Juan Tejada f575a2dabc feat(theme-selector): Add theme selector to preferences page
- Adds a couple of helper methods to theme manager and updates how
a theme package is enabled to be consistent with how we actually want to
activate themes.
- Adds small select component to choose a theme or install a new one.

Test Plan: - Manual

Reviewers: evan, bengotow

Reviewed By: bengotow

Differential Revision:
2015-12-15 10:29:58 -08:00

426 lines
15 KiB

path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore'
EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{Emitter, Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit'
{File} = require 'pathwatcher'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Q = require 'q'
Grim = require 'grim'
Package = require './package'
# Extended: Handles loading and activating available themes.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `NylasEnv.themes` global.
module.exports =
class ThemeManager
constructor: ({@packageManager, @resourcePath, @configDirPath, @safeMode}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@styleSheetDisposablesBySourcePath = {}
@lessCache = null
@initialLoadComplete = false
@packageManager.registerPackageActivator(this, ['theme'])
@sheetsByStyleElement = new WeakMap
stylesElement = document.head.querySelector('nylas-styles')
stylesElement.onDidAddStyleElement @styleElementAdded.bind(this)
stylesElement.onDidRemoveStyleElement @styleElementRemoved.bind(this)
stylesElement.onDidUpdateStyleElement @styleElementUpdated.bind(this)
baseThemeName: -> 'ui-light'
watchCoreStyles: ->
console.log('Watching /static and /internal_packages for LESS changes')
watchStylesIn = (folder) =>
stylePaths = fs.listTreeSync(folder)
PathWatcher = require 'pathwatcher'
for stylePath in stylePaths
continue unless path.extname(stylePath) is '.less' stylePath, =>
styleElementAdded: (styleElement) ->
{sheet} = styleElement
@sheetsByStyleElement.set(styleElement, sheet)
@emit 'stylesheet-added', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-add-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-stylesheets'
styleElementRemoved: (styleElement) ->
sheet = @sheetsByStyleElement.get(styleElement)
@emit 'stylesheet-removed', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-remove-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-stylesheets'
styleElementUpdated: ({sheet}) ->
@emit 'stylesheet-removed', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-remove-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheet-added', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-add-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-stylesheets'
Section: Event Subscription
# Essential: Invoke `callback` when style sheet changes associated with
# updating the list of active themes have completed.
# * `callback` {Function}
onDidChangeActiveThemes: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-change-active-themes', callback
@emitter.on 'did-reload-all', callback # TODO: Remove once deprecated pre-1.0 APIs are gone
onDidReloadAll: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::onDidChangeActiveThemes` instead.")
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when a stylesheet has been added to the dom.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `stylesheet` {StyleSheet} the style node
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddStylesheet: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use NylasEnv.styles.onDidAddStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-add-stylesheet', callback
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when a stylesheet has been removed from the dom.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `stylesheet` {StyleSheet} the style node
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidRemoveStylesheet: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use NylasEnv.styles.onDidRemoveStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-remove-stylesheet', callback
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when a stylesheet has been updated.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `stylesheet` {StyleSheet} the style node
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidUpdateStylesheet: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use NylasEnv.styles.onDidUpdateStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-update-stylesheet', callback
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when any stylesheet has been updated, added, or removed.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeStylesheets: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use NylasEnv.styles.onDidAdd/RemoveStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-change-stylesheets', callback
on: (eventName) ->
switch eventName
when 'reloaded'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidChangeActiveThemes instead'
when 'stylesheet-added'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidAddStylesheet instead'
when 'stylesheet-removed'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidRemoveStylesheet instead'
when 'stylesheet-updated'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidUpdateStylesheet instead'
when 'stylesheets-changed'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidChangeStylesheets instead'
Grim.deprecate 'ThemeManager::on is deprecated. Use event subscription methods instead.'
EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments)
Section: Accessing Available Themes
getAvailableNames: ->
# TODO: Maybe should change to list all the available themes out there?
Section: Accessing Loaded Themes
# Public: Get an array of all the loaded theme names.
getLoadedThemeNames: -> for theme in @getLoadedThemes()
getLoadedNames: ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::getLoadedThemeNames` instead.")
# Public: Get an array of all the loaded themes.
getLoadedThemes: ->
pack for pack in @packageManager.getLoadedPackages() when pack.isTheme()
Section: Accessing Active Themes
# Public: Get an array of all the active theme names.
getActiveThemeNames: -> for theme in @getActiveThemes()
getActiveNames: ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::getActiveThemeNames` instead.")
# Public: Get an array of all the active themes.
getActiveThemes: ->
pack for pack in @packageManager.getActivePackages() when pack.isTheme()
getActiveTheme: ->
# The first element in the array returned by `getActiveNames` themes will
# actually be the active theme
activatePackages: -> @activateThemes()
