Ben Gotow 0468cb4b39 feat(drafts) Reply to draft and minor fixes
Initial hooks for reply to message

Per-message actions and reply to message!

Always commit changes before openinig popout composer

Flip message display - newest at bottom like Gmail

WIP specs

New activity bar inspector for deltas

Don't allow long polling connection to restart after end() called

A bit of activity bar refactoring and filter options, clear

Include "On ... someone wrote" in replies / fw

Slightly more robust quoted text removal, detects "On..."

Abort request to really end it

Additional specs for draft store

Test Plan: Run 20 new tests!

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-02-24 16:19:47 -08:00

152 lines
4 KiB

{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
url = require 'url'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
class InboxLongConnection
@State =
Idle: 'idle'
Ended: 'ended'
Connecting: 'connecting'
Connected: 'connected'
Retrying: 'retrying'
constructor: (inbox, namespaceId) ->
@_inbox = inbox
@_namespaceId = namespaceId
@_cursorKey = "inbox.#{@_namespaceId}.cursor"
@_emitter = new Emitter
@_state = 'idle'
@_req = null
@_reqPingInterval = null
@_buffer = null
@_deltas = []
@_flushDeltasDebounced = _.debounce =>
@_emitter.emit('deltas-stopped-arriving', @_deltas)
@_deltas = []
, 1000
namespaceId: ->
hasCursor: ->
withCursor: (callback) ->
cursor = atom.config.get(@_cursorKey)
return callback(cursor) if cursor
stamp = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0)
path: "/n/#{@_namespaceId}/delta/generate_cursor"
method: 'POST'
body: { "start": stamp }
success: (json) =>
setCursor: (cursor) ->
atom.config.set(@_cursorKey, cursor)
state: ->
setState: (state) ->
@_state = state
@_emitter.emit('state-change', state)
onStateChange: (callback) ->
@_emitter.on('state-change', callback)
onDeltas: (callback) ->
@_emitter.on('deltas-stopped-arriving', callback)
onProcessBuffer: =>
bufferJSONs = @_buffer.split('\n')
bufferCursor = null
return if bufferJSONs.length == 1
for i in [0..bufferJSONs.length - 2]
delta = null
delta = JSON.parse(bufferJSONs[i])
catch e
console.log("#{bufferJSONs[i]} could not be parsed as JSON.", e)
if delta
throw (new Error 'Received delta with no cursor!') unless delta.cursor
bufferCursor = delta.cursor
# Note: setCursor is slow and saves to disk, so we do it once at the end
@_buffer = bufferJSONs[bufferJSONs.length - 1]
start: ->
throw (new Error 'Cannot start polling without auth token.') unless @_inbox.APIToken
return if @_req
console.log("Long Polling Connection: Starting....")
@withCursor (cursor) =>
return if @state is InboxLongConnection.State.Ended
console.log("Long Polling Connection: Starting for namespace #{@_namespaceId}, token #{@_inbox.APIToken}, with cursor #{cursor}")
options = url.parse("#{@_inbox.APIRoot}/n/#{@_namespaceId}/delta/streaming?cursor=#{cursor}&exclude_types=event")
options.auth = "#{@_inbox.APIToken}:"
if @_inbox.APIRoot.indexOf('https') is -1
lib = require 'http'
options.port = 443
lib = require 'https'
req = lib.request options, (res) =>
return @retry() unless res.statusCode == 200
@_buffer = ''
processBufferThrottled = _.throttle(@onProcessBuffer, 400, {leading: false})
res.on 'close', => @retry()
res.on 'data', (chunk) =>
@_buffer += chunk
req.on 'error', => @retry()
req.on 'socket', (socket) =>
socket.on 'connect', =>
@_req = req
@_reqPingInterval = setInterval ->
retry: ->
return if @_state is InboxLongConnection.State.Ended
setTimeout =>
, 10000
end: ->
console.log("Long Polling Connection: Closed.")
cleanup: ->
clearInterval(@_reqPingInterval) if @_reqPingInterval
@_reqPingInterval = null
if @_req
@_req = null
module.exports = InboxLongConnection