import { remote } from 'electron'; import { React, ReactDOM, localized, PropTypes, Utils, Actions, DraftStore, AttachmentStore, } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { DropZone, RetinaImg, ScrollRegion, TabGroupRegion, AttachmentItem, KeyCommandsRegion, ImageAttachmentItem, InjectedComponentSet, ComposerEditor, ComposerSupport, } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import { History } from 'slate'; import ComposerHeader from './composer-header'; import SendActionButton from './send-action-button'; import ActionBarPlugins from './action-bar-plugins'; import Fields from './fields'; const { hasBlockquote, hasNonTrailingBlockquote, hideQuotedTextByDefault, removeQuotedText, } = ComposerSupport.BaseBlockPlugins; // The ComposerView is a unique React component because it (currently) is a // singleton. Normally, the React way to do things would be to re-render the // Composer with new props. export default class ComposerView extends React.Component { static displayName = 'ComposerView'; static propTypes = { session: PropTypes.object.isRequired, draft: PropTypes.object.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this._els = {}; this._mounted = false; this._keymapHandlers = { 'composer:send-message': () => this._onPrimarySend(), 'composer:delete-empty-draft': () => this.props.draft.pristine && this._onDestroyDraft(), 'composer:show-and-focus-bcc': () => this._els.header.showAndFocusField(Fields.Bcc), 'composer:show-and-focus-cc': () => this._els.header.showAndFocusField(Fields.Cc), 'composer:focus-to': () => this._els.header.showAndFocusField(Fields.To), 'composer:show-and-focus-from': () => {}, 'composer:select-attachment': () => this._onSelectAttachment(), }; const draft = props.session.draft(); this.state = { isDropping: false, quotedTextPresent: hasBlockquote(draft.bodyEditorState), quotedTextHidden: hideQuotedTextByDefault(draft), }; } componentDidMount() { this._mounted = true; this.props.draft.files.forEach(file => { if (Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage(file)) { Actions.fetchFile(file); } }); const isBrandNew = - < 3 * 1000; if (isBrandNew) { ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).scrollIntoView(false); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.focus(); }); } } componentDidUpdate() { const { draft } = this.props; // If the user has added an inline blockquote, show all the quoted text // note: this is necessary because it's hidden with CSS that can't be // made more specific. if (this.state.quotedTextHidden && hasNonTrailingBlockquote(draft.bodyEditorState)) { this.setState({ quotedTextHidden: false }); } } componentWillUnmount() { this._mounted = false; // In the future, we should clean up the draft session entirely, or give it // the same lifecycle as the composer view. For now, just make sure we free // up all the memory used for undo/redo. const { draft, session } = this.props; session.changes.add({ bodyEditorState: draft.bodyEditorState.set('history', new History()) }); } focus() { if (!this._mounted) return; // If something within us already has focus, don't change it. Never, ever // want to pull the cursor out from under the user while typing const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._els.composerWrap); if (node.contains(document.activeElement)) { return; } if ( === 0 || this.props.draft.subject.length === 0) { this._els.header.focus(); } else { this._els[Fields.Body].focus(); } } _renderContentScrollRegion() { if (AppEnv.isComposerWindow()) { return ( { if (el) { this._els.scrollregion = el; } }} > {this._renderContent()} ); } return this._renderContent(); } _renderContent() { return (
{ if (el) { this._els.header = el; } }} draft={this.props.draft} session={this.props.session} initiallyFocused={ === 0} />
{ if (el) { this._els.composeBody = el; } }} onMouseUp={this._onMouseUpComposerBody} onMouseDown={this._onMouseDownComposerBody} > {this._renderBodyRegions()} {this._renderFooterRegions()}
); } _renderBodyRegions() { return (
{this._renderEditor()} {this._renderQuotedTextControl()} {this._renderAttachments()}
); } _renderQuotedTextControl() { if (!this.state.quotedTextPresent || !this.state.quotedTextHidden) { return false; } return ( { if ('.remove-quoted-text')) return; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ quotedTextHidden: false }); }} > ••• { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const { draft, session } = this.props; const change = removeQuotedText(draft.bodyEditorState); session.changes.add({ bodyEditorState: change.value }); this.setState({ quotedTextHidden: false }); }} > ); } _renderEditor() { return ( { if (el) { this._els[Fields.Body] = el; } }} className={this.state.quotedTextHidden && 'hiding-quoted-text'} propsForPlugins={{ draft: this.props.draft, session: this.props.session }} value={this.props.draft.bodyEditorState} onFileReceived={this._onFileReceived} onDrop={e => this._dropzone._onDrop(e)} onChange={change => { // We minimize thrashing and support editors in multiple windows by ensuring // non-value changes (eg focus) to the editorState don't trigger database saves const skipSaving = change.operations.every( ({ type, properties }) => type === 'set_selection' || (type === 'set_value' && Object.keys(properties).every(k => k === 'decorations')) ); this.props.session.changes.add({ bodyEditorState: change.value }, { skipSaving }); }} /> ); } _renderFooterRegions() { return (
