mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 18:44:01 +08:00
100 lines
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100 lines
5.4 KiB
Message = require('../../src/flux/models/message').default
Thread = require('../../src/flux/models/thread').default
Category = require('../../src/flux/models/category').default
{Utils} = require 'nylas-exports'
_ = require 'underscore'
describe 'Thread', ->
describe 'serialization performance', ->
xit '1,000,000 iterations', ->
iterations = 0
json = '[{"client_id":"local-76c370af-65de","server_id":"f0vkowp7zxt7djue7ifylb940","object":"thread","account_id":"1r6w6qiq3sb0o9fiwin6v87dd","snippet":"http://itunestandc.tumblr.com/tagged/itunes-terms-and-conditions/chrono _______________________________________________ http://www.macgroup.com/mailman/listinfo/smartfriends-chat","subject":"iTunes Terms And Conditions as you\'ve never seen them before","unread":true,"starred":false,"version":1,"folders":[],"labels":[{"server_id":"8cf4fn20k9pjjhjawrv3xrxo0","name":"all","display_name":"All Mail","id":"8cf4fn20k9pjjhjawrv3xrxo0"},{"server_id":"f1lq8faw8vv06m67y8f3xdf84","name":"inbox","display_name":"Inbox","id":"f1lq8faw8vv06m67y8f3xdf84"}],"participants":[{"name":"Andrew Stadler","email":"stadler@gmail.com","thirdPartyData":{}},{"name":"Smart Friends™ Chat","email":"smartfriends-chat@macgroup.com","thirdPartyData":{}}],"has_attachments":false,"last_message_received_timestamp":1446600615,"id":"f0vkowp7zxt7djue7ifylb940"}]'
start = Date.now()
while iterations < 1000000
if _.isString(json)
data = JSON.parse(json)
object = new Thread()
iterations += 1
console.log((Date.now() - start) / 1000.0 + "ms per 1000")
describe "inAllMail", ->
describe "when the thread categoriesType is 'folders'", ->
it "should return true", ->
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'folders', categories: [new Category(name: 'inbox')])
# Unlike Gmail, this means half the thread is in trash and half is in sent.
# It should still appear in results for "Sent"
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'folders', categories: [new Category(name: 'sent'), new Category(name: 'trash')])
describe "when the thread categoriesType is 'labels'", ->
it "should return true if the thread has an all category", ->
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'labels', categories: [new Category(name: 'all')])
# thread is half in spam
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'labels', categories: [new Category(name: 'all'), new Category(name: 'inbox'), new Category(name: 'spam')])
it "should return false if the thread has the spam category and no all mail", ->
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'labels', categories: [new Category(name: 'sent'), new Category(name: 'spam')])
it "should return false if the thread has the trash category and no all mail", ->
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'labels', categories: [new Category(name: 'sent'), new Category(name: 'trash')])
it "should return true if the thread has none of the above (assume all mail)", ->
thread = new Thread(categoriesType: 'labels', categories: [new Category(name: 'inbox')])
describe 'sortedCategories', ->
sortedForCategoryNames = (inputs) ->
categories = _.map inputs, (i) ->
new Category(name: i, displayName: i)
thread = new Thread(categories: categories)
return thread.sortedCategories()
it "puts 'important' label first, if it's present", ->
inputs = ['alphabetically before important', 'important']
actualOut = sortedForCategoryNames inputs
expect(actualOut[0].displayName).toBe 'important'
it "ignores 'important' label if not present", ->
inputs = ['not important']
actualOut = sortedForCategoryNames inputs
expect(actualOut.length).toBe 1
expect(actualOut[0].displayName).toBe 'not important'
it "doesn't display 'all', 'archive', or 'drafts'", ->
inputs = ['all', 'archive', 'drafts']
actualOut = sortedForCategoryNames inputs
expect(actualOut.length).toBe 0
it "displays standard category names which aren't hidden next, if they're present", ->
inputs = ['inbox', 'important', 'social']
actualOut = _.pluck sortedForCategoryNames(inputs), 'displayName'
expectedOut = ['important', 'inbox', 'social']
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "ignores standard category names if they aren't present", ->
inputs = ['social', 'work', 'important']
actualOut = _.pluck sortedForCategoryNames(inputs), 'displayName'
expectedOut = ['important', 'social', 'work']
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "puts user-added categories at the end", ->
inputs = ['food', 'inbox']
actualOut = _.pluck sortedForCategoryNames(inputs), 'displayName'
expectedOut = ['inbox', 'food']
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut
it "sorts user-added categories by displayName", ->
inputs = ['work', 'social', 'receipts', 'important', 'inbox']
actualOut = _.pluck sortedForCategoryNames(inputs), 'displayName'
expectedOut = ['important', 'inbox', 'receipts', 'social', 'work']
expect(actualOut).toEqual expectedOut