import { Task, Model, NylasAPIRequest, DatabaseStore, DestroyModelTask, DatabaseWriter} from 'nylas-exports' xdescribe('DestroyModelTask', function destroyModelTask() { beforeEach(() => { this.existingModel = new Model() = "local-123" spyOn(DatabaseWriter.prototype, "unpersistModel") spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andCallFake(() => { return Promise.resolve(this.existingModel) }) this.defaultArgs = { id: "local-123", accountId: "a123", modelName: "Model", endpoint: "/endpoint", } }); it("constructs without error", () => { const t = new DestroyModelTask() expect(t._rememberedToCallSuper).toBe(true) }); describe("performLocal", () => { it("throws if basic fields are missing", () => { const t = new DestroyModelTask() try { t.performLocal() throw new Error("Shouldn't succeed"); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toMatch(/^Must pass.*/) } }); it("throws if the model name can't be found", () => { this.defaultArgs.modelName = "dne" const t = new DestroyModelTask(this.defaultArgs) try { t.performLocal() throw new Error("Shouldn't succeed"); } catch (e) { expect(e.message).toMatch(/^Couldn't find the class for.*/) } }); it("throws if it can't find the object", () => { jasmine.unspy(DatabaseStore, "findBy") spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findBy").andCallFake(() => { return Promise.resolve(null) }) const t = new DestroyModelTask(this.defaultArgs) window.waitsForPromise(() => { return t.performLocal().then(() => { throw new Error("Shouldn't succeed") }).catch((err) => { expect(err.message).toMatch(/^Couldn't find the model with id.*/) }); }); }); it("unpersists the new existing model properly", () => { const unpersistFn = DatabaseWriter.prototype.unpersistModel const t = new DestroyModelTask(this.defaultArgs) window.waitsForPromise(() => { return t.performLocal().then(() => { expect(unpersistFn).toHaveBeenCalled() const model = unpersistFn.calls[0].args[0] expect(model).toBe(this.existingModel) }); }); }); }); });