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synced 2025-03-15 17:53:44 +08:00
Summary: Send and Archive plus a new setting. Test Plan: new tests Reviewers: bengotow, juan Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2446
156 lines
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156 lines
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# This tests just quoted text within a contenteditable.
# For a test of the basic component itself see
# contenteditable-component-spec.cjsx
_ = require "underscore"
React = require "react/addons"
ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
Fields = require '../lib/fields'
Composer = require "../lib/composer-view"
ComposerEditor = require '../lib/composer-editor'
{Message, DraftStore, ComponentRegistry} = require 'nylas-exports'
describe "Composer Quoted Text", ->
beforeEach ->
# Extract ComposerEditor tests instead of rendering injected component
# here
ComposerEditor.containerRequired = false
ComponentRegistry.register(ComposerEditor, role: "Composer:Editor")
@onChange = jasmine.createSpy('onChange')
@htmlNoQuote = 'Test <strong>HTML</strong><br>'
@htmlWithQuote = 'Test <strong>HTML</strong><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote">QUOTE</blockquote>'
spyOn(Composer.prototype, "_prepareForDraft")
@draft = new Message(draft: true, clientId: "client-123")
@composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Composer draftClientId="unused"/>)
@composer._proxy =
trigger: ->
draft: => @draft
spyOn(@composer, "_addToProxy")
spyOn(@composer, "_setupSession")
spyOn(@composer, "_teardownForDraft")
spyOn(@composer, "_deleteDraftIfEmpty")
spyOn(@composer, "_renderAttachments")
afterEach ->
ComposerEditor.containerRequired = undefined
# Must be called with the test's scope
setHTML = (newHTML) ->
@$contentEditable.innerHTML = newHTML
describe "quoted-text-control toggle button", ->
describe "when there's no quoted text", ->
beforeEach ->
body: @htmlNoQuote
showQuotedText: true
@contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
@$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable'))
@$composerBodyWrap = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.composerBodyWrap)
it 'should not display any quoted text', ->
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
it "allows the text to update", ->
textToAdd = "MORE <strong>TEXT</strong>!"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
ev = @composer._addToProxy.mostRecentCall.args[0].body
expect(ev).toEqual(textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
it 'should not render the quoted-text-control toggle', ->
toggles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@composer, 'quoted-text-control')
expect(toggles.length).toBe 0
describe 'when showQuotedText is true', ->
beforeEach ->
body: @htmlWithQuote
showQuotedText: true
@contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
@$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable'))
@$composerBodyWrap = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.composerBodyWrap)
it 'should display the quoted text', ->
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote
it "should call `_addToProxy` with the entire HTML string", ->
textToAdd = "MORE <strong>TEXT</strong>!"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote
setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote)
ev = @composer._addToProxy.mostRecentCall.args[0].body
expect(ev).toEqual(textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote)
it "should allow the quoted text to be changed", ->
newText = 'Test <strong>NEW 1 HTML</strong><blockquote class="gmail_quote">QUOTE CHANGED!!!</blockquote>'
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlWithQuote
setHTML.call(@, newText)
ev = @composer._addToProxy.mostRecentCall.args[0].body
describe 'quoted text control toggle button', ->
beforeEach ->
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, 'quoted-text-control')
it 'should be rendered', ->
it 'prompts to hide the quote', ->
expect(React.findDOMNode(@toggle).textContent).toEqual "•••Hide previous"
describe 'when showQuotedText is false', ->
beforeEach ->
body: @htmlWithQuote
showQuotedText: false
@contentEditable = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
@$contentEditable = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithAttr(@contentEditable, 'contentEditable'))
@$composerBodyWrap = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.composerBodyWrap)
# The quoted text dom parser wraps stuff inertly in body tags
wrapBody = (html) -> "<head></head><body>#{html}</body>"
it 'should not display any quoted text', ->
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
it "should let you change the text, and then append the quoted text part to the end before firing `_addToProxy`", ->
textToAdd = "MORE <strong>TEXT</strong>!"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
ev = @composer._addToProxy.mostRecentCall.args[0].body
# Note that we expect the version WITH a quote while setting the
# version withOUT a quote.
expect(ev).toEqual(wrapBody(textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote))
it "should let you add more html that looks like quoted text, and still properly appends the old quoted text", ->
textToAdd = "Yo <blockquote class=\"gmail_quote\">I'm a fake quote</blockquote>"
expect(@$contentEditable.innerHTML).toBe @htmlNoQuote
setHTML.call(@, textToAdd + @htmlNoQuote)
ev = @composer._addToProxy.mostRecentCall.args[0].body
# Note that we expect the version WITH a quote while setting the
# version withOUT a quote.
expect(ev).toEqual(wrapBody(textToAdd + @htmlWithQuote))
describe 'quoted text control toggle button', ->
beforeEach ->
@toggle = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, 'quoted-text-control')
it 'should be rendered', ->
it 'prompts to hide the quote', ->
expect(React.findDOMNode(@toggle).textContent).toEqual "•••Show previous"