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"\"Launch on system start\" only works in XDG-compliant desktop environments. To enable the Mailspring icon in the system tray, you may need to install libappindicator.": "\"Manomboka amin'ny fanombohana ny rafitra\" dia miasa fotsiny ao anatin'ny sehatr'asa eo amin'ny sehatry ny desktop XDG. Mba hampidirana ny kisary Mailspring ao amin'ny fitoeran'entana, azonao atao ny mametraka ny libappindicator.",
"%1$@ of %2$@": "%1$@ amin'ny %2$@",
"%@ cannot be attached because it is larger than 25MB.": "%@ tsy azo ampifandraisana satria lehibe noho 25MB.",
"%@ has been installed and enabled. No need to restart! If you don't see the plugin loaded, check the console for errors.": "%@ dia napetraka ary navela. Tsy mila fanavaozana intsony! Raha tsy hitanao ilay plugin load, dia jereo ny konsole amin'ny diso.",
"%@ is a directory. Try compressing it and attaching it again.": "%@ dia rakitra. Andramo ny famoretana ary avereno izany indray.",
"%@ messages in this thread are hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "%@ ireo hafatra ao anatin'io lohahevitra io dia miafina satria nalefa any amin'ny fako na spam.",
"%@ others": "%@ hafa",
"%@ recently %@ %@": "%@ vao haingana %@ %@",
"(No Recipients)": "(No Receivers)",
"(No Subject)": "(No Subject)",
"(Requires supported window manager. Press `Alt` to show menu.)": "(Mila manantanteraka ny fikandrana ny rindrankajy.",
"... and much more!": "... ary zavatra hafa!",
"1 other": "1 hafa",
"A Gmail application-specific password is required.": "Voatanisa ny tenimiafina fampiasa Gmail.",
"A new version is available!": "Misy dikan-teny vaovao iray azo jerena!",
"About Mailspring": "About Mailspring",
"Accept": "Ekeo",
"Account": "Account",
"Account Details": "Account Details",
"Account Label": "Account Label",
"Account Settings": "Tefin'ny kaonty",
"Accounts": "Kaonty",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Activity": "Activity",
"Activity View": "Hijery ny zava-misy",
"Add Account": "Ampio ny kaonty",
"Add your %@ account": "Ampio ny kaontinao %@",
"Added %@": "Nampian'i %@",
"Added %@ to %@ threads": "Nampidirina %@ ho %@ threads",
"Adding account": "Hanampy kaonty",
"Adding your account to Mailspring…": "Ampio ny kaontinao amin'ny Mailspring ...",
"Address": "Address",
"After %@ Seconds": "Taorian'i %@ Sekonda",
"After sending, enable undo for": "Aorian'ny fandefasana dia ahafahana manafoana",
"Aliases": "Aliases",
"All": "rehetra",
"All Accounts": "Ny kaonty rehetra",
"All Contact Previews Used": "Ny fampisehoana an-tariby ampiasaina",
"All Mail": "All Mail",
"All Reminders Used": "Fampahatsiahivana rehetra nampiasaina",
"All Scheduled Sends Used": "Ireo rehetra nandefasana nalefa nampiasaina",
"All Sharing Links Used": "All Sharing Links nampiasaina",
"All Snoozes Used": "Ny Snoozes rehetra nampiasaina",
"All used up!": "Ireo rehetra nampiasaina!",
"Allow insecure SSL": "Omeo SSL tsy azo antoka",
"Always show images from %@": "Asehoy lalindalina avy amin'ny %@",
"An error has occurred": "Nisy hadisoana nitranga",
"An unknown error has occurred": "Misy hadisoana tsy fantatra",
"An update to Mailspring is available %@": "Misy famandrihana amin'ny Mailspring misy %@",
"Any": "Any",
"App Password": "App Password",
"Appearance": "Bika Aman 'endrika",
"Application": "Application",
"Apply Label": "Apetaho ny marika",
"Apply Layout": "Apply Layout",
"Applying changes...": "Fampiharana fiovana ...",
"Applying labels": "Fampiharana labels",
"Archive": "Archive",
"Archived %@": "Voatendry %@",
"Are you sure?": "Azonao antoka ve izany?",
"Attach File": "Fidio ny rakitra",
"Attach Mailsync to Xcode": "Ampidiro Mailsync amin'ny Xcode",
"Attachment name": "Anaram-pikambana",
"Attachments": "kofehy mifamatotra",
"Authentication Error - Check your username and password.": "Fahamarinana diso fanamarinana - Jereo ny mpampiasa anao sy ny tenimiafinao.",
"Authentication required.": "Fanamarinana notakiana.",
"Automatic CC / BCC": "CC / CCC",
"Automatically load images in viewed messages": "Mametaka sary avy amin'ny hafatra hita maso",
"Back": "Back",
"Bcc": "MM",
"Best Templates and Subject Lines": "Ny Tempoly Tsara indrindra sy ny Lohahevitra",
"Body": "Body",
"Bring All to Front": "Avoahy ny rehetra",
"By default, mail rules are only applied to new mail as it arrives. Applying rules to your entire inbox may take a long time and degrade performance.": "Amin'ny alàlan'ny fanamarinana, ny fitsipika mailaka dia ampiharina fotsiny amin'ny mailaka vaovao rehefa tonga izy. Ny fampiharana ny fitsipika amin'ny solosainao manontolo dia mety haharitra ela be ary hanimba ny fahaizanao.",
"Caching mail": "Caching mail",
"Caching recent mail": "Caching mailaka vao haingana",
"Can't find the selected thread in your mailbox": "Tsy afaka mahita ny kofehy voafantina ao amin'ny mailboxo",
"Cancel": "hanafoana",
"Cancel Send Later": "Alefa alefaso any aoriana",
"Cannot scan templates directory": "Tsy afaka scanner ny safidin'ny template",
"Cannot send message": "Tsy afaka mandefa hafatra",
"Cc": "Cc",
"Certificate Error": "Fahamarinana sertifika",
"Change Folder": "Hanova folder",
"Change Labels": "Hanova ny labels",
"Change Theme": "Fanovana",
"Change Theme...": "Hanova ny Theme ...",
"Changed labels": "Niova anarana labels",
"Changed labels on %@ threads": "Nifindra sora-tanana tamin'ny %@ threads",
"Changes are saved automatically. View the %@ for tips and tricks.": "Ny fiovana dia novonjena ho azy. Jereo ny %@ ho an'ny toro-hevitra sy ny tricks.",
"Changing folder mapping...": "Hanova ny sarintany mapping ...",
"Check Again": "Jereo indray",
"Check for Updates": "Hijerena ny vaovao farany",
"Check messages for spelling": "Tsidiho ireo hafatra ho an'ny tsipelina",
"Checking": "fanamarinana",
"Checking for mail": "Mamaritra ny paositra",
"Choose": "Mifidiana",
"Choose Directory": "Mifidiana Directory",
"Choose an image": "Misafidiana sary",
"Choose folder": "Hisafidy ordinatera",
"Choose folder or label": "Mifidiana folder na label",
"Cleanup Complete": "Fanadiovana tanteraka",
"Cleanup Error": "Fanadiovana Cleanup",
"Cleanup Started": "Nosokafana ny fanadiovana",
"Clear Selection": "Clear Selection",
"Clear reminder": "Fampatsiahivana mazava",
"Click 'Learn More' to view instructions in our knowledge base.": "Tsindrio ny 'Learn More' mba hijery ny torolàlana ao amin'ny fahalalana fototra.",
"Click any theme to apply:": "Kitiho ny lohahevitra tokony hampiharina:",
"Click shortcuts above to edit them. For even more control, you can edit the shortcuts file directly below.": "Tsindrio ny rakitra etsy ambony mba hanitsiana azy ireo. Ho an'ny fanaraha-maso misimisy kokoa, azonao atao ny manitsy ny rakitra voafafa eto ambany.",
"Click to replace": "Kitiho raha hanoloana",
"Click to upload": "Tsindrio raha te hampakatra",
"Clicked": "kitihina",
"Clicked by:": "Voakilasy avy amin'ny:",
"Close Window": "Window Close",
"Collapse": "firodanan'ny",
"Collapse All": "Hanafina ny rehetra",
"Combine your search queries with Gmail-style terms like %@ and %@ to find anything in your mailbox.": "Amboary ny fikarohana ataonao amin'ny teny Gmail-style toy ny %@ ary %@ mba hahita zavatra ao amin'ny mailboxo.",
"Comma-separated email addresses": "Adiresy imailaka comma",
"Company / Domain Logo": "Company / Domain Logo",
"Company overviews": "Biraon'ny orinasa",
"Complete the IMAP and SMTP settings below to connect your account.": "Fenoy ny safidy IMAP sy SMTP etsy ambany mba hampifandraisana ny kaontinao.",
"Compose New Message": "Manorata hafatra vaovao",
"Compose new message": "Mampiditra hafatra vaovao",
"Compose with context": "Mifanaraka amin'ny teny manodidina",
"Composer": "Composer",
"Composing": "composant",
"Connect Account": "Hampifandray ny kaonty",
"Connect an email account": "Mampiasà kaonty mailaka",
"Connecting to %@…": "Mifandray amin'ny %@ ...",
"Connection Error - Unable to connect to the server / port you provided.": "Fifandirana fifandraisana - Tsy afaka mifandray amin'ny server / port izay omena anao.",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Copied": "dika",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy Debug Info to Clipboard": "Kopio ny kitapo debugy amin'ny bokotra",
"Copy Email Address": "Alefaso ny adiresy mailaka",
"Copy Image": "Copy Image",
"Copy Link Address": "Alefaso ny adiresy rohy",
"Copy link": "Rohy manaova kopia",
"Could not create folder.": "Tsy afaka mamorona folder.",
"Could not create plugin": "Tsy afaka mamorona plugin",
