Ben Gotow d5f4aa4ac0 fix(message-sidebar): New ContactCard injectable role, updated FocusedContactStore
- The FocusedContactStore was triggering too often, and leaving it up to the FullcontactStore to fetch the full Contact model for the focused contact (pulled from thread.)

The FocusedContactStore triggers more responsibly, and registering for the role "MessageListSidebar:ContactCard" now gives you the focused contact as a full database model. The whole ContactCard region also fades in and out.
2015-09-24 18:58:53 -07:00

16 lines
414 B

_ = require 'underscore'
React = require "react"
SidebarFullContact = require "./sidebar-fullcontact"
{ComponentRegistry, WorkspaceStore} = require "nylas-exports"
module.exports =
item: null
activate: (@state={}) ->
ComponentRegistry.register SidebarFullContact,
role: "MessageListSidebar:ContactCard"
deactivate: ->
serialize: -> @state