
55 lines
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{DOMUtils, ContenteditableExtension} = require 'nylas-exports'
class TemplateEditor extends ContenteditableExtension
@onContentChanged: ({editor}) ->
# Run through and remove all code nodes that are invalid
codeNodes = editor.rootNode.querySelectorAll("code.var.empty")
for codeNode in codeNodes
# remove any style that was added by contenteditable
# grab the text content and the indexable text content
text = codeNode.textContent
indexText = DOMUtils.getIndexedTextContent(codeNode).map( ({text}) -> text ).join("")
# unwrap any code nodes that don't start/end with {{}}, and any with line breaks inside
if not text.startsWith("{{") or not text.endsWith("}}") or indexText.indexOf("\n")>-1
editor.whilePreservingSelection ->
# Attempt to sanitize spans that are needlessly created by contenteditable
for span in editor.rootNode.querySelectorAll("span")
if not span.className
editor.whilePreservingSelection ->
# Find all {{}} and wrap them in code nodes if they aren't already
# Regex finds any {{ <contents> }} that doesn't contain {, }, or \n
ranges = editor.regExpSelectorAll(/\{\{[^\n{}]*?\}\}/g)
for range in ranges
if not DOMUtils.isWrapped(range, "CODE")
# Preserve the selection based on text index within the range matched by the regex
selIndex = editor.getSelectionTextIndex(range)
codeNode = DOMUtils.wrap(range,"CODE")
codeNode.className = "var empty"
codeNode.textContent = codeNode.textContent # Sets node contents to just its textContent, strips HTML
if selIndex?
editor.restoreSelectionByTextIndex(codeNode, selIndex.startIndex, selIndex.endIndex)
@onKeyDown: ({editor}) ->
# Look for all existing code tags that we may have added before,
# and remove any that now have invalid content (don't start with {{ and
# end with }} as well as any that wrap the current selection
codeNodes = editor.rootNode.querySelectorAll("code.var.empty")
for codeNode in codeNodes
text = codeNode.textContent
if not text.startsWith("{{") or not text.endsWith("}}") or DOMUtils.selectionStartsOrEndsIn(codeNode)
editor.whilePreservingSelection ->
module.exports = TemplateEditor