"Could not find a file at path '%@'": "Tsy nahita finday iray teny an-dalana '%@'",
"Could not install plugin": "Tsy afaka mametraka plugin",
"Could not reach %@. %@": "Tsy afaka nanatratra %@. %@",
"Could not reach Mailspring. Please try again or contact if the issue persists. (%@: %@)": "Tsy afaka nanatratra ny Mailspring. Azafady andramo indray na ifaraho amin'ny raha mitohy ny olana. (%@: %@)",
"Could not reset accounts and settings. Please delete the folder %@ manually.\n\n%@": "Tsy afaka mamerina ny kaonty sy ny fikandrana. Alefaso azafady ny lahatahiry %@ amin'ny tanana. \n \n %@",
"Create": "mamorona",
"Create a Plugin": "Mamorona Plugin",
"Create a Theme": "Mamorona lohahevitra",
"Create a new Rule": "Mamorona fitsipika vaovao",
"Create a rule or select one to get started": "Mamorona fitsipika iray na mifidiana iray hanombohana",
"Create new item": "Mamorona zavatra vaovao",
"Create templated messages and fill them quickly to reply to messages and automate your common workflows.": "Mamoròna hafatra maoderina ary mameno haingana azy ireo hamaly hafatra sy manamboatra ny fizotran'ny asa iraisana.",
"Creating %@": "Mamorona %@",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Custom Image…": "Custom Image ...",
"Custom Window Frame and Right-hand Menu": "Custom Frame Frame sy Menu Right",
"Customization": "Customization",
"Cut": "Cut",
"Date": "Date",
"Decline": "fitontonganan'ny",
"Default": "toerana misy anao",
"Default Window Controls and Auto-hiding Menubar": "Fenitra fanaraha-maso Windows sy Auto-hidden Menubar",
"Default Window Controls and Menubar": "Fenitra mifehy ny Window sy Menubar",
"Default for new messages:": "Default for hafatra vaovao:",
"Default for:": "Default for:",
"Default reply behavior": "Hetsika fanehoan-kevitra fototra",
"Delete": "Fafao",
"Delete Draft": "Esory drafitra",
"Delete Template?": "Esory ny môdely?",
"Delete your custom key bindings and reset to the template defaults?": "Esory ny fandefasana fanalahidy tianao ary averina alaina ao amin'ny mari-pamantarana modely?",
"Deleted": "Fafao",
"Deleting %@": "Famafana %@",
"Deleting all messages in %@": "Mamafa ny hafatra rehetra ao %@",
"Deleting draft": "Afaho ny drafitra",
"Deselect all conversations": "Esory ny resaka rehetra",
"Developer": "Developer",
"Disable": "Tsy velomina",
"Dismiss": "Dismiss",
"Display conversations in descending chronological order": "Asehoy ny resadresaka rehefa miala ny filaharan'ny fotoana",
"Display thumbnail previews for attachments when available. (macOS only)": "Asehoy ny mombamomba ny thumbnail raha misy. (moka fotsiny)",
"Do you prefer a single panel layout (like Gmail) or a two panel layout?": "Moa ve ianao tia layout tokana (tahaka ny Gmail) na layout roa?",
"Dont show this again": "Aza aseho izany intsony",
"Download All": "Download All",
"Download Failed": "Download failed",
"Download Now": "Download Now",
"Downloading Update": "Downloading Update",
"Dozens of other features!": "Dihy maro hafa!",
"Draft": "Draft",
"Drafts": "drafts",
"Drafts folder not found": "Tsoratadidy fanalahidy tsy hita",
"Drop to Attach": "Alefaso mba hiditra",
"Edit": "anglisy",
"Edit Item": "Hanova Item",
"Edit Message": "Edit Message",
"Edit Reminder": "Hanitsy fampahatsiahivana",
"Edit Signatures...": "Hanova sonia ...",
"Edit custom shortcuts": "Hanova fofona manokana",
"Email": "Email",
"Email Address": "Adiresy mailaka",
"Empty": "Empty",
"Empty %@ now": "Vidio %@ izao",
"Enable": "Tadiavo",
"Enable read receipts %@ or link tracking %@ to see notifications here.": "Alefaso ny takatry ny famandrihana %@ na ny rohy manaraka %@ mba hahitana ny fampandrenesana.",
"Enable verbose IMAP / SMTP logging": "Ampidiro ny tranokalan'ny IMAP / SMTP",
"Encountered an error while syncing %@": "Nahitana fahadisoana iray raha nanitsy %@",
"Enter Full Screen": "Mankanesa tanteraka",
"Enter your email account credentials to get started.": "Ampidiro ny alahelonao ny kaontinao mailaka hanombohana.",
"Enter your email account credentials to get started. Mailspring\nstores your email password securely and it is never sent to our servers.": "Ampidiro ny alahelonao ny kaontinao mailaka hanombohana. Mailspring \n mitahiry ny tenimiafinao mailaka ary tsy nandefa any amin'ny servery velively.",
"Error": "Error",
"Event": "Event",
"Existing": "misy",
"Exit": "Fivoahana",
"Exit Full Screen": "Afilio tanteraka",
"Expand / collapse conversation": "Hamaky ny tohiny ...",
"Expand All": "Expand All",
"Explore Mailspring Pro": "Jereo ny Mailspring Pro",
"Export Failed": "Tsy nahomby ny fanondranana",
"Export Raw Data": "Fandefasana Data Raw",
"Facebook URL": "Facebook URL",
"Failed to load \"%@\"": "Tsy nahafeno ny \"%@\"",
"Failed to load config.json: %@": "Tsy afaka nandefasana config.json: %@",
"Failed to save \"%@\"": "Tsy afaka namonjy \"%@\"",
"Failed to save config.json: %@": "Tsy afaka namonjy config.json: %@",
"False": "Diso",
"Fax": "Fax",
"Feedback": "Feedback",
"File": "File",
"Find": "Find",
"Find Next": "Find Next",
"Find Previous": "Find Previous",
"Find in Mailbox": "Hitady mailaka",
"Find in Thread": "Find in Thread",
"Find in thread": "Hitady tady",
"Flags": "flags",
"Focus the %@ field": "Mifantoha amin'ny saha %@",
"Folder": "lahatahiry",
"Folders": "lahatahiry",
"Follow-up reminders": "Fampahatsiahivana manaraka",
"Food and Drink": "Sakafo sy fisotroana",
"Forward": "Forward",
"Forwarded Message": "Hafatra nalefa",
"Frequently Used": "Frequently Used",
"From": "From",
"GMX requires that you %@ before using email clients like Mailspring.": "GMX dia mitaky anao %@ alohan'ny fampiasana mpanjifa mailaka toy ny Mailspring.",
"General": "General",
"Get Mailspring Pro": "Get Mailspring Pro",
"Get Started": "Manomboka",
"Get notified when each recipient opens your email to send timely follow-ups and reminders.": "Ampahafantaro rehefa manokatra ny mailakao tsirairay ny olona tsirairay mba handefa mailaka sy fampahatsiahivana ara-potoana.",
"Get reminded if you don't receive a reply for this message within a specified time.": "Ataovy fampahatsiahivana raha tsy mahazo valiny amin'ity hafatra ity ianao amin'ny fotoana voafaritra.",
"Get reminded!": "Mahatsiaro!",
"Give your draft a subject to name your template.": "Omeo ny foto-kevitrao ny anaranao.",
"Gmail IMAP is not enabled. Visit Gmail settings to turn it on.": "Gmail IMAP dia tsy navela. Tsidiho ny votoatin'ny Gmail hanova izany.",
"Gmail Remove from view": "Gmail Mialà amin'ny fijerena",
"Gmail bandwidth exceeded. Please try again later.": "Gmail bandwidth dia nihoatra. Andramo azafady aorian'ny fotoana.",
"Go Back": "Hiverina",
"Go further with Mailspring Pro": "Mandehana any amin'ny Mailspring Pro",
"Go to %@": "Mandehana any amin'ny %@",
"Got it!": "Azoko!",
"Gravatar Profile Photo": "Gravatar Profile Photo",
"Handle it later!": "Tohizo ity manaraka ity!",
"Have a GitHub account? Want to contibute many translations? Contribute directly via a Pull Request!": "Manana kaonty GitHub? Te handika Baiboly maro? Ampio mivantana avy amin'ny Pull Request!",
"Have you enabled access through Yahoo?": "Azonao atao ve ny mahazo alalana avy amin'ny Yahoo?",
"Help": "Vonjeo",
"Help Center": "Help Center",
"Hide": "afeno",
"Hide Badge": "Afeno ny marika",
"Hide Mailspring": "Afeno ny mailspring",
"Hide Others": "Afeno ny hafa",
"Hide Sidebar": "Afeno ny Sidebar",
"Hooray! Youre done.": "Hooray! Vita ianao.",
"Huge": "Huge",
"If %@ of the following conditions are met:": "Raha toa ka [...] ireto manaraka ireto:",
"If you enjoy Mailspring, upgrade to Mailspring Pro from %@ to enable all these great features permanently:": "Raha mankafy Mailspring ianao, dia manavao amin'ny Mailspring Pro avy amin'ny %@ mba ahafahana manatanteraka ireo endri-javatra lehibe ireo:",
"If you write a draft in another language, Mailspring will auto-detect it and use the correct spelling dictionary after a few sentences.": "Raha manoratra volavolan-dàlana amin'ny fiteny hafa ianao, Mailspring dia hanamarina azy io ary hampiasa ny diksionera marina araka ny fehezanteny sasantsasany.",
"If you've enabled link tracking or read receipts, those events will appear here!": "Raha toa ka afaka nanohy ny fanarahamaso ny rohy ianao na namaky takelaka, dia hiseho eto ireo fisehoan-javatra ireo!",
"Important": "Important",
"In 1 Week": "Amin'ny herinandro 1",
"In 1 hour": "Amin'ny ora 1",
"In 2 Weeks": "Amin'ny 2 herinandro",
"In 2 hours": "Amin'ny 2 ora",
"In 3 Days": "Amin'ny 3 andro",
"In 3 Hours": "Amin'ny 3 ora tolakandro",
"In a Month": "Ao anatin'ny volana",
