mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 16:14:01 +08:00
Summary: Adding serialzable registry Added DatabaseObjectRegistry rename modelReviver to deserializeObject Consolidate deserizlie Get rid of model methods from Utils DatabaseRegistry change notifications Logic to throttle database refresh requests Fixes in nylas-exports Silent model setup Continue to resolving the database setup phase for non main windows. A packages `activate` method does not actually get called until the DatabaseStore says that it's ready. This is necessary to ensure that a package that introduces database changes has those schema changes take hold before the activate happens. However, in windows like the `onboarding` window that do not depend on a database at all, there is no setup that is run and the promise use to never resolve thereby making the packages never activate. In this case, any external windows will go ahead and let their packages activate. Check subclass instead of instance! Use the correct types for "messages" and "drafts" Move Salesforce models Proper references to Model and Attributes Convert Salesforce stores to NylasStores and fix paths Move database setup to DB Test Plan: todo Reviewers: bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D1899
555 lines
19 KiB
555 lines
19 KiB
path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore'
async = require 'async'
CSON = require 'season'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{Emitter, CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit'
Q = require 'q'
{deprecate} = require 'grim'
ModuleCache = require './module-cache'
ScopedProperties = require './scoped-properties'
TaskRegistry = require './task-registry'
DatabaseObjectRegistry = require './database-object-registry'
packagesCache = require('../package.json')?._atomPackages ? {}
catch error
packagesCache = {}
# Loads and activates a package's main module and resources such as
# stylesheets, keymaps, grammar, editor properties, and menus.
module.exports =
class Package
@isBundledPackagePath: (packagePath) ->
if atom.packages.devMode
return false unless atom.packages.resourcePath.startsWith("#{process.resourcesPath}#{path.sep}")
@resourcePathWithTrailingSlash ?= "#{atom.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}"
@loadMetadata: (packagePath, ignoreErrors=false) ->
packageName = path.basename(packagePath)
if @isBundledPackagePath(packagePath)
metadata = packagesCache[packageName]?.metadata
unless metadata?
if metadataPath = CSON.resolve(path.join(packagePath, 'package'))
metadata = CSON.readFileSync(metadataPath)
catch error
throw error unless ignoreErrors
metadata ?= {}
metadata.name = packageName
if metadata.stylesheetMain?
deprecate("Use the `mainStyleSheet` key instead of `stylesheetMain` in the `package.json` of `#{packageName}`", {packageName})
metadata.mainStyleSheet = metadata.stylesheetMain
if metadata.stylesheets?
deprecate("Use the `styleSheets` key instead of `stylesheets` in the `package.json` of `#{packageName}`", {packageName})
metadata.styleSheets = metadata.stylesheets
keymaps: null
menus: null
stylesheets: null
stylesheetDisposables: null
grammars: null
settings: null
mainModulePath: null
resolvedMainModulePath: false
mainModule: null
Section: Construction
constructor: (@path, @metadata) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@metadata ?= Package.loadMetadata(@path)
@bundledPackage = Package.isBundledPackagePath(@path)
@name = @metadata?.name ? path.basename(@path)
ModuleCache.add(@path, @metadata)
@declaresNewDatabaseObjects = false
Section: Event Subscription
# Essential: Invoke the given callback when all packages have been activated.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDeactivate: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-deactivate', callback
on: (eventName) ->
switch eventName
when 'deactivated'
deprecate 'Use Package::onDidDeactivate instead'
deprecate 'Package::on is deprecated. Use event subscription methods instead.'
EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments)
Section: Instance Methods
enable: ->
atom.config.removeAtKeyPath('core.disabledPackages', @name)
disable: ->
atom.config.pushAtKeyPath('core.disabledPackages', @name)
isTheme: ->
measure: (key, fn) ->
startTime = Date.now()
value = fn()
@[key] = Date.now() - startTime
getType: -> 'atom'
getStyleSheetPriority: -> 0
load: ->
@measure 'loadTime', =>
@declaresNewDatabaseObjects = false
@settingsPromise = @loadSettings()
if not @hasActivationCommands()
mainModule = @requireMainModule()
return unless mainModule
catch error
console.warn "Failed to load package named '#{@name}'"
console.warn error.stack ? error
console.error(error.message, error)
registerModelConstructors: (constructors=[]) ->
if constructors.length > 0
@declaresNewDatabaseObjects = true
for constructor in constructors
registerTaskConstructors: (constructors=[]) ->
for constructor in constructors
reset: ->
@stylesheets = []
@keymaps = []
@menus = []
@grammars = []
@settings = []
activate: ->
@grammarsPromise ?= @loadGrammars()
unless @activationDeferred?
