_ = require 'underscore' React = require 'react/addons' classNames = require 'classnames' {CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit' {RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit' {DraftStore} = require 'nylas-exports' class FloatingToolbar extends React.Component @displayName = "FloatingToolbar" @propTypes: top: React.PropTypes.number left: React.PropTypes.number mode: React.PropTypes.string onMouseEnter: React.PropTypes.func onMouseLeave: React.PropTypes.func # When an extension wants to mutate the DOM, it passes `onDomMutator` # a mutator function. That mutator is expecting to be passed the # latest DOM object and may modify it in place. onDomMutator: React.PropTypes.func @defaultProps: mode: "buttons" onMouseEnter: -> onMouseLeave: -> constructor: (@props) -> @state = urlInputValue: @_initialUrl() ? "" componentWidth: 0 componentDidMount: => @subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable() componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) => @setState urlInputValue: @_initialUrl(nextProps) componentWillUnmount: => @subscriptions?.dispose() componentDidUpdate: => if @props.mode is "edit-link" and not @props.linkToModify # Note, it's important that we're focused on the urlInput because # the parent of this component needs to know to not hide us on their # onBlur method. React.findDOMNode(@refs.urlInput).focus() render: =>
_toolbarClasses: => classes = {} classes[@props.pos] = true classNames _.extend classes, "floating-toolbar": true "toolbar": true "toolbar-visible": @props.visible _toolbarStyles: => styles = left: @_toolbarLeft() top: @props.top width: @_width() return styles _toolbarType: => if @props.mode is "buttons" then @_renderButtons() else if @props.mode is "edit-link" then @_renderLink() else return
_renderButtons: =>
_toolbarExtensions: -> buttons = [] for extension in DraftStore.extensions() toolbarItem = extension.composerToolbar?() if toolbarItem buttons.push( ) return buttons _extensionMutateDom: (mutator) => @props.onDomMutator(mutator) _renderLink: => removeBtn = "" withRemove = "" if @_initialUrl() withRemove = "with-remove" removeBtn =
_onPreventToolbarClose: (event) => event.stopPropagation() _onMouseEnter: => @props.onMouseEnter?() _onMouseLeave: => if @props.linkToModify and document.activeElement isnt React.findDOMNode(@refs.urlInput) @props.onMouseLeave?() _initialUrl: (props=@props) => props.linkToModify?.getAttribute?('href') _onInputChange: (event) => @setState urlInputValue: event.target.value _saveUrlOnEnter: (event) => if event.key is "Enter" if (@state.urlInputValue ? "").trim().length > 0 @_saveUrl() else @_removeUrl() # We signify the removal of a url with an empty string. This protects us # from the case where people delete the url text and hit save. In that # case we also want to remove the link. _removeUrl: => @setState urlInputValue: "" @props.onSaveUrl "", @props.linkToModify @props.onDoneWithLink() _onFocus: => @props.onChangeFocus(true) # Clicking the save or remove buttons will take precendent over simply # bluring the field. _onBlur: (event) => targets = [] if @refs["saveBtn"] targets.push React.findDOMNode(@refs["saveBtn"]) if @refs["removeBtn"] targets.push React.findDOMNode(@refs["removeBtn"]) if event.relatedTarget in targets event.preventDefault() return else @_saveUrl() @props.onChangeFocus(false) _saveUrl: => if (@state.urlInputValue ? "").trim().length > 0 @props.onSaveUrl @state.urlInputValue, @props.linkToModify @props.onDoneWithLink() _execCommand: (event) => cmd = event.currentTarget.getAttribute 'data-command-name' document.execCommand(cmd, false, null) true _toolbarLeft: => CONTENT_PADDING = @props.contentPadding ? 15 max = @props.editAreaWidth - @_width() - CONTENT_PADDING left = Math.min(Math.max(@props.left - @_width()/2, CONTENT_PADDING), max) return left _toolbarPointerStyles: => CONTENT_PADDING = @props.contentPadding ? 15 POINTER_WIDTH = 6 + 2 #2px of border-radius max = @props.editAreaWidth - CONTENT_PADDING min = CONTENT_PADDING absoluteLeft = Math.max(Math.min(@props.left, max), min) relativeLeft = absoluteLeft - @_toolbarLeft() left = Math.max(Math.min(relativeLeft, @_width()-POINTER_WIDTH), POINTER_WIDTH) styles = left: left return styles _width: => # We can't calculate the width of the floating toolbar declaratively # because it hasn't been rendered yet. As such, we'll keep the width # fixed to make it much eaier. TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_WIDTH = 114#px TOOLBAR_URL_WIDTH = 210#px # If we have a long link, we want to make a larger text area. It's not # super important to get the length exactly so let's just get within # the ballpark by guessing charcter lengths WIDTH_PER_CHAR = 11 max = @props.editAreaWidth - (@props.contentPadding ? 15)*2 if @props.mode is "buttons" return TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_WIDTH else if @props.mode is "edit-link" url = @_initialUrl() if url?.length > 0 fullWidth = Math.max(Math.min(url.length * WIDTH_PER_CHAR, max), TOOLBAR_URL_WIDTH) return fullWidth else return TOOLBAR_URL_WIDTH else return TOOLBAR_BUTTONS_WIDTH module.exports = FloatingToolbar