"In order to perform actions on this mailbox, you need to resolve the sync issue. Visit Preferences > Accounts for more information.": "Mba hanatanterahana ireo hetsika ao amin'ity mailaka ity dia mila mamaha ny olana amin'ny sync. Tsidiho ny Preferences> Accounts for more information.",
"In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Sent Mail folder. You can specify a Sent folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Mba handefa mailaka amin'ny Mailspring, ny kaontinao mailaka dia tokony hanana ordinatera Sent Mail. Azonao atao ny mamaritra ny ordinatera Voatendry amin'ny alàlan'ny fitsidihana ny Fichier> Ordinatera ary misafidy ny anaran'ny lahatahiry ao amin'ny menio miainga.",
"In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Trash folder. You can specify a Trash folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Mba handefa mailaka amin'ny Mailspring, ny kaontinao mailaka dia tsy maintsy manana tranokalan'ny Trash. Azonao atao ny mamaritra ny lahatahiry fako amin'ny famandrihana ny Fichiers> Ordinatera> ary misafidy ny anaran'ny lahatahiry ao amin'ny menio misintona.",
"Inbox": "Inbox",
"Incoming Mail": "Mailaka miditra",
"Indent": "Kinifinify",
"Information": "Information",
"Insert Numbered List": "Soraty ny lisitra voatanisa",
"Insert a Quote Block": "Ampidiro ny lisitry ny sokajy",
"Insert a bulleted list": "Ampidiro lisitra misy balaonina",
"Insert a link": "Ampidiro rohy",
"Insert content here!": "Ampidino ato ny lahatsoratra!",
"Install": "hametraka",
"Install Theme": "Hametraka Templa",
"Install a Plugin": "Mametraka Plugin",
"Instantly": "hatrany",
"Invalid plugin location": "Toerana tsy misy plugin",
"Invalid plugin name": "Tsy manana anarana namehy ny plugin",
"Invalid template name! Names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores.": "Anarana tsy fantatra anarana! Ny anarana dia tsy ahitana afa-tsy taratasy, tarehimarika, sehatra, teboka ary fanadihadiana.",
"It looks like your draft already has some content. Loading this template will overwrite all draft contents.": "Tahaka ny efa misy ny soso-kevitra efa misy votoatiny. Ny fandefasana ity môdely ity dia handika ny votoatiny rehetra.",
"It originates from %@ but replies will go to %@.": "Avy amin'ny %@ izy io, fa ny valiny kosa dia mankany %@.",
"Job Title": "Anaran'ny asa",
"Jumping": "fitraitraiky",
"Label as...": "Label amin'ny ...",
"Labels": "Labels",
"Language Conversion Failed": "Nivadika ny fiteny",
"Large": "Large",
"Last 2 Weeks": "Last 2 Weeks",
"Last 4 Weeks": "Last 4 Weeks",
"Last 7 Days": "Last 7 Days",
"Later Today": "Androany",
"Launch on system start": "Atombohy amin'ny fanombohana ny rafitra",
"Layout": "Layout",
"Learn More": "Hamantatra bebe kokoa",
"Learn Spelling": "Learn Spelling",
"Learn more": "Hamantatra bebe kokoa",
"Let's set things up to your liking.": "Andao hapetrakao ny zavatra tianao.",
"Link Click Rate": "Link Clima Rate",
"Link tracking": "Link manaraka",
"Link tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Tsy mandeha miasa ivelan'ny aterineto ny fijerena ny rohy. Avereno azafady rehefa miverina an-tserasera ianao.",
"Loading Messages": "Loading Messages",
"Loading...": "Loading ...",
"Local Data": "Local Data",
"Localized": "voafaritra",
"Log Data": "Log Data",
"Look Up “%@”": "Jereo ny \"%@\"",
"Looking for accounts...": "Mitady kaonty ...",
"Looking for more messages": "Mitady hafatra misimisy kokoa",
"Looks Good!": "Toa tsara!",
"Mail Rules": "Mail Rules",
"Mail Templates": "Mail Templates",
"Mailbox Summary": "Mailbox Summary",
"Mailbox insights": "Mailbox insights",
"Mailspring Basic": "Mailspring Basic",
"Mailspring Help": "Mailspring Help",
"Mailspring Pro": "Mailspring Pro",
"Mailspring Reminder": "Mailspring Reminder",
"Mailspring can no longer authenticate with %@. The password or authentication may have changed.": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka manamarina amin'ny %@ intsony. Mety niova ny tenimiafina na ny fanamarinana.",
"Mailspring can't find your Drafts folder. To create and send mail, visit Preferences > Folders and choose a Drafts folder.": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka mahita ny ordinateranao Drafts. Mamorona sy mandefa mailaka, mitsidiha ny Fichiers> Ordinatera ary misafidy Ordinatera Drafts.",
"Mailspring could find the mailsync process. If you're building Mailspring from source, make sure mailsync.tar.gz has been downloaded and unpacked in your working copy.": "Ny mailspring dia afaka mahita ny paikady mailsync. Raha manangana Mailspring avy amin'ny loharano ianao, ataovy azo antoka fa mailsync.tar.gz dia nakarina sy navoaka ao amin'ny dika mitovy.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Ny mailspring dia tsy afaka nanavotra ny rindrankajy satria nihazakazaka tao amin'ny habaka.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka nanavotra ny fifandraisana. Hamarino fa ny fahazoan-dàlana dia napetraka araka ny tokony ho izy ary manandrana manomboka Mailspring raha mbola mitohy ny olana.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka mamoaka ny paik'ady mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka mitahiry tsara ny tenimiafinao. %@ Raha mila fanazavana bebe kokoa, tsidiho %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Ny mailspring fampahafantarana ny bootera amin'ny Linux dia mila Zenity. Azonao atao ny mametraka azy amin'ny manager manager.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring dia tsy manohana stages miaraka amin'ny fanitarana: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring dia nahita fahadisoana nanitsy ity kaonty ity. Tatitra an-dalambe no nalefa tany amin'ny ekipan'ny Mailspring ary hiasa hamaha ireo fahadisoana amin'ny famoahana manaraka isika.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring dia manazava izany fa ny cache dia ho an'ny %@. Mety hila segondra vitsy na minitra vitsivitsy ianao, arakaraka ny haben'ny mailaka. Hisy fanairana iray rehefa tapitra ny fanadiovana.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring dia sehatra mahaleotena %@, ary ny fidiram-bola dia ahafahantsika mandany fotoana hihazonana sy hanatsarana ny vokatra.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring dia offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dia mihazakazaka amin'ny dev mode ary mety ho mora kokoa!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring dia manitsy ity kofehy ity ary ny fidirana amin'ny rahona. Ho an'ny filalaovana lava dia mety haka fotoana kely izany.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka manova %@",
"Mailspring reset the local cache for %@ in %@ seconds. Your mailbox will now begin to sync again.": "Mailspring mamerina ny cache ao an-toerana ho an'ny %@ amin'ny %@ segondra. Handefa synchronisation indray ny mailakao.",
"Mailspring shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. See LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more.": "Ny Mailspring dia mampiseho anao ny zava-drehetra momba ny fifandraisana aminao ao anatin'ny mailakao. Jereo ny profiles LinkedIn, Twitter bios, tantaran'ny hafatra, ary bebe kokoa.",
"Mailspring was unable to modify your keymaps at %@.": "Ny mailaka dia tsy afaka nanova ny keymaps amin'ny %@.",
"Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Tsy afaka namaky ny ao anatin'ny lisitry ny template (%@) ny mailspring. Azonao atao ny mamafa an'io lahatahiry io na miantoka ny fahazoan-dàlan'ny fandefasana solosaina voafaritra tsara.",
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Ny mailspring dia tsy afaka namerina ny cache teo an-toerana. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).": "Tsy afaka nanoratra tamin'ny alàlan'ny toerana nofaritanao (%@) ny mailspring.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Ataovy azo antoka fa manana 'libsecret` ny fametrahana ary misy ny kitendry.",
"Manage": "mitantana",
"Manage Accounts": "Mitantana ny kaonty",
"Manage Billing": "Manage Billing",
"Manage Templates...": "Manage Templates ...",
"Manually": "Amin'ny tanana",
"Mark as %@": "Marka toy ny %@",
"Mark as Important": "Mariho fa zava-dehibe",
"Mark as Not Important": "Mariho fa tsy manan-danja",
"Mark as Read": "Mariho ho Read",
"Mark as Spam": "Mariho ho toy ny Spam",
"Marked %@ as Spam": "Notsongaina %@ ho toy ny Spam",
"Marked %@ threads as %@": "Ny marika %@ as %@",
"Marked as %@": "Marihana fa %@",
"Market Cap": "Market Cap",
"Marking as read": "Mariho ho vakiana",
"Marking as unread": "Marika toy ny tsy navoaka",
"Maybe": "Angamba",
"Message": "Message",