); } _renderAttachments() { const { files, headerMessageId } = this.props.draft; const nonImageFiles = files .filter(f => !Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage(f)) .map(file => ( Actions.removeAttachment(headerMessageId, file)} /> )); const imageFiles = files .filter(f => Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage(f)) .filter(f => !f.contentId) .map(file => ( Actions.removeAttachment(headerMessageId, file)} /> )); return
; } _renderActionsWorkspaceRegion() { return ( ); } _renderActionsRegion() { return (
{ if (el) { this._els.sendActionButton = el; } }} tabIndex={-1} style={{ order: -100 }} draft={this.props.draft} headerMessageId={this.props.draft.headerMessageId} session={this.props.session} isValidDraft={this._isValidDraft} />
); } // This lets us click outside of the `contenteditable`'s `contentBody` // and simulate what happens when you click beneath the text *in* the // contentEditable. // Unfortunately, we need to manually keep track of the "click" in // separate mouseDown, mouseUp events because we need to ensure that the // start and end target are both not in the contenteditable. This ensures // that this behavior doesn't interfear with a click and drag selection. _onMouseDownComposerBody = event => { if (ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._els[Fields.Body]).contains( { this._mouseDownTarget = null; } else { this._mouseDownTarget =; } }; _inFooterRegion(el) { return el.closest && el.closest('.composer-footer-region'); } _onMouseUpComposerBody = event => { if ( === this._mouseDownTarget && !this._inFooterRegion( { // We don't set state directly here because we want the native // contenteditable focus behavior. When the contenteditable gets focused const bodyRect = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._els[Fields.Body]).getBoundingClientRect(); if (event.pageY < { this._els[Fields.Body].focus(); } else { if (this.state.quotedTextHidden) { this._els[Fields.Body].focusEndReplyText(); } else { this._els[Fields.Body].focusEndAbsolute(); } } } this._mouseDownTarget = null; }; _shouldAcceptDrop = event => { // Ensure that you can't pick up a file and drop it on the same draft const nonNativeFilePath = this._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event); const hasNativeFile = event.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files'); const hasNonNativeFilePath = nonNativeFilePath !== null; return hasNativeFile || hasNonNativeFilePath; }; _nonNativeFilePathForDrop = event => { if (event.dataTransfer.types.includes('text/nylas-file-url')) { const downloadURL = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/nylas-file-url'); const downloadFilePath = downloadURL.split('file://')[1]; if (downloadFilePath) { return downloadFilePath; } } // Accept drops of images from within the app if (event.dataTransfer.types.includes('text/uri-list')) { const uri = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/uri-list'); if (uri.indexOf('file://') === 0) { return decodeURI(uri.split('file://')[1]); } } return null; }; _onDrop = event => { // Accept drops of real files from other applications for (const file of Array.from(event.dataTransfer.files)) { this._onFileReceived(file.path); event.preventDefault(); } // Accept drops from attachment components / images within the app const uri = this._nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event); if (uri) { this._onFileReceived(uri); event.preventDefault(); } }; _onFileReceived = filePath => { // called from onDrop and onFilePaste - assume images should be inline Actions.addAttachment({ filePath: filePath, headerMessageId: this.props.draft.headerMessageId, onCreated: file => { if (!this._mounted) return; if (Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage(file)) { const { draft, session } = this.props; const match = draft.files.find(f => ===; if (!match) { return; } match.contentId = Utils.generateContentId(); session.changes.add({ files: [].concat(draft.files), }); this._els[Fields.Body].insertInlineAttachment(file); } }, }); }; _isValidDraft = (options = {}) => { // We need to check the `DraftStore` because the `DraftStore` is // immediately and synchronously updated as soon as this function // fires. Since `setState` is asynchronous, if we used that as our only // check, then we might get a false reading. if (DraftStore.isSendingDraft(this.props.draft.headerMessageId)) { return false; } const dialog = remote.dialog; const { session } = this.props; const { errors, warnings } = session.validateDraftForSending(); if (errors.length > 0) { dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), { type: 'warning', buttons: [localized('Edit Message'), localized('Cancel')], message: localized('Cannot send message'), detail: errors[0], }); return false; } if (warnings.length > 0 && !options.force) { const response = dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), { type: 'warning', buttons: [localized('Send Anyway'), localized('Cancel')], message: localized('Are you sure?'), detail: warnings.join('. '), }); if (response === 0) { // response is button array index return this._isValidDraft({ force: true }); } return false; } return true; }; _onPrimarySend = () => { this._els.sendActionButton.primarySend(); }; _onDestroyDraft = () => { Actions.destroyDraft(this.props.draft); }; _onSelectAttachment = () => { Actions.selectAttachment({ headerMessageId: this.props.draft.headerMessageId }); }; render() { const dropCoverDisplay = this.state.isDropping ? 'block' : 'none'; return (
{ if (el) { this._els.composerWrap = el; } }} tabIndex="-1" > (this._dropzone = cm)} className="composer-inner-wrap" shouldAcceptDrop={this._shouldAcceptDrop} onDragStateChange={({ isDropping }) => this.setState({ isDropping })} onDrop={this._onDrop} >
{localized(`Drop to Attach`)}
); } }