@activationDeferred = Q.defer()
@measure 'activateTime', =>
if @hasActivationCommands()
Q.all([@grammarsPromise, @settingsPromise, @activationDeferred.promise])
activateNow: ->
if @requireMainModule()
@mainModule.activate(atom.packages.getPackageState(@name) ? {}, path.resolve(@path))
@mainActivated = true
catch e
console.log e.message
console.log e.stack
console.warn "Failed to activate package named '#{@name}'", e.stack
activateConfig: ->
return if @configActivated
if @mainModule?
if @mainModule.config? and typeof @mainModule.config is 'object'
atom.config.setSchema @name, {type: 'object', properties: @mainModule.config}
else if @mainModule.configDefaults? and typeof @mainModule.configDefaults is 'object'
deprecate """Use a config schema instead. See the configuration section
of https://atom.io/docs/latest/creating-a-package and
https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/Config for more details"""
atom.config.setDefaults(@name, @mainModule.configDefaults)
@configActivated = true
activateStylesheets: ->
return if @stylesheetsActivated
@stylesheetDisposables = new CompositeDisposable
priority = @getStyleSheetPriority()
for [sourcePath, source] in @stylesheets
if match = path.basename(sourcePath).match(/[^.]*\.([^.]*)\./)
context = match[1]
else if @metadata.theme is 'syntax'
context = 'atom-text-editor'
context = undefined
@stylesheetDisposables.add(atom.styles.addStyleSheet(source, {sourcePath, priority, context}))
@stylesheetsActivated = true
activateResources: ->
@activationDisposables = new CompositeDisposable
@activationDisposables.add(atom.keymaps.add(keymapPath, map)) for [keymapPath, map] in @keymaps
@activationDisposables.add(atom.menu.add(map['menu'])) for [menuPath, map] in @menus when map['menu']?
unless @grammarsActivated
grammar.activate() for grammar in @grammars
@grammarsActivated = true
settings.activate() for settings in @settings
@settingsActivated = true
activateServices: ->
for name, {versions} of @metadata.providedServices
for version, methodName of versions
@activationDisposables.add atom.packages.serviceHub.provide(name, version, @mainModule[methodName]())
for name, {versions} of @metadata.consumedServices
for version, methodName of versions
@activationDisposables.add atom.packages.serviceHub.consume(name, version, @mainModule[methodName].bind(@mainModule))
loadKeymaps: ->
if @bundledPackage and packagesCache[@name]?
@keymaps = (["#{atom.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}#{keymapPath}", keymapObject] for keymapPath, keymapObject of packagesCache[@name].keymaps)
@keymaps = @getKeymapPaths().map (keymapPath) -> [keymapPath, CSON.readFileSync(keymapPath) ? {}]
loadMenus: ->
if @bundledPackage and packagesCache[@name]?