"Message Sent Sound": "Hafatra nalefa nalefa",
"Message Viewer": "Message Viewer",
"Messages Received": "Nahazoana hafatra",
"Messages Sent": "Messages Sent",
"Messages Time of Day": "Hafatry ny andro",
"Minimize": "manamaivana",
"MobileMe has moved.": "Nifindra ny MobileMe.",
"Monthly": "Isam-bolana",
"Move Message": "Hafatra mivezivezy",
"Move to Applications": "Mankanà fangatahana",
"Move to Applications?": "Miala amin'ny fangatahana?",
"Move to Archive": "Mivoha mankany amin'ny rakitra",
"Move to Folder": "Mankanesa any amin'ny Ordinatera",
"Move to Label": "Mankanesa any amin'ny Label",
"Move to Trash": "Miala amin'ny fako",
"Move to newer conversation": "Mankanesa any amin'ny resadresaka vaovao",
"Move to older conversation": "Mankanesa any amin'ny lahateny lehibe",
"Move to...": "Move to ...",
"Moved %@ messages to %@": "Nandefa hafatra %@ tao %@",
"Moved %@ threads to %@": "Ny sivana %@ dia nizara %@",
"Moved to %@": "Moved to %@",
"Moving to folder": "Mandeha mankany amin'ny lahatahiry",
"Name": "Anarana",
"Nature": "Nature",
"Navigation": "Fikarohana",
"Never forget to follow up! Mailspring reminds you if your messages haven't received replies.": "Aza hadinoina mihitsy ny manohy! Mailspring dia mampahatsiahy anao raha tsy nahazo valiny ireo hafatrao.",
"New %@": "New %@",
"New Message": "Hafatra vaovao",
"Next": "Manaraka",
"Next Month": "Next Month",
"Next Week": "Amin'ny herinandro ambony",
"Next thread": "Next thread",
"No": "No",
"No Date": "No Date",
"No Guesses Found": "Tsy hita ireo gisadia",
"No Matching Profile": "Tsy misy profil mifangaro",
"No Messages": "No Messages",
"No important folder / label": "Tsy misy ordinatera / label",
"No name provided": "Tsy misy anarana nomena",
"No opens": "Tsy misy misokatra",
"No reminders set": "Tsy misy fampahatsiahivana napetraka",
"No rules": "Tsy misy fitsipika",
"No search results": "Tsy misy valin'ny fikarohana",
"No signature": "Tsy misy sonia",
"No update available.": "Tsy misy famandrihana misy.",
"No valid server found.": "Tsy misy mpizara valisoa hita.",
"None": "tsy misy",
"Normal": "Normal",
"Not Important": "Tsy manan-danja",
"Not Now": "Tsy izao",
"Not Spam": "Tsy Spam",
"Note: Due to issues with your most recent payment, you've been temporarily downgraded to Mailspring %@. Click 'Billing' below to correct the issue.": "Fanamarihana: Noho ny olana amin'ny vola farananao farany indrindra, dia nidina haingana ianao tamin'ny Mailspring %@. Tsindrio ny 'Billing' etsy ambany mba hanitsiana ilay olana.",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Notify me about new features and plugins via this email address.": "Ampahafantaro ahy momba ireo endri-javatra sy plugins vaovao amin'ny alalan'ity adiresy mailaka ity.",
"Now": "ankehitriny",
"OK": "ok",
"Objects": "zavatra",
"Of recipients click a link": "Ny mpandray ireo dia manitsy rohy",
"Of threads you start get a reply": "Ny kofehy manomboka mamaly anao",
"Of your emails are opened": "Ny mombamomba anao dia misokatra",
"Offline": "Offline",
"Okay": "Okay",
"One message in this thread is hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "Hafatra iray ao anatin'io lohahevitra io dia miafina satria nafindra tany amin'ny fako na spam.",
"One or more of your mail rules have been disabled.": "Ny iray na mihoatra amin'ny fitsipi-pandefasanao dia nesorina.",
"One or more of your mail rules requires the bodies of messages being processed. These rules can't be run on your entire mailbox.": "Ny iray na maromaro amin'ny fitsipika mailakao dia mitaky ny votoatin'ny hafatra apetraka. Ireo fitsipika ireo dia tsy azo hazonina ao amin'ny mailbox rehetra.",
"Open": "Open",
"Open In Browser": "Sokafy ny navigateur",
"Open Link": "Open Link",
"Open Mailsync Logs": "Sokafy ny Logs amin'ny Mailsync",
"Open Rate": "Open Rate",
"Open and link tracking": "Sokafy sy jerena ny fanaraha-maso",
"Open containing folder after downloading attachment": "Sokafy miaraka amin'ny ordinatera aorian'ny fampidirana ny attachment",
"Open selected conversation": "Sokafy ny resadresaka nofantenana",
"Open tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Ny fijerena misokatra dia tsy miasa offline. Avereno azafady rehefa miverina an-tserasera ianao.",
"Opened": "nisokatra",
"Opened by": "Open it by",
"Opens": "manokatra",
"Or, 'next Monday at 2PM'": "Na, 'alatsinainy amin'ny 2 ora tolak'andro'",
"Outdent": "Outdent",
"Outgoing Mail": "Mailaka mivoaka",
"Override standard interface scaling": "Manindry ny fanalefahana ny interface interface",
"Page didn't open? Paste this URL into your browser:": "Pejy tsy nisokatra? Apetraho ao amin'ny navigateur ity URL ity:",
"Parsing Error": "Parsing Error",
"Password": "Password",
"Paste": "Mametaka",
"Paste and Match Style": "Paste and Match Style",
"People": "People",
"Perform these actions:": "Ataovy ireto hetsika ireto:",
"Phone": "Phone",
"Play sound when receiving new mail": "Alefaso feo rehefa mahazo mailaka vaovao",
"Please provide a password for your account.": "Manorata tenimiafina amin'ny kaontinao.",
"Please provide a valid email address.": "Azafady azafady adiresy mailaka.",
"Please provide a valid port number.": "Azafady azafady ny nomeraon-telefaona marina.",
"Please provide your name.": "Azafady azafady ny anaranao.",
"Plugin installed! 🎉": "Plugin napetraka! 🎉",
"Pop thread in": "Pop thread in",
"Popout composer…": "Mpilalao Popout ...",
"Popout thread": "Fandefasana ny rindrina",
"Port": "Port",
"Powerful template support": "Tetikasa maoderina mahery",
"Preferences": "safidinao",
"Preferences > Subscription": "Preferences> Subscription",
"Press "tab" to quickly move between the blanks - highlighting will not be visible to recipients.": "Tsindrio \"tab\" & quot; Miantsoroka haingana eo anelanelan'ny banga - ny fanasongadinana dia tsy ho hita amin'ny mpandray.",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Previous thread": "Previous thread",
"Print": "Print",
"Print Current Thread": "Soraty ny doka ankehitriny",
"Print Thread": "Soraty ny lohahevitra",
"Privately Held": "Mpiasam-panjakana",
"Pro tip: Combine search terms with AND and OR to create complex queries.": "Pro tip: Mampifanaraka ny endrik-panandramana amin'ny AND sy OR mba hametrahana fanontaniana sarotra.",
"Process entire inbox": "Mahaiza miditra manontolo",
"Quick Reply": "Quick Reply",
"Quit": "Quit",
"Quit Mailspring": "Mialà sasatra",
"Raised": "natsangana",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"Raw Source": "Loharano loharano",
"Re-authenticate...": "Re-manamarina ...",
"Read": "Vakio",
"Read Receipts": "Vakio ny Receipts",
"Read Receipts and Link Tracking": "Vakio ny Receipts and Tracking Link",
"Reading": "Reading",
"Reading Pane Off": "Famakiana famakiana",
"Reading Pane On": "Hamaky ny tohiny ...",
"Rebuild": "hanorina indray",
"Rebuild Cache...": "Manangona Cache ...",
"Recipient": "mpandray",
"Reconnect": "Reconnect",
"Redo": "vonona",
"Relaunch": "Relaunch",
"Relaunch to apply window changes.": "Hamindrà fo amin'ny fanovana fikandrana varavarankely.",
"Release channel": "Fandefasana channel",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Remind me if no one replies": "Ampahatsiahivo ahy raha tsy misy mamaly",
"Reminder": "fampahatsiahivana",
"Reminder set for %@ from now": "Fampatsiahivana natokana ho an'ny %@ manomboka izao",
"Reminders": "fampahatsiahivana",
"Remove": "Esory",
"Remove HTML": "Esory HTML",
"Remove Star": "Esory ny Star",
"Remove Stars": "Esory ny kintana",
"Remove and show next": "Esory ary asehoy manaraka",
"Remove and show previous": "Esory ary asehoy aloha",
"Remove from view": "Esory tsy ho hita",
"Remove quoted text": "Esory ny lahatsoratra voatanisa",
"Removed %@": "Nesorina %@",
"Removed %@ from %@ threads": "Nesorina %@ avy amin'ny %@ threads",
"Removed %@ from Trash": "Nesorina %@ avy amin'ny Trash",
"Rename": "Hanova anarana",
"Renaming %@": "Manavao %@",
"Replace contents": "Fintino ny votoatiny",
"Replace draft contents?": "Hanamboatra fanontana drafitra?",
"Reply": "navalin'i",
"Reply All": "Reply All",
"Reply Rate": "Reply Rate",
"Reply to": "Reply to",
"Reset": "Mamerina",
"Reset Accounts and Settings": "Reset ny kaonty sy ny fanovana",
"Reset Cache": "Reset Cache",
"Reset Configuration": "Reset Configuration",
"Reset Theme": "Reset Theme",
"Restart and Install Update": "Atsaharo ny fanavaozana ary ampidiro ny kitapo",
"Restore Defaults": "Mamaritra ny défault",
"Resurface messages to the top of the inbox when unsnoozing": "Hafatra miandry eny an-tampon'ny fandraisana mailaka rehefa tsy miraharaha",
