Filters = require './filters'
--- title: "filters" description: "Also known as mail rules. Automate actions for emails that match your criteria." assumed_experience: "Experience with React, but none with Flux, Electron, or N1." github: "" ---
Filters = require './filters'
Requiring ‘nylas-exports’ is the way to access core N1 components.
{WorkspaceStore, ComponentRegistry} = require 'nylas-exports'
Your (or main.cjsx) file needs to export an object for your package to run.
module.exports =
When your package is loading, the activate
method runs. activate
is the
package’s time to insert React components into the applicatio and also
listen to events.
activate: ->
creates an N1 “sheet,” which is a large area
for you to inject React components. Sheets span the whole window.
WorkspaceStore.defineSheet 'Filters', {root: true, name: 'Filters'},
list: ['RootSidebar', 'Filters']
Above, we named the sheet “Filters,” and we’re registering a React component to live inside the “Filters” sheet.
ComponentRegistry.register Filters,
location: WorkspaceStore.Location.Filters
is a React component which is meant to be
inserted into the navigation bar on the left of the main worksheet.
@sidebarItem = new WorkspaceStore.SidebarItem
sheet: WorkspaceStore.Sheet.Filters
id: 'Filters'
name: 'Filters'
And this is how we actually insert the SidebarItem into the sheet!
is called when packages are closing. It’s a good time to
unregister React components.
deactivate: ->
ComponentRegistry.unregister Filters