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synced 2025-02-23 07:36:12 +08:00
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160 lines
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Executable file
{Utils, DraftStore, React, Actions, DatabaseStore, Contact, ReactDOM} = require 'nylas-exports'
PGPKeyStore = require './pgp-key-store'
Identity = require './identity'
ModalKeyRecommender = require './modal-key-recommender'
{RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
{remote} = require 'electron'
pgp = require 'kbpgp'
_ = require 'underscore'
class EncryptMessageButton extends React.Component
@displayName: 'EncryptMessageButton'
# require that we have a draft object available
draft: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
session: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
constructor: (props) ->
# plaintext: store the message's plaintext in case the user wants to edit
# further after hitting the "encrypt" button (i.e. so we can "undo" the
# encryption)
# cryptotext: store the message's body here, for comparison purposes (so
# that if the user edits an encrypted message, we can revert it)
@state = {plaintext: "", cryptotext: "", currentlyEncrypted: false}
componentDidMount: ->
@unlistenKeystore = PGPKeyStore.listen(@_onKeystoreChange, @)
componentWillUnmount: ->
componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) ->
if @state.currentlyEncrypted and nextProps.draft.body != @props.draft.body and nextProps.draft.body != @state.cryptotext
# A) we're encrypted
# B) someone changed something
# C) the change was AWAY from the "correct" cryptotext
body = @state.cryptotext
@props.session.changes.add({body: body})
_getKeys: ->
keys = []
for recipient in @props.draft.participants({includeFrom: false, includeBcc: true})
publicKeys = PGPKeyStore.pubKeys(recipient.email)
if publicKeys.length < 1
# no key for this user
keys.push(new Identity({addresses: [recipient.email]}))
# note: this, by default, encrypts using every public key associated
# with the address
for publicKey in publicKeys
if not publicKey.key?
PGPKeyStore.getKeyContents(key: publicKey)
return keys
_onKeystoreChange: =>
# if something changes with the keys, check to make sure the recipients
# haven't changed (thus invalidating our encrypted message)
if @state.currentlyEncrypted
newKeys = _.map(@props.draft.participants(), (participant) ->
return PGPKeyStore.pubKeys(participant.email)
newKeys = _.flatten(newKeys)
oldKeys = _.map(@props.draft.participants(), (participant) ->
return PGPKeyStore.pubKeys(participant.email)
oldKeys = _.flatten(oldKeys)
if newKeys.length != oldKeys.length
# someone added/removed a key - our encrypted body is now out of date
render: ->
classnames = "btn btn-toolbar"
if @state.currentlyEncrypted
classnames += " btn-enabled"
<div className="n1-keybase">
<button title="Encrypt email body" className={ classnames } onClick={ => @_onClick()} ref="button">
<RetinaImg url="nylas://keybase/encrypt-composer-button@2x.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} />
_onClick: =>
_toggleCrypt: =>
# if decrypted, encrypt, and vice versa
# addresses which don't have a key
if @state.currentlyEncrypted
# if the message is already encrypted, place the stored plaintext back
# in the draft (i.e. un-encrypt)
@props.session.changes.add({body: @state.plaintext})
@setState({currentlyEncrypted: false})
# if not encrypted, save the plaintext, then encrypt
plaintext = @props.draft.body
identities = @_getKeys()
@_checkKeysAndEncrypt(plaintext, identities, (err, cryptotext) =>
if err
console.warn err
Actions.recordUserEvent("Email Encryption Errored", {error: err})
if cryptotext? and cryptotext != ""
Actions.recordUserEvent("Email Encrypted")
# <pre> tag prevents gross HTML formatting in-flight
cryptotext = "<pre>#{cryptotext}</pre>"
currentlyEncrypted: true
plaintext: plaintext
cryptotext: cryptotext
@props.session.changes.add({body: cryptotext})
_encrypt: (text, identities, cb) =>
# get the actual key objects
keys = _.pluck(identities, "key")
# remove the nulls
kms = _.compact(keys)
if kms.length == 0
NylasEnv.showErrorDialog("There are no PGP public keys loaded, so the message cannot be
encrypted. Compose a message, add recipients in the To: field, and try again.")
params =
encrypt_for: kms
msg: text
pgp.box(params, cb)
_checkKeysAndEncrypt: (text, identities, cb) =>
emails = _.chain(identities)
if _.every(identities, (identity) -> identity.key?)
# every key is present and valid
@_encrypt(text, identities, cb)
# open a popover to correct null keys
DatabaseStore.findAll(Contact, {email: emails}).then((contacts) =>
component = (<ModalKeyRecommender contacts={contacts} emails={emails} callback={ (newIdentities) => @_encrypt(text, newIdentities, cb) }/>)
originRect: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@).getBoundingClientRect(),
direction: 'up',
closeOnAppBlur: false,
module.exports = EncryptMessageButton