"Retrying in %@ seconds": "Miverena amin'ny %@ segondra",
"Retrying in 1 second": "Miverena amin'ny 1 segondra",
"Retrying now...": "Miverena ankehitriny ...",
"Retrying...": "Retrying ...",
"Return to %@": "Miverina any amin'ny %@",
"Return to conversation list": "Miverena any amin'ny lisitry ny resadresaka",
"Revert custom HTML?": "Hanavao ny HTML maoderina?",
"Rich contact profiles": "Tetik'asa be mpanohana be dia be",
"Rules only apply to the selected account.": "Fitsipika ihany no ampiharina amin'ny kaonty voafantina.",
"Run with Debug Flags": "Mihazakazaha miaraka amin'ny saina debug",
"Run with debug flags?": "Mihazakazaka miaraka amin'ny saina debugue?",
"Save Draft as Template...": "Mamaham-panadinana toy ny môdely ...",
"Save Image": "Save Image",
"Save Into...": "Save Into ...",
"Save New Package": "Hamonjy ny fonosana vaovao",
"Saving reminder...": "Mitahiry fampahatsiahivana ...",
"Saving send date...": "Mamonjy daty fandefasana ...",
"Scaling": "Scaling",
"Scaling adjusts the entire UI, including icons, dividers, and text. Messages you send will still have the same font size. Decreasing scale significantly may make dividers and icons too small to click.": "Manitsakitsaka ny UI manontolo ny skalet, anisan'izany ny sary, sary, ary lahatsoratra. Ireo hafatra izay nalefanao dia mbola hanana mitovy habe mitovy. Ny fihenan'ny lanjan'ny marika dia mety mahatonga ny mpividy sy ny sary tsy dia kely loatra mba hikendrena.",
"Scanning": "scanning",
"Scanning messages": "Famakiana hafatra",
"Schedule messages to re-appear later to keep your inbox clean and focus on immediate todos.": "Hafatra momba ny fikirakirana indray ny fanesorana azy indray andro any mba hitazona ny imailo madio ary hifantoka amin'ny todos mivantana.",
"Schedule messages to send at the ideal time to maximize your email reply rate or automate drip emails.": "Manomàna hafatra mandefa any amin'ny fotoana mety indrindra mba hampitomboana ny valin-kafatrao mailaka na maimaimpoana mailaka.",
"Schedule this message to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Manorata ity hafatra ity handefa amin'ny fotoana mety. Ny mailspring dia mahatonga mora amin'ny fanaraha-maso ny vatan'ny habakabaka!",
"Scheduled for %@": "Natokana ho an'ny %@",
"Search": "Search",
"Search Google for '%@'": "Hikaroka Google amin'ny '%@'",
"Search Results": "Search Results",
"Search all mailboxes": "Hikaroka daholo ny mailaka rehetra",
"Search for": "Hitady ny",
"Search with ease": "Mitadiava mora",
"Security": "Security",
"See detailed information about companies you email, including their size, funding and timezone.": "Jereo ny fampahalalana amin'ny antsipiriany momba ny orinasa mailakao, anisan'izany ny habeny, ny famatsiam-bola ary ny fizaran-taona",
"See when recipients click links in your emails so you can follow up with precision": "Jereo hoe rehefa mahazo alalana hiditra rohy amin'ny mailaka ny olona azonao dia azonao atao ny manara-maso tsara",
"See when recipients open this email": "Jereo ny rehefa manokatra ity mailaka ity ny mpandray",
"Select All": "Select All",
"Select All Read": "Select All Read",
"Select All Starred": "Misafidiana rehetra Starred",
"Select All Unread": "Safidio ny rehetra tsy voavaly",
"Select All Unstarred": "Fidio daholo ny tsy mety",
"Select all conversations": "Fanteno daholo ny resadresaka rehetra",
"Select all read conversations": "Fanteno ny resaka rehetra vakiana",
"Select all starred conversations": "Fanteno ny resadresaka rehetra",
"Select all unread conversations": "Safidio ny resadresaka tsy fantatra",
"Select all unstarred conversations": "Fanteno daholo ny resadresaka tsy voatanisa",
"Select conversation": "Mifidiana resaka",
"Select file attachment": "Mifidiana fichier attachée",
"Selected Account": "Selected Account",
"Selected Messages": "Selected Messages",
"Selection": "Selection",
"Send": "Send",
"Send Anyway": "Send Anyway",
"Send Later": "Alefaso any aoriana",
"Send message": "Send message",
"Send more than one message using the same %@ or subject line to compare open rates and reply rates.": "Alefaso hafatra mihoatra ny iray amin'ny fampiasana ilay mitovy %@ na lohahevitra mba hampitahana ny taham-pivoarana sy ny valin'ny valinteny.",
"Send new messages from:": "Hafatra vaovao avy amin'ny:",
"Send on your own schedule": "Alefaso amin'ny fandaharam-potoanao manokana",
"Sending": "fandefasana",
"Sending in %@": "Nandefa tao amin'ny %@",
"Sending in a few seconds": "Alefaso anatin'ny segondra vitsy",
"Sending is not enabled for this account.": "Tsy azo atao ny mandefa an'ity kaonty ity.",
"Sending message": "Fandefasana hafatra",
"Sending now": "Mandefa izao",
"Sending soon...": "Sending soon",
"Sent Mail": "Send Mail",
"Sent from Mailspring, the best free email app for work": "Nalefa avy amin'ny Mailspring, ny fampiasa tsara indrindra ny mailaka amin'ny asa",
"Services": "Services",
"Set Reminder": "Ampitsio ny fampatsiahivana",
"Set up Account": "Manangana kaonty",
"Several of your accounts are having issues": "Maro amin'ireo kaontinao no manana olana",
"Share": "Share",
"Share Link": "Share Link",
"Share this Report": "Zarao ity tatitra ity",
"Share this thread": "Share this thread",
"Shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"Show": "Show",
"Show All": "Show All",
"Show Detail": "Hampiseho Detail",
"Show Gmail-style important markers (Gmail Only)": "Asehoy ireo marika manan-danja Gmail (Gmail afa-tsy)",
"Show Images": "Asehoy ny sary",
"Show Original": "Asehoy voalohany",
"Show Progress": "Asehoy ny fandrosoana",
"Show Sidebar": "Asehoy ny Sidebar",
"Show Templates Folder...": "Asehoy ny sanda misy ny Templates ...",
"Show Total Count": "Asehoy ny totalim-peo",
"Show Unread Count": "Asehoy ny tsy fantatrao",
"Show all messages": "Asehoy daholo ny hafatra",
"Show badge on the app icon": "Asehoy ny sarimihetsika eo amin'ny icon app",
"Show icon in menu bar / system tray": "Asehoy ny icon ao amin'ny baoritra / ny solosaina",
"Show more": "Haneho hafa",
"Show notifications for new unread messages": "Asehoy ny fanamarihana ho an'ireo hafatra vaovao tsy fantatra",
"Show notifications for repeated opens / clicks": "Asehoy ireo fampahafantarana misokatra / clicks",
"Show unread counts for all folders / labels": "Asehoy ny antonta-kevitra tsy fantatra ho an'ny lahatahiry / labels rehetra",
"Showing %@ threads with %@ messages": "Mampiseho %@ threads amin'ny %@ hafatra",
"Showing 1 thread with %@ messages": "Mampiseho lohahevitra 1 miaraka amin'ny hafatra %@",
"Sign Out": "Hivoaka",
"Sign in with %@ in %@ your browser.": "Midira amin'ny %@ ao amin'ny %@ navigateur anao.",
"Signatures": "sonia",
"Single Panel": "Single Panel",
"Small": "Small",
"Snooze": "Snooze",
"Snooze emails to return at any time that suits you. Schedule messages to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Mandefa mailaka miverimberina amin'ny fotoana mety aminao. Hafatra momba ny fandaharam-potoana halefa amin'ny fotoana mety. Ny mailspring dia mahatonga mora amin'ny fanaraha-maso ny vatan'ny habakabaka!",
"Snooze messages": "Hafatra hafahafa",
"Snooze this email and it'll return to your inbox later. Click here or swipe across the thread in your inbox to snooze.": "Soraty ity mailaka ity ary dia hiverina any amin'ny mailakao ianao any aoriana. Tsindrio eto na tadiavo ny kofehy ao anaty mailakao mba hamerenana.",
"Snoozed": "Snoozed",
"Some providers require an app password.": "Ny mpamatsy sasany dia mitaky ny tenimiafin'ny app.",
"Someone": "Nisy olona",
"Sorry, Mailspring was unable to deliver this message: %@": "Miala tsiny, tsy nahavita nanafaka ity hafatra ity ny Mailspring: %@",
"Sorry, plugin names cannot contain spaces.": "Miala tsiny, tsy misy ny habaka plugin.",
"Sorry, something went wrong when this account was added to Mailspring. If you do not see the account, try linking it again. %@": "Miala tsiny, nisy zavatra tsy nety raha nampidirina amin'ny Mailspring ity kaonty ity. Raha tsy mahita ny kaonty ianao dia andramo ampifandraisinao indray izany. %@",
"Sorry, the file you selected does not look like an image. Please choose a file with one of the following extensions: %@": "Miala tsiny, ny rakitra nofidiana dia tsy mitovy endrika. Mifidiana fichier iray amin'ny iray amin'ireto fanitarana manaraka ireto: %@",
"Sorry, this account does not appear to have an inbox folder so this feature is disabled.": "Miala tsiny fa tsy misy solosaina voafafa ity kaonty ity ka tsy misy kilema io.",
"Sorry, this folder does not exist.": "Miala tsiny, tsy misy ity lahatahiry ity.",
