePathForClass(a)}#${b}`; label = `${a}::${b}`; } else { url = `#${b}`; label = `${b}`; } if (url) { val = val.replace(text, `${label}`); } } return val; }; // DEBUG Render sidebar json // grunt.file.write(outputPathFor('sidebar.json'), JSON.stringify(sidebar, null, 2)); // Render Class Pages let classTemplatePath = path.join(templatesPath, ''); let classTemplate = Handlebars.compile(; for ({ name, documentation, section } of Array.from(classes)) { // Recursively process `description` and `type` fields to process markdown, // expand references to types, functions and other files. processFields(documentation, ['description'], [expandFuncReferences]); processFields(documentation, ['type'], [expandTypeReferences]); result = classTemplate({ name, documentation, section }); grunt.file.write(outputPathFor(name + '.md'), result); } let sidebarTemplatePath = path.join(templatesPath, ''); let sidebarTemplate = Handlebars.compile(; grunt.file.write(outputPathFor(''), sidebarTemplate({ sidebar })); // Remove temp cjsx output return fs.removeSync(outputPathFor('temp-cjsx')); }); }; function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined; }