mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 21:24:58 +08:00
Summary: There are now two objects, Folders & Labels. These inherit from `Category` (that's what Eben said they were using on the backend). There are two separate tasks. 1. MoveToFolderTask 2. ApplyLabelsTask It turns out that the semantics between the two are quite different. The reverse operation for moving to a folder is a bit tricky. As of 7-8-15, the Tasks are pretty much complete. I need to write tests for them still and do some manual testing in the client. Test Plan: Writing specs Reviewers: bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D1724
469 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
469 lines
16 KiB
Executable file
_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react'
classNames = require 'classnames'
MessageItem = require "./message-item"
UpdateThreadsTask} = require("nylas-exports")
InjectedComponent} = require('nylas-component-kit')
class MessageListScrollTooltip extends React.Component
@displayName: 'MessageListScrollTooltip'
viewportCenter: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
totalHeight: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
componentWillMount: =>
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) =>
not _.isEqual(@state,newState)
setupForProps: (props) ->
# Technically, we could have MessageList provide the currently visible
# item index, but the DOM approach is simple and self-contained.
els = document.querySelectorAll('.message-item-wrap')
idx = _.findIndex els, (el) -> el.offsetTop > props.viewportCenter
if idx is -1
idx = els.length
idx: idx
count: els.length
render: ->
<div className="scroll-tooltip">
{@state.idx} of {@state.count}
class MessageList extends React.Component
@displayName: 'MessageList'
@containerRequired: false
minWidth: 500
maxWidth: 900
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
@state.minified = true
componentDidMount: =>
@_mounted = true
window.addEventListener("resize", @_onResize)
@_unsubscribers = []
@_unsubscribers.push MessageStore.listen @_onChange
commands = _.extend {},
'core:star-item': => @_onStar()
'application:reply': => @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft('reply')
'application:reply-all': => @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft('reply-all')
'application:forward': => @_onForward()
@command_unsubscriber = atom.commands.add('body', commands)
# We don't need to listen to ThreadStore bcause MessageStore already
# listens to thead selection changes
if not @state.loading
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_mounted = false
unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @_unsubscribers
window.removeEventListener("resize", @_onResize)
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) =>
return if @state.loading
if prevState.loading
newDraftIds = @_newDraftIds(prevState)
newMessageIds = @_newMessageIds(prevState)
if newMessageIds.length > 0
else if newDraftIds.length > 0
_newDraftIds: (prevState) =>
oldDraftIds = _.map(_.filter((prevState.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.id)
newDraftIds = _.map(_.filter((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.id)
return _.difference(newDraftIds, oldDraftIds) ? []
_newMessageIds: (prevState) =>
oldMessageIds = _.map(_.reject((prevState.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.id)
newMessageIds = _.map(_.reject((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.id)
return _.difference(newMessageIds, oldMessageIds) ? []
_getDraftElement: (draftId) =>
_focusDraft: (draftElement) =>
_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft: (type) =>
unless type in ['reply', 'reply-all']
throw new Error("_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft called with #{type}, not reply or reply-all")
return unless @state.currentThread
last = _.last(@state.messages ? [])
# If the last message on the thread is already a draft, fetch the message it's
# in reply to and the draft session and change the participants.
if last.draft is true
data =
session: DraftStore.sessionForLocalId(@state.messageLocalIds[last.id])
replyToMessage: Promise.resolve(@state.messages[@state.messages.length - 2])
if last.replyToMessageId
msg = _.findWhere(@state.messages, {id: last.replyToMessageId})
if msg
data.replyToMessage = Promise.resolve(msg)
data.replyToMessage = DatabaseStore.find(Message, last.replyToMessageId)
Promise.props(data).then ({session, replyToMessage}) =>
return unless replyToMessage and session
draft = session.draft()
updated = {to: [].concat(draft.to), cc: [].concat(draft.cc)}
replySet = replyToMessage.participantsForReply()
replyAllSet = replyToMessage.participantsForReplyAll()
if type is 'reply'
targetSet = replySet
# Remove participants present in the reply-all set and not the reply set
for key in ['to', 'cc']
updated[key] = _.reject updated[key], (contact) ->
inReplySet = _.findWhere(replySet[key], {email: contact.email})
inReplyAllSet = _.findWhere(replyAllSet[key], {email: contact.email})