@menus = (["#{atom.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}#{menuPath}", menuObject] for menuPath, menuObject of packagesCache[@name].menus)
@menus = @getMenuPaths().map (menuPath) -> [menuPath, CSON.readFileSync(menuPath) ? {}]
getKeymapPaths: ->
keymapsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'keymaps')
if @metadata.keymaps
@metadata.keymaps.map (name) -> fs.resolve(keymapsDirPath, name, ['json', 'cson', ''])
fs.listSync(keymapsDirPath, ['cson', 'json'])
getMenuPaths: ->
menusDirPath = path.join(@path, 'menus')
if @metadata.menus
@metadata.menus.map (name) -> fs.resolve(menusDirPath, name, ['json', 'cson', ''])
fs.listSync(menusDirPath, ['cson', 'json'])
loadStylesheets: ->
@stylesheets = @getStylesheetPaths().map (stylesheetPath) ->
[stylesheetPath, atom.themes.loadStylesheet(stylesheetPath, true)]
getStylesheetsPath: ->
if fs.isDirectorySync(path.join(@path, 'stylesheets'))
deprecate("Store package style sheets in the `styles/` directory instead of `stylesheets/` in the `#{@name}` package", packageName: @name)
path.join(@path, 'stylesheets')
path.join(@path, 'styles')
getStylesheetPaths: ->
stylesheetDirPath = @getStylesheetsPath()
if @metadata.mainStyleSheet
[fs.resolve(@path, @metadata.mainStyleSheet)]
else if @metadata.styleSheets
@metadata.styleSheets.map (name) -> fs.resolve(stylesheetDirPath, name, ['css', 'less', ''])
else if indexStylesheet = fs.resolve(@path, 'index', ['css', 'less'])
_.filter fs.listSync(stylesheetDirPath, ['css', 'less']), (file) ->
path.basename(file)[0] isnt '.'
loadGrammarsSync: ->
return if @grammarsLoaded
grammarsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'grammars')
grammarPaths = fs.listSync(grammarsDirPath, ['json', 'cson'])
for grammarPath in grammarPaths
grammar = atom.grammars.readGrammarSync(grammarPath)
grammar.packageName = @name
catch error
console.warn("Failed to load grammar: #{grammarPath}", error.stack ? error)
@grammarsLoaded = true
@grammarsActivated = true
loadGrammars: ->
return Q() if @grammarsLoaded
loadGrammar = (grammarPath, callback) =>
atom.grammars.readGrammar grammarPath, (error, grammar) =>
if error?
console.warn("Failed to load grammar: #{grammarPath}", error.stack ? error)
grammar.packageName = @name
grammar.activate() if @grammarsActivated
deferred = Q.defer()
grammarsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'grammars')
fs.list grammarsDirPath, ['json', 'cson'], (error, grammarPaths=[]) ->
async.each grammarPaths, loadGrammar, -> deferred.resolve()
loadSettings: ->
@settings = []
loadSettingsFile = (settingsPath, callback) =>
ScopedProperties.load settingsPath, (error, settings) =>
if error?
console.warn("Failed to load package settings: #{settingsPath}", error.stack ? error)
settings.activate() if @settingsActivated
deferred = Q.defer()
if fs.isDirectorySync(path.join(@path, 'scoped-properties'))
settingsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'scoped-properties')
deprecate("Store package settings files in the `settings/` directory instead of `scoped-properties/`", packageName: @name)
settingsDirPath = path.join(@path, 'settings')
fs.list settingsDirPath, ['json', 'cson'], (error, settingsPaths=[]) ->
async.each settingsPaths, loadSettingsFile, -> deferred.resolve()
serialize: ->
if @mainActivated
catch e
console.error "Error serializing package '#{@name}'", e.stack
deactivate: ->
@activationDeferred = null
if @mainActivated
catch e
console.error "Error deactivating package '#{@name}'", e.stack
@emit 'deactivated'
@emitter.emit 'did-deactivate'
deactivateConfig: ->
@configActivated = false
deactivateResources: ->
grammar.deactivate() for grammar in @grammars
settings.deactivate() for settings in @settings
@stylesheetsActivated = false
@grammarsActivated = false
@settingsActivated = false
reloadStylesheets: ->
oldSheets = _.clone(@stylesheets)
@stylesheetDisposables = new CompositeDisposable
@stylesheetsActivated = false
requireMainModule: ->
return @mainModule if @mainModule?
unless @isCompatible()
console.warn """
Failed to require the main module of '#{@name}' because it requires an incompatible native module.
Run `apm rebuild` in the package directory to resolve.
mainModulePath = @getMainModulePath()
@mainModule = require(mainModulePath) if fs.isFileSync(mainModulePath)
return @mainModule
getMainModulePath: ->
return @mainModulePath if @resolvedMainModulePath
@resolvedMainModulePath = true
if @bundledPackage and packagesCache[@name]?
if packagesCache[@name].main
@mainModulePath = "#{atom.packages.resourcePath}#{path.sep}#{packagesCache[@name].main}"
@mainModulePath = fs.resolveExtension(@mainModulePath, ["", _.keys(require.extensions)...])
