mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:54:13 +08:00
Summary: Package names must match directory names Not going to use new Swithc component, but might as well be part of component kit Move APMWrapper into core so it can be used from anywhere Move manual package install coe to package-manager Gray out window titles when in the background Do not allow multiple onboarding windows at the same time Finalize styling f initial-prefs and initial-packages, make it work (only github package atm) Other nits Change the welcome copy: - Call it easy to extend vs easy to use - Remove the subtitle from the first screen which doesn't really fit - Make the second page emphasize that its created /for/ developers and easy to extend with Javascript. - Explain what the sync engine is rather than saying it's "faster and more extensible" (??) Test Plan: Run tests Reviewers: evan, dillon Reviewed By: evan Maniphest Tasks: T3346 Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2079
255 lines
8.1 KiB
255 lines
8.1 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
ipc = require 'ipc'
Reflux = require 'reflux'
path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
shell = require 'shell'
SettingsActions = require './settings-actions'
{APMWrapper} = require 'nylas-exports'
dialog = require('remote').require('dialog')
module.exports =
SettingsPackagesStore = Reflux.createStore
init: ->
@_apm = new APMWrapper()
@_globalSearch = ""
@_installedSearch = ""
@_installing = {}
@_featured = {themes: [], packages: []}
@_newerVersions = []
@_searchResults = null
@listenTo SettingsActions.refreshFeaturedPackages, @_refreshFeatured
@listenTo SettingsActions.refreshInstalledPackages, @_refreshInstalled
atom.commands.add 'body',
'application:create-package': => @_onCreatePackage()
atom.commands.add 'body',
'application:install-package': => @_onInstallPackage()
@listenTo SettingsActions.createPackage, @_onCreatePackage
@listenTo SettingsActions.updatePackage, @_onUpdatePackage
@listenTo SettingsActions.setGlobalSearchValue, @_onGlobalSearchChange
@listenTo SettingsActions.setInstalledSearchValue, @_onInstalledSearchChange
@listenTo SettingsActions.showPackage, (pkg) =>
dir = atom.packages.resolvePackagePath(pkg.name)
shell.showItemInFolder(dir) if dir
@listenTo SettingsActions.installPackage, (pkg) =>
@_installing[pkg.name] = true
@_apm.install pkg, (err) =>
if err
delete @_installing[pkg.name]
@_displayMessage("Sorry, an error occurred", err.toString())
if atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name)
@listenTo SettingsActions.uninstallPackage, (pkg) =>
if atom.packages.isPackageLoaded(pkg.name)
@_apm.uninstall pkg, (err) =>
@_displayMessage("Sorry, an error occurred", err.toString()) if err
@listenTo SettingsActions.enablePackage, (pkg) ->
if atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name)
@listenTo SettingsActions.disablePackage, (pkg) ->
unless atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name)
@_hasPrepared = false
# Getters
installed: ->
@_addPackageStates(@_filter(@_installed, @_installedSearch))
installedSearchValue: ->
featured: ->
searchResults: ->
globalSearchValue: ->
# Action Handlers
_prepareIfFresh: ->
return if @_hasPrepared
atom.packages.onDidActivatePackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced())
atom.packages.onDidDeactivatePackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced())
atom.packages.onDidLoadPackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced())
atom.packages.onDidUnloadPackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced())
@_hasPrepared = true
_filter: (hash, search) ->
result = {}
search = search.toLowerCase()
for key, pkgs of hash
result[key] = _.filter pkgs, (p) =>
search.length is 0 or p.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) isnt -1
_refreshFeatured: ->
@_apm.getFeatured({themes: false}).then (results) =>
@_featured.packages = results
.catch (err) =>
# We may be offline
@_apm.getFeatured({themes: true}).then (results) =>
@_featured.themes = results
.catch (err) =>
# We may be offline
_refreshInstalled: ->
_refreshSearch: ->
return unless @_globalSearch?.length > 0
@_apm.search(@_globalSearch).then (results) =>
@_searchResults =
packages: results.filter ({theme}) -> not theme
themes: results.filter ({theme}) -> theme
.catch (err) =>
# We may be offline
_refreshSearchThrottled: _.debounce((-> @_refreshSearch()), 400)
_onPackagesChanged: ->
@_apm.getInstalled().then (packages) =>
for category in ['dev', 'user', 'core']
packages[category] = packages[category].filter ({theme}) -> not theme
packages[category].forEach (pkg) =>
pkg.category = category
delete @_installing[pkg.name]
@_installed = packages
@_apm.getOutdated().then (packages) =>
@_newerVersions = {}
for pkg in packages
@_newerVersions[pkg.name] = pkg.latestVersion
_onPackagesChangedDebounced: _.debounce((-> @_onPackagesChanged()), 200)
_onInstalledSearchChange: (val) ->
@_installedSearch = val
_onUpdatePackage: (pkg) ->
@_apm.update(pkg, pkg.newerVersion)
_onInstallPackage: ->
title: "Choose a Package Directory"
properties: ['openDirectory']
, (filenames) =>
return if not filenames or filenames.length is 0
atom.packages.installPackageFromPath filenames[0], (err) =>
return if err
packageName = path.basename(filenames[0])
msg = "#{packageName} has been installed and enabled. No need to \
restart! If you don't see the package loaded, check the \
console for errors."
@_displayMessage("Package installed", msg)
_onCreatePackage: ->
packagesDir = path.join(atom.getConfigDirPath(), 'packages')
title: "Save New Package"
defaultPath: packagesDir
properties: ['createDirectory']
, (packageDir) =>
return unless packageDir
packageName = path.basename(packageDir)
if not packageDir.startsWith(packagesDir)
return @_displayMessage('Invalid package location', 'Sorry, you must
create packages in the packages folder.')
if atom.packages.resolvePackagePath(packageName)
return @_displayMessage('Invalid package name', 'Sorry, you must
give your package a unqiue name.')
if packageName.indexOf(' ') isnt -1
return @_displayMessage('Invalid package name', 'Sorry, package names
cannot contain spaces.')
fs.mkdir packageDir, (err) =>
return @_displayMessage('Could not create package', err.toString()) if err
{resourcePath} = atom.getLoadSettings()
packageTemplatePath = path.join(resourcePath, 'static', 'package-template')
packageJSON =
name: packageName
main: "./lib/main"
version: '0.1.0'
type: 'git'
url: ''
atom: ">=#{atom.getVersion()}"
description: "Enter a description of your package!"
dependencies: {}
license: "MIT"
fs.copySync(packageTemplatePath, packageDir)
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(packageDir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(packageJSON, null, 2))
_.defer ->
_onGlobalSearchChange: (val) ->
# Clear previous search results data if this is a new
# search beginning from "".
if @_globalSearch.length is 0 and val.length > 0
@_searchResults = null
@_globalSearch = val
_addPackageStates: (pkgs) ->
installedNames = _.flatten(_.values(@_installed)).map (pkg) -> pkg.name
_.flatten(_.values(pkgs)).forEach (pkg) =>
pkg.enabled = !atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name)
pkg.installed = pkg.name in installedNames
pkg.installing = @_installing[pkg.name]?
pkg.newerVersionAvailable = @_newerVersions[pkg.name]?
pkg.newerVersion = @_newerVersions[pkg.name]
_displayMessage: (title, message) ->
chosen = dialog.showMessageBox
type: 'warning'
message: title
detail: message
buttons: ["OK"]