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synced 2024-11-14 05:41:05 +08:00
Summary: - The main purpose of this is to be able to properly register the editor for the markdown plugin (and any other plugins to come) - Refactors ComposerView and Contenteditable -> - Replaces Contenteditable with an InjectedComponent for a new region role: "Composer:Editor" - Creates a new component called ComposerEditor, which is the one that is being registered by default as "Composer:Editor" - I used this class to try to standardize the props that should be passed to any would be editor Component: - Renamed a bunch of the props which (I think) had a bit of confusing names - Added a bunch of docs for these in the source file, although I feel like those docs should live elsewhere, like in the ComponentRegion docs. - In the process, I ended up pulling some stuff out of ComposerView and some stuff out of the Contenteditable, namely: - The scrolling logic to ensure that the composer is visible while typing was moved outside of the Contenteditable -- this feels more like the ComposerEditor's responsibility, especially since the Contenteditable is meant to be used in other contexts as well. - The ComposerExtensions state; it feels less awkward for me if this is inside the ComposerEditor because 1) ComposerView does less things, 2) these are actually just being passed to the Contenteditable, 3) I feel like other plugins shouldn't need to mess around with ComposerExtensions, so we shouldn't pass them to the editor. If you register an editor different from our default one, any other ComposerExtension callbacks will be disabled, which I feel is expected behavior. - I think there is still some more refactoring to be done, and I left some TODOS here and there, but I think this diff is already big enough and its a minimal set of changes to get the markdown editor working in a not so duck tapish way. - New props for InjectedComponent: - `requiredMethods`: allows you to define a collection of methods that should be implemented by any Component that registers for your desired region. - It will throw an error if these are not implemented - It will automatically pass calls made on the InjectedComponent to these methods down to the instance of the actual registered component - Would love some comments on this approach and impl - `fallback`: allows you to define a default component to use if none were registered through the ComponentRegistry - Misc: - Added a new test case for the QuotedHTMLTransformer - Tests: - They were minimally updated so that they don't break, but a big TODO is to properly refactor them. I plan to do that in an upcoming diff. Test Plan: - Unit tests Reviewers: bengotow, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2372
416 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
416 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react'
classNames = require 'classnames'
MessageItemContainer = require './message-item-container'
ChangeStarredTask} = require("nylas-exports")
InjectedComponentSet} = require('nylas-component-kit')
class MessageListScrollTooltip extends React.Component
@displayName: 'MessageListScrollTooltip'
viewportCenter: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
totalHeight: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
componentWillMount: =>
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) =>
not _.isEqual(@state,newState)
setupForProps: (props) ->
# Technically, we could have MessageList provide the currently visible
# item index, but the DOM approach is simple and self-contained.
els = document.querySelectorAll('.message-item-wrap')
idx = _.findIndex els, (el) -> el.offsetTop > props.viewportCenter
if idx is -1
idx = els.length
idx: idx
count: els.length
render: ->
<div className="scroll-tooltip">
{@state.idx} of {@state.count}
class MessageList extends React.Component
@displayName: 'MessageList'
@containerRequired: false
minWidth: 500
maxWidth: 999999
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
@state.minified = true
@_draftScrollInProgress = false
componentDidMount: =>
@_unsubscribers = []
@_unsubscribers.push MessageStore.listen @_onChange
componentWillUnmount: =>
unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @_unsubscribers
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) =>
return if @state.loading
newDraftClientIds = @_newDraftClientIds(prevState)
if newDraftClientIds.length > 0
_keymapHandlers: ->
'application:reply': => @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft('reply')
'application:reply-all': => @_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft('reply-all')
'application:forward': => @_onForward()
'application:print-thread': => @_onPrintThread()
'core:messages-page-up': => @_onScrollByPage(-1)
'core:messages-page-down': => @_onScrollByPage(1)
_newDraftClientIds: (prevState) =>
oldDraftIds = _.map(_.filter((prevState.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.clientId)
newDraftIds = _.map(_.filter((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> m.draft), (m) -> m.clientId)
return _.difference(newDraftIds, oldDraftIds) ? []