return inReplyAllSet and not inReplySet
# Add participants present in the reply-all set and not on the draft
# Switching to reply-all shouldn't really ever remove anyone.
targetSet = replyAllSet
for key in ['to', 'cc']
for contact in targetSet[key]
updated[key].push(contact) unless _.findWhere(updated[key], {email: contact.email})
if type is 'reply'
Actions.composeReply(thread: @state.currentThread, message: last)
Actions.composeReplyAll(thread: @state.currentThread, message: last)
_onStar: =>
return unless @state.currentThread
threads = [@state.currentThread]
values = starred: (not @state.currentThread.starred)
task = new UpdateThreadsTask(threads, values)
_onForward: =>
return unless @state.currentThread
Actions.composeForward(thread: @state.currentThread)
render: =>
if not @state.currentThread?
return <div className="message-list" id="message-list"></div>
wrapClass = classNames
"messages-wrap": true
"ready": @state.ready
<div className="message-list" id="message-list">
<ScrollRegion tabIndex="-1"
onScroll={_.debounce(@_cacheScrollPos, 100)}
<div className="headers" style={position:'relative'}>
exposedProps={thread: @state.currentThread}/>
exposedProps={thread: @state.currentThread}/>
<Spinner visible={!@state.ready} />
_renderSubject: ->
<div className="message-subject-wrap">
<div className="message-count">{@state.messages.length} {if @state.messages.length is 1 then "message" else "messages"}</div>
<div className="message-subject">{@state.currentThread?.subject}</div>
_renderReplyArea: =>
if @_hasReplyArea()
<div className="footer-reply-area-wrap" onClick={@_onClickReplyArea} key={Utils.generateTempId()}>
<div className="footer-reply-area">
<RetinaImg name="#{@_replyType()}-footer.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
<span className="reply-text">Write a reply…</span>
else return <div key={Utils.generateTempId()}></div>
_hasReplyArea: =>
not _.last(@state.messages)?.draft
# Either returns "reply" or "reply-all"
_replyType: =>
lastMsg = _.last(_.filter((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> not m.draft))
if lastMsg?.cc.length is 0 and lastMsg?.to.length is 1
return "reply"
return "reply-all"
_onClickReplyArea: =>
return unless @state.currentThread
# There may be a lot of iframes to load which may take an indeterminate
# amount of time. As long as there is more content being painted onto
# the page and our height is changing, keep waiting. Then scroll to message.
scrollToMessage: (msgDOMNode, done, location="top", stability=5) =>
return done() unless msgDOMNode?
messageWrap = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap)
lastHeight = -1
stableCount = 0
scrollIfSettled = =>
return unless @_mounted
messageWrapHeight = messageWrap.getBoundingClientRect().height
if messageWrapHeight isnt lastHeight
lastHeight = messageWrapHeight
stableCount = 0
stableCount += 1
if stableCount is stability
if location is "top"
messageWrap.scrollTop = msgDOMNode.offsetTop
else if location is "bottom"
offsetTop = msgDOMNode.offsetTop
messageHeight = msgDOMNode.getBoundingClientRect().height
messageWrap.scrollTop = offsetTop - (messageWrapHeight - messageHeight)
return done()
window.requestAnimationFrame -> scrollIfSettled(msgDOMNode, done)
_messageComponents: =>
appliedInitialScroll = false
threadParticipants = @_threadParticipants()
components = []
messages = @_messagesWithMinification(@state.messages)
messages.forEach (message, idx) =>
if message.type is "minifiedBundle"
collapsed = !@state.messagesExpandedState[message.id]
initialScroll = not appliedInitialScroll and not collapsed and
((message.draft) or
(message.unread) or
(idx is @state.messages.length - 1 and idx > 0))
appliedInitialScroll ||= initialScroll
className = classNames
"message-item-wrap": true
"before-reply-area": (messages.length - 1 is idx) and @_hasReplyArea()
"initial-scroll": initialScroll
"unread": message.unread
"draft": message.draft
"collapsed": collapsed
if message.draft
components.push <InjectedComponent matching={role:"Composer"}
exposedProps={ mode:"inline", localId:@state.messageLocalIds[message.id], onRequestScrollTo:@_onRequestScrollToComposer, threadId:@state.currentThread.id }
className={className} />
components.push <MessageItem key={message.id}
isLastMsg={(messages.length - 1 is idx)}
thread_participants={threadParticipants} />
components.push @_renderReplyArea()
return components
_renderMinifiedBundle: (bundle) ->
lines = bundle.messages[0...10]
h = Math.round(BUNDLE_HEIGHT / lines.length)
<div className="minified-bundle"
onClick={ => @setState minified: false }
<div className="num-messages">{bundle.messages.length} older messages</div>
<div className="msg-lines" style={height: h*lines.length}>
{lines.map (msg, i) ->
<div style={height: h*2, top: -h*i} className="msg-line"></div>}
_messagesWithMinification: (messages=[]) =>
return messages unless @state.minified
messages = _.clone(messages)
minifyRanges = []
consecutiveCollapsed = 0
messages.forEach (message, idx) =>
return if idx is 0 # Never minify the 1st message
expandState = @state.messagesExpandedState[message.id]
