import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { ListensToFluxStore, RetinaImg } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import { Actions, FocusedPerspectiveStore, WorkspaceStore } from 'mailspring-exports'; import SearchStore from './search-store'; import TokenizingContenteditable from './tokenizing-contenteditable'; import { LearnMoreURL, TokenSuggestions, TokenSuggestionsForEmpty, TokenAndTermRegexp, getCurrentTokenAndTerm, getContactSuggestions, getThreadSuggestions, wrapInQuotes, } from './search-bar-util'; class ThreadSearchBar extends Component { static displayName = 'ThreadSearchBar'; static propTypes = { query: PropTypes.string, isSearching: PropTypes.bool, perspective: PropTypes.object, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { suggestions: TokenSuggestionsForEmpty, focused: false, selected: null, selectedIdx: -1, }; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.query !== this.props.query) { this._generateSuggestionsForQuery(nextProps.query); } } _initialQueryForPerspective() { const { perspective } = this.props; // When the inbox is focused we don't specify a folder scope. If the user // wants to search just the inbox then they have to specify it explicitly. if (perspective.starred) { return 'is:starred '; } if (perspective.unread) { return 'is:unread in:inbox '; } if (perspective.isInbox()) { return ''; } const rolesAndPaths = [ Set(perspective.categories().map(c => c.role || wrapInQuotes(c.path))), ]; if (rolesAndPaths.length > 1) { return `(in:${rolesAndPaths.join(' OR in:')}) `; } else if (rolesAndPaths.length === 1) { return `in:${rolesAndPaths[0]} `; } else { return ''; } } async _generateSuggestionsForQuery(query) { let insertionIndex = this._fieldEl.insertionIndex(); // Treat the initial query (eg: "in:starred AND ") as if it's // not there, so the user sees the empty string case at first, etc. const initialQuery = this._initialQueryForPerspective(); if (query.startsWith(initialQuery)) { query = query.substr(initialQuery.length); insertionIndex -= initialQuery.length; } const { token, term } = getCurrentTokenAndTerm(query, insertionIndex); const accountIds = this.props.perspective.accountIds; const promises = []; let suggestions = []; if (token) { // show token autocompletion options ala Stripe Dashboard suggestions = TokenSuggestions.filter(s => s.token.startsWith(token)); if (suggestions.length && suggestions[0].token === token) { const { termSuggestions } = suggestions[0]; const textToSuggestion = term => ({ term: wrapInQuotes(term), description: term.includes(' ') ? wrapInQuotes(term) : term, token, }); if (termSuggestions instanceof Function) { suggestions = []; promises.push( termSuggestions(term, accountIds).then(results => { suggestions.push(; }) ); } else { suggestions = termSuggestions .filter(t => !term || (t.startsWith(term) && t !== term)) .map(textToSuggestion); } } } else if (query.length === 0) { // show all token autocompletion options before the user starts typing suggestions = TokenSuggestionsForEmpty; } else if (query.length > 2 && TokenAndTermRegexp().test(query.trim()) === false) { // show thread and contact suggestions ala Gmail suggestions = []; promises.push( Promise.props({ subjects: getThreadSuggestions(query, accountIds).then(threads => => ({ token: null, term: wrapInQuotes(t.subject), description: t.subject, thread: t, })) ), contacts: getContactSuggestions(query, accountIds).then(results => => ({ token: null, term: wrapInQuotes(term), description: term })) ), }).then(({ contacts, subjects }) => { suggestions = [...contacts, ...subjects].sort((a, b) => { let aM = a.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(query); let bM = b.