Ben Gotow 9ffe0d74dd feat(unsafe-components): Wrap injected components, catch exceptions, clean up ComponentRegistry
This diff gives the ComponentRegistry a cleaner, smaller API. Instead of querying by name, location or role,
it's now just location and role, and you can register components for one or more location and one or more
roles without assigning the entries in the registry separate names.

When you register with the ComponentRegistry, the syntax is also cleaner and uses the component's displayName
instead of requiring you to provide a name. You also provide the actual component when unregistering, ensuring
that you can't unregister someone else's component.

InjectedComponent and InjectedComponentSet now wrap their children in UnsafeComponent, which prevents
render/component lifecycle problems from propogating.

Existing components have been updated:

1. maxWidth / minWidth are now containerStyles.maxWidth/minWidth
2. displayName is now required to use the CR.
3. containerRequired = false can be provided to exempt a component from being wrapped in an UnsafeComponent.
   This is useful because it's slightly faster and keeps DOM flat.

This diff also makes the "Show Component Regions" more awesome. It displays column regions, since they now
use the InjectedComponentSet, and also shows for InjectedComponent as well as InjectedComponentSet.

Change ComponentRegistry syntax, lots more work on safely wrapping items. See description.

Fix for inline flexbox scenarios (message actions)

Allow ~/.inbox/packages to be symlinked to a github repo

Test Plan: Run tests!

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-04-30 16:10:15 -07:00

212 lines
6.5 KiB

_ = require 'underscore-plus'
ipc = require 'ipc'
React = require 'react/addons'
Message} = require 'inbox-exports'
{ResizableRegion} = require 'ui-components'
ActivityBarStore = require './activity-bar-store'
ActivityBarTask = require './activity-bar-task'
ActivityBarCurlItem = require './activity-bar-curl-item'
ActivityBarLongPollItem = require './activity-bar-long-poll-item'
ActivityBarClosedHeight = 30
class ActivityBar extends React.Component
@displayName: "ActivityBar"
@containerRequired: false
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = _.extend @_getStateFromStores(),
height: ActivityBarClosedHeight
section: 'curl'
filter: ''
componentDidMount: =>
ipc.on 'report-issue', => @_onFeedback()
@taskQueueUnsubscribe = TaskQueue.listen @_onChange
@activityStoreUnsubscribe = ActivityBarStore.listen @_onChange
componentWillUnmount: =>
@taskQueueUnsubscribe() if @taskQueueUnsubscribe
@activityStoreUnsubscribe() if @activityStoreUnsubscribe
render: =>
return <div></div> unless @state.visible
<ResizableRegion className="activity-bar"
<div className="controls">
<div className="btn-container pull-left">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => @_onExpandSection('queue')}>
<span>Queue Length: {@state.queue?.length}</span>
<div className="btn-container pull-left">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => @_onExpandSection('long-polling')}>
<div className={"activity-status-bubble state-" + @state.longPollState}></div>
<span>Long Polling: {@state.longPollState}</span>
<div className="btn-container pull-left">
<div className="btn" onClick={ => @_onExpandSection('curl')}>
<span>Requests: {@state.curlHistory.length}</span>
<div className="btn-container pull-right">
<div className="btn" onClick={@_onFeedback}>Feedback</div>
<div className="btn-container pull-right">
<div className="btn" onClick={@_onToggleRegions}>Component Regions</div>
<div className="footer">
<div className="btn" onClick={@_onClear}>Clear</div>
<input className="filter" placeholder="Filter..." value={@state.filter} onChange={@_onFilter} />
_caret: =>
if @state.height > ActivityBarClosedHeight
<i className="fa fa-caret-square-o-down" onClick={@_onHide}></i>
<i className="fa fa-caret-square-o-up" onClick={@_onShow}></i>
_sectionContent: =>
expandedDiv = <div></div>
matchingFilter = (item) =>
return true if @state.filter is ''
return JSON.stringify(item).indexOf(@state.filter) >= 0
if @state.section == 'curl'
itemDivs = @state.curlHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) ->
<ActivityBarCurlItem item={item}/>
expandedDiv = <div className="expanded-section curl-history">{itemDivs}</div>
else if @state.section == 'long-polling'
itemDivs = @state.longPollHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) ->
<ActivityBarLongPollItem item={item} key={item.cursor}/>
expandedDiv = <div className="expanded-section long-polling">{itemDivs}</div>
else if @state.section == 'queue'
queue = @state.queue.filter(matchingFilter)
queueDivs = for i in [@state.queue.length - 1..0] by -1
task = @state.queue[i]
<ActivityBarTask task=task
type="queued" />
queueCompleted = @state.completed.filter(matchingFilter)
queueCompletedDivs = for i in [@state.completed.length - 1..0] by -1
task = @state.completed[i]
<ActivityBarTask task=task
type="completed" />
expandedDiv =
<div className="expanded-section queue">
<div className="btn queue-buttons"
onClick={@_onDequeueAll}>Remove Queued Tasks</div>
<div className="section-content">
<hr />
_onChange: =>
_onClear: =>
_onFilter: (ev) =>
_onDequeueAll: =>
_onHide: =>
height: ActivityBarClosedHeight
_onShow: =>
@setState(height: 200) if @state.height < 100
_onExpandSection: (section) =>
@setState(section: section)
_onToggleRegions: =>
_onFeedback: =>
user = NamespaceStore.current().name
debugData = JSON.stringify({
queries: @state.curlHistory,
queue: @state.queue,
completed: @state.completed
}, null, '\t')
# Remove API tokens from URLs included in the debug data
# This regex detects ://user:pass@ and removes it.
debugData = debugData.replace(/:\/\/(\w)*:(\w)?@/g, '://')
draft = new Message
from: [NamespaceStore.current().me()]
to: [
new Contact
name: "Nilas Team"
email: ""
date: (new Date)
draft: true
subject: "Feedback"
namespaceId: NamespaceStore.current().id
body: """
Hi, Edgehill team! I have some feedback for you.<br/>
<b>What happened:</b><br/>
I'm using Edgehill #{atom.getVersion()} and my platform is #{process.platform}-#{process.arch}.<br/>
-- Extra Debugging Data --<br/>
DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then ->
DatabaseStore.localIdForModel(draft).then (localId) ->
_getStateFromStores: =>
visible: ActivityBarStore.visible()
queue: TaskQueue._queue
completed: TaskQueue._completed
curlHistory: ActivityBarStore.curlHistory()
longPollHistory: ActivityBarStore.longPollHistory()
longPollState: ActivityBarStore.longPollState()
module.exports = ActivityBar