"Sorry, we can't interpret %@ as a valid date.": "Miala tsiny, tsy afaka mandika %@ ho daty voatondro izahay.",
"Sorry, we can't parse %@ as a valid date.": "Miala tsiny, tsy afaka miresaka %@ isika amin'ny daty manan-kery.",
"Sorry, we couldn't save your signature image to Mailspring's servers. Please try again.\n\n(%@)": "Miala tsiny, tsy afaka nanavotra ny saininao ny mpizara Mailspring. Manandrama indray azafady. \n \n (%@)",
"Sorry, we had trouble logging you in": "Miala tsiny fa nanana olana tamin'ny fametrahana anao ianao",
"Sorry, we were unable to complete the translation request.": "Miala tsiny, tsy afaka namita ny fangatahana fandikan-teny izahay.",
"Sorry, we were unable to contact the Mailspring servers to share this thread.\n\n%@": "Miala tsiny, tsy afaka nifandray tamin'ireo servisy Mailspring izahay mba hizara ity lohahevitra ity. \n \n %@",
"Sorry, you can't attach more than 25MB of attachments": "Miala tsiny, tsy afaka mampifandray mihoatra ny 25MB ny atiny",
"Sorry, you must create plugins in the dev/packages folder.": "Miala tsiny fa tsy maintsy mamorona plugins ao amin'ny folder dev / packages.",
"Sorry, you must give your plugin a unique name.": "Miala tsiny, tokony hanome anarana anao manokana ny plugin anao.",
"Sorry, your SMTP server does not support basic username / password authentication.": "Miala tsiny fa tsy manohana ny solonanarana anarana / tenimiafina ny server SMTP anao.",
"Spam": "Spam",
"Spellcheck language": "Fiteny Spellcheck",
"Star": "Star",
"Starred": "nasianao kintana",
"Starred %@ threads": "Novana %@ threads",
"Starring": "starring",
"StartTLS is not available.": "Tsy misy ny StartTLS.",
"Still trying to reach %@…": "Mbola miezaka ny hahatratra %@ ...",
"Stock Symbol %@": "Stock Symbol %@",
"Stop": "Mijanòna",
"Subject": "Subject",
"Subject Line": "Subject Line",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Submit Improved Localizations": "Ampidino ny toerana fiorenana",
"Subscribe to different update channels to receive previews of new features. Note that some update channels may be less stable!": "Manorata ireo fantson-drakitra vaovao handraisana ireo sarimihetsika vaovao. Mariho fa mety ho kely kokoa ny fantsona fandaharana sasany!",
"Subscription": "famandrihana",
"Successfully connected to %@!": "Nahomby tamin'ny fifandraisana tamin'ny %@!",
"Swipe gesture and backspace / delete move messages to trash": "Manaova ny fihetsika sy ny backspace / hamafa hafatra an-dàlana mankany amin'ny fako",
"Switching back to a signature template will overwrite the custom HTML you've entered.": "Ny famerenana miverina amin'ny mari-pamantarana iray dia hanoratra ny HTML natsoratra napetrakao.",
"Symbols": "sariohatra",
"Sync New Mail Now": "Fandefasana New Mail Now",
"Sync this conversation to the cloud and anyone with the secret link can read it and download attachments.": "Amboary ity resaka ity amin'ny rahona ary afaka mamaky azy io ny olona rehetra miaraka amin'ny rohy miafina.",
"Syncing": "Syncing",
"Syncing your mailbox": "Famakiana ny mailakao",
"TLS Not Available": "TLS tsy misy",
"Template": "Endrika",
"Template Creation Error": "Famoronana famoronana template",
"Templates": "Templates",
"Templates Guide": "Templates Guide",
"Thank you for helping debug Mailspring. Mailspring will now restart.": "Misaotra anao amin'ny fanampiana ny debug Mailspring. Hiverina indray ny mailspring.",
"Thank you for using %@ and supporting independent software. Get the most out of your subscription: explore pro features below or visit the %@ to learn more about reminders, templates, activity insights, and more.": "Misaotra anao mampiasa %@ sy fanohanana rindrambaiko tsy miankina. Maka ny ankabeazan'ny famandrihana anao: hijerena ireo endri-pifaneraserana eto ambany na tsidiho ny %@ mba hianatra bebe kokoa momba ny fampahatsiahivana, ny sary, ny fahitana asa, ary bebe kokoa.",
"Thank you!": "Misaotra anao!",
"Thanks for downloading Mailspring! Would you like to move it to your Applications folder?": "Misaotra tamin'ny famoahana Mailspring! Tianao halefa any amin'ny lahatahiry fampiharana azy ve ianao?",
"The Mailspring Team": "Ny ekipan'ny Mailspring",
"The Outlook server said you must sign in via a web browser.": "Ny mpizara Outlook dia nilaza fa tsy maintsy miditra amin'ny alalan'ny tranonkala iray ianao.",
"The SMTP server would not relay a message. You may need to authenticate.": "Ny SMTP server dia tsy mandefa hafatra. Azonao atao ny manamarina izany.",
"The contact sidebar in Mailspring Pro shows information about the people and companies you're emailing with.": "Ny tsindry mivantana ao amin'ny Mailspring Pro dia mampiseho vaovao momba ny olona sy ny orinasa nailinao.",
"The from address has changed since you started sending this draft. Double-check the draft and click 'Send' again.": "Niova ny adiresy teo am-pandevenana hatramin'ny nanombohanao nandefa ity drafitra ity. Hamarino ny teboka ary tsindrio ny 'Mandefa' indray.",
"The message contains an empty template area.": "Ny hafatra dia mirakitra faritra tsy misy fotony.",
"The message contains an illegial attachment that is not allowed by the server.": "Ny hafatra dia mirakitra fifandraisana tsy ara-dalàna izay tsy omen'ny mpizara.",
"The message has been blocked because no sender is configured.": "Voasakana ny hafatra satria tsy misy mpanolotra.",
"The message has been blocked by Yahoo - you have exceeded your daily sending limit.": "Voasakana ny hafatra nalefan'i Yahoo - mihoatra noho ny fandefasana hafatra isan'andro ianao.",
"The message has been blocked by Yahoo's outbound spam filter.": "Voasakan'ny filalaovana spam an'i Google ny hafatra.",
"The message is addressed to a name that doesn't appear to be a recipient (\"%@\")": "Ny hafatra dia atao amin'ny anarana iray izay tsy miseho ho mpandray (\"%@\")",
"The message mentions an attachment but none are attached.": "Ny hafatra dia manondro fifandraisana iray nefa tsy misy mifatotra.",
"The plugin or theme folder you selected doesn't contain a package.json file, or it was invalid JSON. %@": "Ny lahatahiry plugin na theme izay nofantenanao dia tsy ahitana rakitra package.json, na tsy mety ny JSON. %@",
"The plugin or theme you selected has not been upgraded to support Mailspring. If you're the developer, update the package.json's engines field to include \"mailspring\".\n\nFor more information, see this migration guide: %@": "Ny plugin na ny foto-kevitra nofidiana dia tsy navaozina mba hanohanana ny Mailspring. Raha ianao no mpamorona, ovao ny sari-tanin'ny package.json amin'ny fampidirana \"mailspring\". \n \n Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny dia jereo ity torolàlana momba ny fifindra-monina ity: %@",
"The server said you must sign in via your webmail.": "Nilaza ilay mpizara fa tsy maintsy miditra amin'ny alalan'ny tranonkala ianao.",
"The subject field is blank.": "Tsy misy ny foto-kevitra.",
"The template and its file will be permanently deleted.": "Ny template sy ny rakitra dia ho voafafa tanteraka.",
"The thread %@ does not exist in your mailbox!": "Ny loha %@ dia tsy misy ao anaty mailakao!",
"Theme Color": "Theme Color",
"Theme and Style": "Theme & Style",
"Themes": "lohahevitra",
"There are %@ more messages in this thread that are not in spam or trash.": "Misy hafatra %@ misimisy kokoa ao anatin'io lohahevitra io izay tsy anaty spam na fako.",
"There are too many active connections to your Gmail account. Please try again later.": "Misy fifandraisana maro be eo amin'ny kaontinao Gmail. Andramo azafady aorian'ny fotoana.",
"There is one more message in this thread that is not in spam or trash.": "Misy hafatra iray hafa ao anatin'io lohahevitra io izay tsy anaty spam na fako.",
"There was an error checking for updates.": "Nisy ny fahadisoana nataon'ireo fanavaozana.",
"These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer.": "Ireo singa ireo dia %@ amin'ireo hafatra nalefanao tamin'ity fe-potoana ity, noho izany ireo tarehimarika ireo dia tsy maneho ny asanao rehetra. Raha hametraka fidirana sy rohy mankany amin'ny mailaka nalefanao ianao dia tsindrio ny %@ na rohy manaraka %@ icons ao amin'ny mpamorona.",
"This Weekend": "Ity faran'ny herinandro ity",
"This account is invalid or Mailspring could not find the Inbox or All Mail folder. %@": "Ity kaonty ity dia tsy manan-kery na ny Mailspring dia tsy afaka mahita ny takelaka Inbox na All Mail. %@",
