path = require('path') fs = require('fs-plus') ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer require('module').globalPaths.push(path.resolve('exports')) # Swap out Node's native Promise for Bluebird, which allows us to # do fancy things like handle exceptions inside promise blocks global.Promise = require 'bluebird' global.NylasEnv = commands: add: -> remove: -> config: get: -> null set: -> onDidChange: -> onBeforeUnload: -> getWindowLoadTime: -> 0 getConfigDirPath: -> @configDirPath ?= fs.absolute('~/.nylas') getLoadSettings: -> @loadSettings ?= JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent( inSpecMode: -> false isMainWindow: -> false # Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. require './window' prefs = require '../internal_packages/preferences/lib/main' prefs.activate() ipc.on 'command', (command, args) -> if command is 'window:toggle-dev-tools' ipc.send('call-window-method', 'toggleDevTools')