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(query); if (aM === -1) aM = 10000; if (bM === -1) bM = 10000; return aM - bM; }); if (suggestions.length > 10) { suggestions.length = 10; } }) ); } if (promises.length) { await Promise.all(promises); this._setSuggestionState(suggestions); } else { this._setSuggestionState(suggestions); } } _onFocus = e => { this.setState({ focused: true }); if (this.props.query === '') { this._onSearchQueryChanged(this._initialQueryForPerspective()); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._fieldEl.focus()); } }; _onBlur = e => { this.setState({ focused: false }); if (this.props.query === this._initialQueryForPerspective()) { this._onSearchQueryChanged(''); } }; _onKeyDown = e => { const { suggestions, selected, selectedIdx } = this.state; const delta = { 40: 1, 38: -1 }[e.keyCode]; if (delta) { e.preventDefault(); const nextIdx = Math.min(suggestions.length - 1, Math.max(0, selectedIdx + delta)); this.setState({ selectedIdx: nextIdx, selected: suggestions[nextIdx], }); } if (e.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); if (selected) { this._onChooseSuggestion(selected); } else { this._onSubmitSearchQuery(this.props.query); } } }; _onChooseSuggestion = suggestion => { const { query } = this.props; let nextQuery = null; // If the user has the cursor inside an existing token, replace it. If the query ends // in a space, append a new token. Otherwise replace the whole string. let { index, length } = getCurrentTokenAndTerm(query, this._fieldEl.insertionIndex()); if (index === -1 && query.endsWith(' ')) { index = query.length; length = 0; } if (suggestion.token) { nextQuery = [ query.substr(0, index).trim(), `${suggestion.token}:${suggestion.term}`, query.substr(index + length).trim(), ] .filter(s => s.length) .join(' '); } else { nextQuery = suggestion.term; } if (!nextQuery.endsWith(' ')) { nextQuery = nextQuery + ' '; } if (suggestion.term) { this._onSubmitSearchQuery(nextQuery); } else { this._onSearchQueryChanged(nextQuery); } if (suggestion.thread && WorkspaceStore.layoutMode() !== 'list') { Actions.setFocus({ collection: 'thread', item: suggestion.thread }); } }; _onSearchQueryChanged = async query => { Actions.searchQueryChanged(query); if (query === '') { this._onClearSearchQuery(); } }; _setSuggestionState = suggestions => { const sameItemIdx = suggestions.findIndex( s => this.state.selected && s.description === this.state.selected.description ); const backupIdx = Math.max(-1, Math.min(this.state.selectedIdx, suggestions.length - 1)); const selectedIdx = sameItemIdx !== -1 ? sameItemIdx : backupIdx; this.setState({ suggestions: suggestions, selectedIdx: selectedIdx, selected: selectedIdx !== -1 ? suggestions[selectedIdx] : null, }); }; _onSubmitSearchQuery = nextQuery => { Actions.searchQuerySubmitted(nextQuery); this._fieldEl.blur(); }; _onClearSearchQuery = e => { Actions.searchQuerySubmitted(''); if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }; _placeholder = () => { if (this._initialQueryForPerspective() === '') { return 'Search all email'; } return `Search ${ || ''}`; }; render() { const { query, isSearching, perspective } = this.props; const { suggestions, selectedIdx } = this.state; const showPlaceholder = !this.state.focused && !query; const showX = this.state.focused || !!perspective.searchQuery; return (
{isSearching ? ( ) : ( this._fieldEl.focus()} /> )} (this._fieldEl = el)} value={showPlaceholder ? this._placeholder() : query} onKeyDown={this._onKeyDown} onFocus={this._onFocus} onBlur={this._onBlur} onChange={this._onSearchQueryChanged} /> {showX && ( )} {this.state.suggestions.length > 0 && this.state.focused && (
{, idx) => (
{ this._onChooseSuggestion(s); e.preventDefault(); }} className={`suggestion ${selectedIdx === idx ? 'selected' : ''}`} key={`${idx}`} > {s.token && {s.token}: } {s.description}
))} {suggestions === TokenSuggestionsForEmpty && ( )}
); } } export default ListensToFluxStore(ThreadSearchBar, { stores: [SearchStore, FocusedPerspectiveStore], getStateFromStores() { return { query: SearchStore.query(), isSearching: SearchStore.isSearching(), perspective: FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(), }; }, });