"This looks like a Gmail account! While it's possible to setup an App Password and connect to Gmail via IMAP, Mailspring also supports Google OAuth. Go back and select \"Gmail & Google Apps\" from the provider screen.": "Tahaka ny kaonty Gmail izany! Na dia azo atao aza ny manangana kaonty App ary mifandray amin'ny Gmail amin'ny IMAP, Mailspring koa dia manohana ny Google OAuth. Miverena ary fidio \"Gmail & Google Apps\" avy amin'ny efijery mpanolotra.",
"This message has not been opened": "Tsy navoaka ity hafatra ity",
"This message looks suspicious!": "Ity hafatra ity dia toa mampiahiahy!",
"This plugin or theme %@ does not list \"mailspring\" in it's package.json's \"engines\" field. Ask the developer to test the plugin with Mailspring and add it, or follow the instructions here: %@": "Ity plugin na lohahevitra %@ ity dia tsy mitanisa \"mailspring\" ao anatin'ilay sariohatra \"engine\" ao pack.json. Angataho ilay mpandrindra hitsapa ny plugin miaraka amin'i Mailspring ary ampio izany, na araho ny torolàlana eto: %@",
"This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid and re-enable the rule.": "Ity fitsipika ity dia nesorina. Ataovy azo antoka fa marina ireo hetsika etsy ambany ary averiny indray ny fitsipika.",
"This thread has been moved to the top of your inbox by Mailspring.": "Io sora-tanana io dia nafindra avy any an-tampon'ny fidirana amin'ny Mailspring.",
"This thread was brought back to the top of your inbox as a reminder": "Ity horonantsary ity dia averina any an-tampon'ny mailboxo ho fampahatsiahivana",
"This thread will come back to the top of your inbox if nobody replies by:": "Io lohahevitra io dia hiverina any an-tampon'ny fidiranao raha tsy misy olona mamaly hoe:",
"Thread": "Thread",
"Threads": "Threads",
"Title": "Title",
"To": "To",
"To create a template you need to fill the body of the current draft.": "Mba hamoronana môdely iray dia mila mameno ny vatan'ny drafitra ankehitriny ianao.",
"To develop plugins, you should run Mailspring with debug flags. This gives you better error messages, the debug version of React, and more. You can disable it at any time from the Developer menu.": "Raha te hanamboatra plugins ianao, dia tokony arotsaka amin'ny sainam-debugy ny Mailspring. Izany dia manome hafatra fandefasana tsara kokoa, ny dikan-teny debug an'ny React, ary bebe kokoa. Azonao atao ny manala azy amin'ny fotoana rehetra ao amin'ny menokan'ny Developer.",
"To listen for the Gmail Oauth response, Mailspring needs to start a webserver on port ${LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Please go back and try linking your account again. If this error persists, use the IMAP/SMTP option with a Gmail App Password.\n\n%@": "Raha hihaino ny valiny Gmail Oauth, Mailspring dia mila manamboatra tranonkala amin'ny port # {LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Miangavy anao miverina ary andramo indray hampifandraisina ny kaontinao indray. Raha mbola mitohy io fahadisoana io, ampiasao ny safidy IMAP / SMTP amin'ny tenimiafin'ny Gmail App. \n \n %@",
"Today": "ankehitriny",
"Toggle Bold": "Mahaiza mandefitra",
"Toggle Component Regions": "Asio faritra mifangaro",
"Toggle Dev Tools": "Fikirana Dev Tools",
"Toggle Developer Tools": "Hikirakira ny Developer Tools",
"Toggle Italic": "Hikirakira Italic",
"Toggle Localizer Tools": "Fikirakirana ny Localiser",
"Toggle Screenshot Mode": "Mivantana ny rakitra Screenshot",
"Tomorrow": "rahampitso",
"Tomorrow Evening": "Rahampitso hariva",
"Tomorrow Morning": "Rahampitso maraina",
"Tonight": "anio alina",
"Track links in this email": "Soraty ny rohy amin'ity mailaka ity",
"Track opens and clicks": "Manokatra sy tsindrio ny lahatsora",
"Translate": "translate",
"Translate email body…": "Mitadiava vatana mailaka ...",
"Trash": "Trash",
"Trashed %@": "Trashed %@",
"Travel and Places": "Travel and Places",
"True": "Marina",
"Try Again": "Andramo indray mandeha",
"Try Reconnecting": "Try Reconnecting",
"Try it Now": "Andramo izao izao",
"Try now": "Andramo izao",
"Twitter Handle": "Twitter Handle",
"Twitter Profile Image": "Sary Profile Image",
"Two Panel": "Mpanjifa roa",
"Uhoh - that's a pro feature!": "Uhoh - singa pro izany!",
"Unable to Add Account": "Tsy afaka nampidirina ny kaonty",
"Unable to Start Local Server": "Tsy afaka manomboka server manerantany",
"Unable to download %@. Check your network connection and try again. %@": "Tsy afaka nandezo %@. Jereo ny connexion'ny tambajotra ary manandrama indray. %@",
"Unable to read package.json for %@: %@": "Tsy afaka namaky package.json ho an'ny %@: %@",
"Unarchived %@": "Unarchived %@",
"Underline": "tsipiho",
"Undo": "hanafoana",
"Undoing changes": "Manova fanovana",
"Unfortunately, link tracking servers are currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Indrisy anefa fa tsy misy ny fanaraha-maso ny rohy server. Andramo azafady aorian'ny fotoana. Fahadisoana: %@",
"Unfortunately, open tracking is currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Indrisy anefa fa tsy misy ny fanaraha-maso misokatra. Andramo azafady aorian'ny fotoana. Fahadisoana: %@",
"Unlimited Connected Accounts": "Fifandraisana tsy voafetra",
"Unlimited Contact Profiles": "Hafatra tsy miankina amin'ny contact",
"Unlimited Link Tracking": "Tracking amin'ny rohy tsy voafetra",
"Unlimited Read Receipts": "Valim-panontaniana tsy voafetra",
"Unlimited Reminders": "Fampahatsiahivana tsy voafetra",
"Unlimited Snoozing": "Snoozing tsy voafetra",
"Unmarked %@ as Spam": "Tsy notakiana %@ ho toy ny Spam",
"Unnamed Attachment": "Unassed Attachment",
"Unread": "mbola voavaky",
"Unread Messages": "Hafatra tsy naverina",
"Unschedule Send": "Tsy halefa Send",
"Unsnoozed message": "Hafatra tsy fantatra",
"Unstar": "Unstar",
"Unstarred": "Unstarred",
"Unstarred %@ threads": "Unstarred %@ threads",
"Unstarring": "Unstarring",
"Untitled": "Untitled",
"Untitled Rule": "Fitsipika tsy fantatra",
"Update Connection Settings...": "Hanova ny fikandran'ny fifandraisana ...",
"Update Error": "Hamarino ny tsy mety",
"Updates": "Updates",
"Upgrade": "fanavaozana",
"Upgrade to %@ to use all these great features permanently:": "Avereno amin'ny %@ ny fampiasana ireo endri-javatra lehibe ireo:",
"Upgrade to Mailspring Pro": "Upgrade to Mailspring Pro",
"Upgrade to Pro today!": "Upgrade to Pro androany!",
"Use 24-hour clock": "Ampiasao ny famantaranandro 24 ora",
"Use Mailspring as default mail client": "Ampiasao ny Mailspring ho mail client",
"Use the Activity tab to get a birds-eye view of your mailbox: open and click rates, subject line effectiveness, and more.": "Ampiasao ny takelaka Aktivita mba hahitana ny fijerin'ny vorona ny mailakao: Sokafy ary tsindrio ny taham-pahalalana, ny fahombiazan'ny laharam-pahamehana, ary ny sisa.",
"Verbose logging is now %@": "Ny fandefasana ny fitenenana ankehitriny %@",
"View": "View",
"View Mail Rules": "Hizaha ny fitsipika mailaka",
"View changelog": "Hizaha changelog",
"Visit Thread on GitHub": "Tsidiho ny Horonantsary momba ny GitHub",
"Visit Windows Settings to change your default mail client": "Tsidiho ny Windows Settings mba hanova ny client mailo default",
"Visit Windows Settings to finish making Mailspring your mail client": "Tsidiho ny Windows Settings mba hamita ny mailspring mail client",
"We encountered a problem moving to the Applications folder. Try quitting the application and moving it manually.": "Niatrika olana izahay dia nifindra tany amin'ny fampiasa finday. Andramo ny fandefasana ny fampiharana ary afindrao amin'ny tanana izany.",
"We encountered a problem with your local email database. %@\n\nCheck that no other copies of Mailspring are running and click Rebuild to reset your local cache.": "Nisedra olana amin'ny alàlan'ny daty mailaka ao an-toerana izahay. %@ \n \n Voamarikao fa tsy misy kopia Mailspring hafa mivoaka ary tsindrio Rebuild to reset your cache locally.",
"We encountered a problem with your local email database. We will now attempt to rebuild it.": "Nisedra olana amin'ny alàlan'ny daty mailaka ao an-toerana izahay. Hiezaka hanangana izany indray izao isika.",
"We encountered an SMTP Gateway error that prevented this message from being delivered to all recipients. The message was only sent successfully to these recipients:\n%@\n\nError: %@": "Nihaona tamin'ny fahadisoana misimisy avy amin'ny SMTP izahay izay nanakana ity hafatra ity tsy ho atolotra amin'ny olona rehetra. Ny hafatra dia nalefa tamim-pahombiazana tamin'ireo mpandray ireo: \n %@ \n \n Error: %@",
"We were unable to deliver this message to some recipients. Click 'See Details' for more information.": "Tsy afaka nanafaka ity hafatra ity tamin'ny olona sasany izahay. Tsindrio ny 'Jereo ny antsipiriany' raha mila fanazavana bebe kokoa.",