Section: Managing Enabled Themes
# Public: Get the enabled theme names from the config.
# Returns an array of theme names in the order that they should be activated.
getEnabledThemeNames: ->
themeNames = NylasEnv.config.get('core.themes') ? []
themeNames = [themeNames] unless _.isArray(themeNames)
themeNames = themeNames.filter (themeName) ->
if themeName and typeof themeName is 'string'
return true if NylasEnv.packages.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
console.warn("Enabled theme '#{themeName}' is not installed.")
# Use a built-in theme any time the configured themes are not
# available.
if themeNames.length is 0
builtInThemeNames = [
'ui-light', 'ui-dark'
themeNames = _.intersection(themeNames, builtInThemeNames)
if themeNames.length is 0
themeNames = ['ui-light']
# Reverse so the first (top) theme is loaded after the others. We want
# the first/top theme to override later themes in the stack.
# Set the list of enabled themes.
# * `enabledThemeNames` An {Array} of {String} theme names.
setEnabledThemes: (enabledThemeNames) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `NylasEnv.config.set('core.themes', arrayOfThemeNames)` instead")
NylasEnv.config.set('core.themes', enabledThemeNames)
# Set the active theme.
# Because of how theme-manager works, we always need to set the
# base theme first, and the newly activated theme after it to override the
# styles. We don't want to have more than 1 theme active at a time, so the
# array of active themes should always be of size 2.
# * `theme` {string} - the theme to activate
setActiveTheme: (theme) ->
base = @baseThemeName()
NylasEnv.config.set('core.themes', _.uniq [base, theme])
Section: Private
# Returns the {String} path to the user's stylesheet under ~/.nylas
getUserStylesheetPath: ->
Grim.deprecate("Call NylasEnv.styles.getUserStyleSheetPath() instead")
# Resolve and apply the stylesheet specified by the path.
# This supports both CSS and Less stylsheets.
# * `stylesheetPath` A {String} path to the stylesheet that can be an absolute
# path or a relative path that will be resolved against the load path.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# required stylesheet.
requireStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
if fullPath = @resolveStylesheet(stylesheetPath)
content = @loadStylesheet(fullPath)
@applyStylesheet(fullPath, content)
throw new Error("Could not find a file at path '#{stylesheetPath}'")
unwatchUserStylesheet: ->
@userStylsheetSubscriptions = null
@userStylesheetFile = null
@userStyleSheetDisposable = null
loadUserStylesheet: ->
userStylesheetPath = NylasEnv.styles.getUserStyleSheetPath()
return unless fs.isFileSync(userStylesheetPath)
@userStylesheetFile = new File(userStylesheetPath)
@userStylsheetSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
reloadStylesheet = => @loadUserStylesheet()
catch error
message = """
Unable to watch path: `#{path.basename(userStylesheetPath)}`. Make sure
you have permissions to `#{userStylesheetPath}`.
On linux there are currently problems with watch sizes.
console.error(message, dismissable: true)
userStylesheetContents = @loadStylesheet(userStylesheetPath, true)
@userStyleSheetDisposable = NylasEnv.styles.addStyleSheet(userStylesheetContents, sourcePath: userStylesheetPath, priority: 2)
loadBaseStylesheets: ->
reloadBaseStylesheets: ->
if nativeStylesheetPath = fs.resolveOnLoadPath(process.platform, ['css', 'less'])
stylesheetElementForId: (id) ->
document.head.querySelector("nylas-styles style[source-path=\"#{id}\"]")
resolveStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
if path.extname(stylesheetPath).length > 0
fs.resolveOnLoadPath(stylesheetPath, ['css', 'less'])
loadStylesheet: (stylesheetPath, importFallbackVariables) ->
if path.extname(stylesheetPath) is '.less'
@loadLessStylesheet(stylesheetPath, importFallbackVariables)
fs.readFileSync(stylesheetPath, 'utf8')
loadLessStylesheet: (lessStylesheetPath, importFallbackVariables=false) ->
unless @lessCache?
LessCompileCache = require './less-compile-cache'
@lessCache = new LessCompileCache({@configDirPath, @resourcePath, importPaths: @getImportPaths()})
if importFallbackVariables
baseVarImports = """
@import "variables/ui-variables";
less = fs.readFileSync(lessStylesheetPath, 'utf8')
@lessCache.cssForFile(lessStylesheetPath, [baseVarImports, less].join('\n'))
catch error
if error.line?
message = "Error compiling Less stylesheet: `#{lessStylesheetPath}`"
detail = """
Line number: #{error.line}
message = "Error loading Less stylesheet: `#{lessStylesheetPath}`"
detail = error.message
console.error(message, {detail, dismissable: true})
throw error
removeStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
applyStylesheet: (path, text) ->
@styleSheetDisposablesBySourcePath[path] = NylasEnv.styles.addStyleSheet(text, sourcePath: path)
stringToId: (string) ->
string.replace(/\\/g, '/')
activateThemes: ->
deferred = Q.defer()
# NylasEnv.config.observe runs the callback once, then on subsequent changes.
NylasEnv.config.observe 'core.themes', =>
@refreshLessCache() # Update cache for packages in core.themes config
promises = []
for themeName in @getEnabledThemeNames()
if @packageManager.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
console.warn("Failed to activate theme '#{themeName}' because it isn't installed.")
Q.all(promises).then =>
@refreshLessCache() # Update cache again now that @getActiveThemes() is populated
@initialLoadComplete = true
@emit 'reloaded'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-active-themes'
deactivateThemes: ->
@packageManager.deactivatePackage( for pack in @getActiveThemes()
isInitialLoadComplete: -> @initialLoadComplete
addActiveThemeClasses: ->
workspaceElement = document.getElementsByTagName('nylas-workspace')[0]
return unless workspaceElement
for pack in @getActiveThemes()
removeActiveThemeClasses: ->
workspaceElement = document.getElementsByTagName('nylas-workspace')[0]
return unless workspaceElement
for pack in @getActiveThemes()
refreshLessCache: ->
getImportPaths: ->
activeThemes = @getActiveThemes()
if activeThemes.length > 0
themePaths = (theme.getStylesheetsPath() for theme in activeThemes when theme)
themePaths = []
for themeName in @getEnabledThemeNames()
if themePath = @packageManager.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
deprecatedPath = path.join(themePath, 'stylesheets')
if fs.isDirectorySync(deprecatedPath)
themePaths.push(path.join(themePath, 'styles'))
themePaths.filter (themePath) -> fs.isDirectorySync(themePath)