_getMessageContainer: (clientId) =>
_focusDraft: (draftElement) =>
# Note: We don't want the contenteditable view competing for scroll offset,
# so we block incoming childScrollRequests while we scroll to the new draft.
@_draftScrollInProgress = true
@refs.messageWrap.scrollTo(draftElement, {
position: ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Top,
settle: true,
done: =>
@_draftScrollInProgress = false
_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft: (type) =>
unless type in ['reply', 'reply-all']
throw new Error("_createReplyOrUpdateExistingDraft called with #{type}, not reply or reply-all")
last = _.last(@state.messages ? [])
return unless @state.currentThread and last
# If the last message on the thread is already a draft, fetch the message it's
# in reply to and the draft session and change the participants.
if last.draft is true
data =
session: DraftStore.sessionForClientId(last.clientId)
replyToMessage: Promise.resolve(@state.messages[@state.messages.length - 2])
type: type
if last.replyToMessageId
msg = _.findWhere(@state.messages, {id: last.replyToMessageId})
if msg
data.replyToMessage = Promise.resolve(msg)
data.replyToMessage = DatabaseStore.find(Message, last.replyToMessageId)
Promise.props(data).then @_updateExistingDraft, (err) =>
# This can happen if the draft was deleted and the update hadn't reached
# our component yet, but it's very rare. This is here to silence the error.
if type is 'reply'
Actions.composeReply(thread: @state.currentThread, message: last)
Actions.composeReplyAll(thread: @state.currentThread, message: last)
_updateExistingDraft: ({type, session, replyToMessage}) =>
return unless replyToMessage and session
draft = session.draft()
updated = {to: [].concat(draft.to), cc: [].concat(draft.cc)}
replySet = replyToMessage.participantsForReply()
replyAllSet = replyToMessage.participantsForReplyAll()
if type is 'reply'
targetSet = replySet
# Remove participants present in the reply-all set and not the reply set
for key in ['to', 'cc']
updated[key] = _.reject updated[key], (contact) ->
inReplySet = _.findWhere(replySet[key], {email: contact.email})
inReplyAllSet = _.findWhere(replyAllSet[key], {email: contact.email})
return inReplyAllSet and not inReplySet
# Add participants present in the reply-all set and not on the draft
# Switching to reply-all shouldn't really ever remove anyone.
targetSet = replyAllSet
for key in ['to', 'cc']
for contact in targetSet[key]
updated[key].push(contact) unless _.findWhere(updated[key], {email: contact.email})
_onForward: =>
return unless @state.currentThread
Actions.composeForward(thread: @state.currentThread)
render: =>
if not @state.currentThread?
return <div className="message-list" id="message-list"></div>
wrapClass = classNames
"messages-wrap": true
"ready": not @state.loading
<KeyCommandsRegion globalHandlers={@_keymapHandlers()}>
<div className="message-list" id="message-list">
<ScrollRegion tabIndex="-1"
<div className="headers" style={position:'relative'}>
exposedProps={thread: @state.currentThread}/>
exposedProps={thread: @state.currentThread}/>
<Spinner visible={@state.loading} />
_renderSubject: ->
subject = @state.currentThread?.subject
subject = "(No Subject)" if not subject or subject.length is 0
<div className="message-subject-wrap">
<MailImportantIcon thread={@state.currentThread} />
<span className="message-subject">{subject}</span>
_renderIcons: =>
<div className="message-icons-wrap">
<div onClick={@_onPrintThread}>
<RetinaImg name="print.png" title="Print Thread" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
_renderExpandToggle: =>
if MessageStore.items().length < 2
else if MessageStore.hasCollapsedItems()
<div onClick={@_onToggleAllMessagesExpanded}>
<RetinaImg name={"expand.png"} title={"Expand All"} mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
<div onClick={@_onToggleAllMessagesExpanded}>
<RetinaImg name={"collapse.png"} title={"Collapse All"} mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
_renderLabels: =>
labels = @state.currentThread.sortedLabels()
labels = _.reject labels, (l) -> l.name is 'important'
labels.map (label) =>
<MailLabel label={label} key={label.id} onRemove={ => @_onRemoveLabel(label) }/>