"We were unable to deliver this message.": "Tsy afaka nanafaka ity hafatra ity izahay.",
"We're having trouble billing your Mailspring subscription.": "Manana olana amin'ny famoahana ny famandrihana Mailspring izahay.",
"We've picked a set of keyboard shortcuts based on your email account and platform. You can also pick another set:": "Nifidy ny fifandimbiasam-pahefana madinika izahay mifototra amin'ny kaontinao mailaka sy sehatra. Afaka mifidy kitapo hafa koa ianao:",
"Website": "Website",
"Welcome to Mailspring": "Tongasoa eto amin'ny Mailspring",
"When composing, automatically": "Rehefa mamorona, automatique",
"When enabled, Mailspring will notify you as soon as someone reads this message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Rehefa alefa, Mailspring dia hampilaza anao raha vao misy olona iray mamaky ity hafatra ity. Handefa vondrona iray? Ny mailspring dia mampiseho anao hoe iza no nanokatra ny mailaka mba hahafahanao manara-maso tsara.",
"When link tracking is turned on, Mailspring will notify you when recipients click links in this email.": "Rehefa miverina ny fanarahamaso ny rohy, Mailspring dia hampahafantatra anao rehefa mahazo rohy ny rohy amin'ity mailaka ity.",
"When reading messages, mark as read": "Rehefa mamaky hafatra dia mariho ho vakiana",
"Window": "Window",
"Window Controls and Menus": "Fanaraha-maso Windows sy Menus",
"With activity tracking, youll know as soon as someone reads your message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Amin'ny fanaraha-maso ny asa atao, dia ho fantatrao raha vao misy olona mamaky ny hafatrao. Handefa vondrona iray? Ny mailspring dia mampiseho anao hoe iza no nanokatra ny mailaka mba hahafahanao manara-maso tsara.",
"Would you like to make Mailspring your default mail client?": "Tianao ve ny hanao Mailspring ny mpanjifanao mailaka?",
"Write a reply…": "Manorata valiny ...",
"Write better emails with LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more in the right sidebar.": "Manorata mailaka tsara amin'ny profiles LinkedIn, Twitter bios, tantara momba ny hafatra, ary bebe kokoa amin'ny sehatra havanana.",
"Yahoo is unavailable.": "Tsy misy Yahoo.",
"Yes": "Eny",
"You": "ianao",
"You are using %@, which is free! You can link up to four email accounts and try pro features like send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.": "Mampiasa %@ ianao, izay maimaim-poana! Azonao atao ny mifandray amin'ny kaonty mailaka efatra ary manandrana endri-pifandraisana toy ny alefaso any aoriana, mamaky receipts ary fampahatsiahivana in-droa isan-kerinandro.",
"You are using %@, which is free! You can link up to four email accounts and try pro features like snooze, send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.": "Mampiasa %@ ianao, izay maimaim-poana! Azonao atao ny mifandray amin'ny kaonty mailaka efatra ary manandrama singan-dazan'ny proja toy ny snooze, alefaso any aoriana, mamaky receipts ary fampahatsiahivana in-droa isan-kerinandro.",
"You can add reminders to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Afaka ampidirinao amin'ny alàlan'ny %1$@ mailaka %2$@ miaraka amin'ny Mailspring Basic.",
"You can choose a shortcut set to use keyboard shortcuts of familiar email clients. To edit a shortcut, click it in the list below and enter a replacement on the keyboard.": "Azonao atao ny mifidy karoka voafafa hampiasana ny fametahana klavian'ny mpanjifa mailaka mahazatra. Mba hanitsiana ny fehintsoratra dia tsindrio ao amin'ny lisitra etsy ambany ary midira ny fanoloana ny klavier.",
"You can get open and click notifications for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Azonao atao ny misokatra ary tsindrio ny fampandrenesana %1$@ mailaka %2$@ miaraka amin'ny Mailspring Basic.",
"You can schedule sending of %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Azonao atao ny mandamina ny %1$@ mailaka %2$@ miaraka amin'ny Mailspring Basic.",
"You can share %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Afaka mizara %1$@ mailaka %2$@ miaraka amin'ny Mailspring Basic ianao.",
"You can snooze %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Azonao atao ny mamaly %1$@ mailaka %2$@ miaraka amin'ny Mailspring Basic.",
"You can switch back to stable from the preferences.": "Azonao atao ny miverina amin'ny toerany avy amin'ny safidy.",
"You can view contact profiles for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Azonao atao ny mijery ny mombamomba ny fifandraisana amin'ny %1$@ mailaka %2$@ miaraka amin'ny Mailspring Basic.",
"You haven't created any mail rules. To get started, define a new rule above and tell Mailspring how to process your inbox.": "Tsy namorona fitsipika mailaka ianao. Hanombohana, farito ny fitsipika vaovao etsy ambony ary lazao Mailspring ny fomba fanaraha-maso ny solosainao.",
"You may need to %@ to your Yandex account before connecting email apps. If you use two-factor auth, you need to create an %@ for Mailspring.": "Mety mila %@ amin'ny kaontinao Yandex ianao alohan'ny hampifandraisana ireo apps amin'ny mailaka. Raha mampiasa mpanoratra roa ianao, dia mila mamorona %@ Mailspring ianao.",
"You may need to configure aliases with your mail provider (Outlook, Gmail) before using them.": "Azonao atao ny manamboatra aliases amin'ny mpanolotra mailanao (Outlook, Gmail) alohan'ny hampiasana azy ireo.",
"You must provide a name for your template.": "Tokony hanome anarana ny modelyo ianao.",
"You must provide a template name.": "Tsy maintsy mametraka anarana mari-pamantarana ianao.",
"You must provide contents for your template.": "Tsy maintsy manome ny votoatin'ny templateo ianao.",
"You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.": "Mila manome olona iray na maromaro ianao alohan'ny handefasana ilay hafatra.",
"You'll find Mailspring, along with other options, listed in Default Apps > Mail.": "Hahita Mailspring ianao, miaraka amin'ireo safidy hafa, voatanisa ao amin'ny Default Apps> Mail.",
"You're on a pre-release channel. We'd love your feedback.": "You're on a channel of release. Tianay ny fanehoan-kevitrao.",
"You're running the latest version of Mailspring (%@).": "Manao ny laharana farany amin'ny Mailspring (%@) ianao.",
"You're syncing more than four accounts — please consider paying for Mailspring Pro!": "Manova kaonty mihoatra ny efatra ianao - mandiniha mandoa vola amin'ny Mailspring Pro!",
"You've reached your quota": "Efa nahatratra ny isanao ianao",
"Your Mailspring ID is missing required fields - you may need to reset Mailspring. %@": "Ny ID Mailspring dia tsy ampy ny saha ilaina - mety mila hamerina ny Mailspring. %@",
"Your `Sent Mail` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Sent folder and then try again.": "Ny alàlan'ny \"Mail Mail\" nalefanao dia tsy mety ho tratra. Tsidiho ny Preferences> Ordinatera misafidy ordinatera voafaritra ary manandrama indray.",
"Your `Trash` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Trash folder and then try again.": "Ny fandefan'ny `Trash` dia tsy azo trandrahana haingana. Tsidiho ny Preferences> Ordinatera mba hisafidy Ordinatera fako ary manandrama indray.",
"Your name": "Ny anaranao",
"Your updated localization will be reviewed and included in a future version of Mailspring.": "Ny fametrahana ny famandrihana vaovao anao dia hijery sy hampidirina amin'ny version of Mailspring ho avy.",
"Zoom": "Zoom",
"an email address": "adiresy mailaka",
"an email subject": "fanontana mailaka",
"and": "ary",
"annual": "isan-taona",
"attachments": "kofehy mifamatotra",
"begins with": "manomboka amin'ny",
"click": "Click",
"contains": "misy",
"date received or range": "daty voaray na isa",
"does not contain": "tsy misy",
"employees": "mpiasa",
"enable IMAP": "manaova IMAP",
"ends with": "mifarana amin'ny",
"equals": "mitovy",
"folder or label": "folder na label",
"iCloud requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.": "iCloud dia mitaky ny hamoronana tenimiafina fampiasa manokana ho an'ny fampiharana mailaka tahaka ny Mailspring. Araho %@ hamoronana iray ary aforeto eo ambany.",
"in %@": "ao amin'ny %@",
"link a phone number": "Mampidira laharan-telefaona",
"matches expression": "Mifanaraka amin'ny fiteny",
"month": "volana",
"older messages": "hafatra taloha",
"one or more files": "iray na maromaro",
"open": "misokatra",
"open source": "loharano misokatra",
"processed": "ampiasaina",
"seconds": "segondra",
"selected": "voafantina",
"then": "avy eo",
"these instructions": "ireto torolalana ireto",
"threads": "kofehy",
"week": "herinandro"