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synced 2025-01-09 09:38:07 +08:00
58 lines
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58 lines
2.3 KiB
path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.registerMultiTask 'nylaslint', 'Check requires for file extensions compiled away', ->
done = @async()
extensionRegex = /require ['"].*\.(coffee|cjsx|jsx|es6|es)['"]/i
for fileset in @files
grunt.log.writeln('Nylinting ' + fileset.src.length + ' files.')
esExtensions = {
".es6": true
".es": true
".jsx": true
coffeeExtensions = {
".coffee": true
".cjsx": true
esSet = {}
for f in fileset.src
if esExtensions[path.extname(f)]
esSet[path.basename(f, path.extname(f))] = true
blacklist = ["events", "main", "package", "task"]
delete esSet[item] for item in blacklist
errors = []
# file.src is the list of all matching file names.
for f in fileset.src
if esExtensions[path.extname(f)]
content = fs.readFileSync(f, encoding:'utf8')
if /module.exports\s?=\s?.+/.test(content)
errors.push("#{f}: Don't use module.exports in ES6")
content = fs.readFileSync(f, encoding:'utf8')
if extensionRegex.test(content)
errors.push("#{f}: Remove require extension!")
requireRe = /require[\s()]['"](.*)['"]/gmi
while result = requireRe.exec(content)
i = 1
while i < result.length
requirePath = result[i]
i += 1
baseRequirePath = path.basename(requirePath)
if esSet[baseRequirePath]
testForPath = new RegExp("require\\(['\"].*#{baseRequirePath}['\"]\\)\\.","gm")
if not testForPath.test(content)
errors.push("#{f}: ES6 add `default` to require #{requirePath}")
if errors.length > 0
grunt.log.error(err) for err in errors
done(new Error("Please fix the #{errors.length} linter errors! Since we compile files in production to plain `.js` files it's very important you do NOT include the file extension when `require`ing a file. Also, as of Babel 6, `require` no longer returns whatever the `default` value is. If you are `require`ing an es6 file from a coffeescript file, you must explicitly request the `default` property. For example: do `require('./my-es6-file').default`"))