_renderReplyArea: =>
<div className="footer-reply-area-wrap" onClick={@_onClickReplyArea} key='reply-area'>
<div className="footer-reply-area">
<RetinaImg name="#{@_replyType()}-footer.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
<span className="reply-text">Write a reply…</span>
# Returns either "reply" or "reply-all"
_replyType: =>
defaultReplyType = NylasEnv.config.get('core.sending.defaultReplyType')
lastMsg = _.last(_.filter((@state.messages ? []), (m) -> not m.draft))
return 'reply' unless lastMsg
if lastMsg.canReplyAll()
if defaultReplyType is 'reply-all'
return 'reply-all'
return 'reply'
return 'reply'
_onToggleAllMessagesExpanded: ->
_onPrintThread: =>
node = React.findDOMNode(@)
Actions.printThread(@state.currentThread, node.innerHTML)
_onRemoveLabel: (label) =>
task = new ChangeLabelsTask(thread: @state.currentThread, labelsToRemove: [label])
_onClickReplyArea: =>
return unless @state.currentThread
_messageElements: =>
elements = []
hasReplyArea = not _.last(@state.messages)?.draft
messages = @_messagesWithMinification(@state.messages)
messages.forEach (message, idx) =>
if message.type is "minifiedBundle"
collapsed = !@state.messagesExpandedState[message.id]
isLastMsg = (messages.length - 1 is idx)
isBeforeReplyArea = isLastMsg and hasReplyArea
<MessageItemContainer key={idx}
scrollTo={@_scrollTo} />
if hasReplyArea
return elements
_renderMinifiedBundle: (bundle) ->
lines = bundle.messages[0...10]
h = Math.round(BUNDLE_HEIGHT / lines.length)
<div className="minified-bundle"
onClick={ => @setState minified: false }
<div className="num-messages">{bundle.messages.length} older messages</div>
<div className="msg-lines" style={height: h*lines.length}>
{lines.map (msg, i) ->
<div key={msg.id} style={height: h*2, top: -h*i} className="msg-line"></div>}
_messagesWithMinification: (messages=[]) =>
return messages unless @state.minified
messages = _.clone(messages)
minifyRanges = []
consecutiveCollapsed = 0
messages.forEach (message, idx) =>
return if idx is 0 # Never minify the 1st message
expandState = @state.messagesExpandedState[message.id]
if not expandState
consecutiveCollapsed += 1
# We add a +1 because we don't minify the last collapsed message,
# but the MINIFY_THRESHOLD refers to the smallest N that can be in
# the "N older messages" minified block.
if expandState is "default"
minifyOffset = 1
else # if expandState is "explicit"
minifyOffset = 0
if consecutiveCollapsed >= @MINIFY_THRESHOLD + minifyOffset
start: idx - consecutiveCollapsed
length: (consecutiveCollapsed - minifyOffset)
consecutiveCollapsed = 0
indexOffset = 0
for range in minifyRanges
start = range.start - indexOffset
minified =
type: "minifiedBundle"
messages: messages[start...(start+range.length)]
messages.splice(start, range.length, minified)
# While we removed `range.length` items, we also added 1 back in.
indexOffset += (range.length - 1)
return messages
# Some child components (like the composer) might request that we scroll
# to a given location. If `selectionTop` is defined that means we should
# scroll to that absolute position.
# If messageId and location are defined, that means we want to scroll
# smoothly to the top of a particular message.
_scrollTo: ({clientId, rect, position}={}) =>
return if @_draftScrollInProgress
if clientId
messageElement = @_getMessageContainer(clientId)
return unless messageElement
pos = position ? ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Visible
@refs.messageWrap.scrollTo(messageElement, {
position: pos
else if rect
@refs.messageWrap.scrollToRect(rect, {
position: ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.CenterIfInvisible
throw new Error("onChildScrollRequest: expected clientId or rect")
_onScrollByPage: (direction) =>
height = React.findDOMNode(@refs.messageWrap).clientHeight
@refs.messageWrap.scrollTop += height * direction
_onChange: =>
newState = @_getStateFromStores()
if @state.currentThread isnt newState.currentThread
newState.minified = true
_getStateFromStores: =>
messages: (MessageStore.items() ? [])
messagesExpandedState: MessageStore.itemsExpandedState()
currentThread: MessageStore.thread()
loading: MessageStore.itemsLoading()
module.exports = MessageList