if not expandState
consecutiveCollapsed += 1
# We add a +1 because we don't minify the last collapsed message,
# but the MINIFY_THRESHOLD refers to the smallest N that can be in
# the "N older messages" minified block.
if expandState is "default"
minifyOffset = 1
else # if expandState is "explicit"
minifyOffset = 0
if consecutiveCollapsed >= @MINIFY_THRESHOLD + minifyOffset
start: idx - consecutiveCollapsed
length: (consecutiveCollapsed - minifyOffset)
consecutiveCollapsed = 0
indexOffset = 0
for range in minifyRanges
start = range.start - indexOffset
minified =
type: "minifiedBundle"
messages: messages[start...(start+range.length)]
messages.splice(start, range.length, minified)
# While we removed `range.length` items, we also added 1 back in.
indexOffset += (range.length - 1)
return messages
# Some child components (like the composer) might request that we scroll
# to a given location. If `selectionTop` is defined that means we should
# scroll to that absolute position.
# If messageId and location are defined, that means we want to scroll
# smoothly to the top of a particular message.
_onRequestScrollToComposer: ({messageId, location, selectionTop}={}) =>
composer = React.findDOMNode(@_getDraftElement(messageId))
if selectionTop
messageWrap = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap)
wrapRect = messageWrap.getBoundingClientRect()
if selectionTop < wrapRect.top or selectionTop > wrapRect.bottom
wrapMid = wrapRect.top + Math.abs(wrapRect.top - wrapRect.bottom) / 2
diff = selectionTop - wrapMid
messageWrap.scrollTop += diff
done = ->
location ?= "bottom"
@scrollToMessage(composer, done, location, 1)
_makeRectVisible: (rect) ->
messageWrap = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap)
_onChange: =>
newState = @_getStateFromStores()
if @state.currentThread isnt newState.currentThread
newState.minified = true
_getStateFromStores: =>
messages: (MessageStore.items() ? [])
messageLocalIds: MessageStore.itemLocalIds()
messagesExpandedState: MessageStore.itemsExpandedState()
currentThread: MessageStore.thread()
loading: MessageStore.itemsLoading()
ready: if MessageStore.itemsLoading() then false else @state?.ready ? false
_prepareContentForDisplay: =>
node = React.findDOMNode(@)
return unless node
initialScrollNode = node.querySelector(".initial-scroll")
@scrollToMessage initialScrollNode, =>
@setState(ready: true)
_threadParticipants: =>
# We calculate the list of participants instead of grabbing it from
# `@state.currentThread.participants` because it makes it easier to
# test, is a better source of ground truth, and saves us from more
# dependencies.
participants = {}
for msg in (@state.messages ? [])
contacts = msg.participants()
for contact in contacts
if contact? and contact.email?.length > 0
participants[contact.email] = contact
return _.values(participants)
_onResize: (event) =>
@_scrollToBottom() if @_wasAtBottom()
_scrollToBottom: =>
messageWrap = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap)
return unless messageWrap
messageWrap.scrollTop = messageWrap.scrollHeight
_cacheScrollPos: =>
messageWrap = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap)
return unless messageWrap
@_lastScrollTop = messageWrap.scrollTop
@_lastHeight = messageWrap.getBoundingClientRect().height
@_lastScrollHeight = messageWrap.scrollHeight
_wasAtBottom: =>
(@_lastScrollTop + @_lastHeight) >= @_lastScrollHeight
module.exports = MessageList