@mainModulePath = null
mainModulePath =
if @metadata.main
path.join(@path, @metadata.main)
path.join(@path, 'index')
@mainModulePath = fs.resolveExtension(mainModulePath, ["", _.keys(require.extensions)...])
hasActivationCommands: ->
for selector, commands of @getActivationCommands()
return true if commands.length > 0
subscribeToActivationCommands: ->
@activationCommandSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
for selector, commands of @getActivationCommands()
for command in commands
do (selector, command) =>
# Add dummy command so it appears in menu.
# The real command will be registered on package activation
@activationCommandSubscriptions.add atom.commands.add selector, command, ->
@activationCommandSubscriptions.add atom.commands.onWillDispatch (event) =>
return unless event.type is command
currentTarget = event.target
while currentTarget
if currentTarget.webkitMatchesSelector(selector)
currentTarget = currentTarget.parentElement
getActivationCommands: ->
return @activationCommands if @activationCommands?
@activationCommands = {}
if @metadata.activationCommands?
for selector, commands of @metadata.activationCommands
@activationCommands[selector] ?= []
if _.isString(commands)
else if _.isArray(commands)
if @metadata.activationEvents?
deprecate """
Use `activationCommands` instead of `activationEvents` in your package.json
Commands should be grouped by selector as follows:
"activationCommands": {
"atom-workspace": ["foo:bar", "foo:baz"],
"atom-text-editor": ["foo:quux"]
if _.isArray(@metadata.activationEvents)
for eventName in @metadata.activationEvents
@activationCommands['atom-workspace'] ?= []
else if _.isString(@metadata.activationEvents)
eventName = @metadata.activationEvents
@activationCommands['atom-workspace'] ?= []
for eventName, selector of @metadata.activationEvents
selector ?= 'atom-workspace'
@activationCommands[selector] ?= []
# Does the given module path contain native code?
isNativeModule: (modulePath) ->
fs.listSync(path.join(modulePath, 'build', 'Release'), ['.node']).length > 0
catch error
# Get an array of all the native modules that this package depends on.
# This will recurse through all dependencies.
getNativeModuleDependencyPaths: ->
nativeModulePaths = []
traversePath = (nodeModulesPath) =>
for modulePath in fs.listSync(nodeModulesPath)
nativeModulePaths.push(modulePath) if @isNativeModule(modulePath)
traversePath(path.join(modulePath, 'node_modules'))
traversePath(path.join(@path, 'node_modules'))
# Get the incompatible native modules that this package depends on.
# This recurses through all dependencies and requires all modules that
# contain a `.node` file.
# This information is cached in local storage on a per package/version basis
# to minimize the impact on startup time.
getIncompatibleNativeModules: ->
localStorageKey = "installed-packages:#{@name}:#{@metadata.version}"
unless atom.inDevMode()
{incompatibleNativeModules} = JSON.parse(global.localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey)) ? {}
return incompatibleNativeModules if incompatibleNativeModules?
incompatibleNativeModules = []
for nativeModulePath in @getNativeModuleDependencyPaths()
catch error
version = require("#{nativeModulePath}/package.json").version
path: nativeModulePath
name: path.basename(nativeModulePath)
version: version
error: error.message
global.localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify({incompatibleNativeModules}))
# Public: Is this package compatible with this version of Atom?
# Incompatible packages cannot be activated. This will include packages
# installed to ~/.atom/packages that were built against node 0.11.10 but
# now need to be upgrade to node 0.11.13.
# Returns a {Boolean}, true if compatible, false if incompatible.
isCompatible: ->
return @compatible if @compatible?
if @path.indexOf(path.join(atom.packages.resourcePath, 'node_modules') + path.sep) is 0
# Bundled packages are always considered compatible
@compatible = true
else if packageMain = @getMainModulePath()
@incompatibleModules = @getIncompatibleNativeModules()
@compatible = @incompatibleModules.length is 0
@compatible = true