mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 00:25:03 +08:00
Summary: Fixes T3510 Fixes T3509 Fixes T3508 Fixes T3549 Extracted clipboard service Remove unused style prop Begin extracting quoted text from composer. Spec for clipboard service Fix contenteditable specs Begin to extract floating toolbar Extract out DOMUtils and further extract floating toolbar Further extracting domutils and floating toolbar composer floating toolbar extracted Fixes to hover and link states Collapse adjacent ul lists Fix outdent when deleting on a bulleted list Fix bullet controls Fixes to list creation and deletion Add underline keyboard shortcut Test Plan: manual :( Reviewers: dillon, bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Maniphest Tasks: T3508, T3509, T3510, T3549 Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2036
733 lines
24 KiB
733 lines
24 KiB
_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react'
FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
InjectedComponentSet} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
FileUpload = require './file-upload'
ImageFileUpload = require './image-file-upload'
ExpandedParticipants = require './expanded-participants'
CollapsedParticipants = require './collapsed-participants'
ContenteditableFilter = require './contenteditable-filter'
ContenteditableComponent = require './contenteditable-component'
Fields = require './fields'
# The ComposerView is a unique React component because it (currently) is a
# singleton. Normally, the React way to do things would be to re-render the
# Composer with new props.
class ComposerView extends React.Component
@displayName: 'ComposerView'
@containerRequired: false
draftClientId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
# Either "inline" or "fullwindow"
mode: React.PropTypes.string
# If this composer is part of an existing thread (like inline
# composers) the threadId will be handed down
threadId: React.PropTypes.string
# Sometimes when changes in the composer happens it's desirable to
# have the parent scroll to a certain location. A parent component can
# pass a callback that gets called when this composer wants to be
# scrolled to.
onRequestScrollTo: React.PropTypes.func
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
populated: false
to: []
cc: []
bcc: []
body: ""
files: []
subject: ""
focusedField: Fields.To # Gets updated in @_initiallyFocusedField
enabledFields: [] # Gets updated in @_initiallyEnabledFields
showQuotedText: false
uploads: FileUploadStore.uploadsForMessage(@props.draftClientId) ? []
componentWillMount: =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
componentDidMount: =>
@_usubs = []
@_usubs.push FileUploadStore.listen @_onFileUploadStoreChange
@_usubs.push AccountStore.listen @_onAccountStoreChanged
@_keymapUnlisten = atom.commands.add '.composer-outer-wrap', {
'composer:send-message': => @_sendDraft()
'composer:delete-empty-draft': => @_deleteDraftIfEmpty()
'composer:show-and-focus-bcc': => @_onChangeEnabledFields(show: [Fields.Bcc], focus: Fields.Bcc)
'composer:show-and-focus-cc': => @_onChangeEnabledFields(show: [Fields.Cc], focus: Fields.Cc)
'composer:focus-to': => @_onChangeEnabledFields(show: [Fields.To], focus: Fields.To)
"composer:undo": @undo
"composer:redo": @redo
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_unmounted = true # rarf
usub() for usub in @_usubs
@_keymapUnlisten.dispose() if @_keymapUnlisten
componentDidUpdate: =>
# We want to use a temporary variable instead of putting this into the
# state. This is because the selection is a transient property that
# only needs to be applied once. It's not a long-living property of
# the state. We could call `setState` here, but this saves us from a
# re-rendering.
@_recoveredSelection = null if @_recoveredSelection?
_applyFocusedField: ->
if @state.focusedField
return unless @refs[@state.focusedField]
if @refs[@state.focusedField].focus
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
@_ignoreNextTrigger = false
if newProps.draftClientId isnt @props.draftClientId
# When we're given a new draft draftClientId, we have to stop listening to our
# current DraftStoreProxy, create a new one and listen to that. The simplest
# way to do this is to just re-call registerListeners.
_prepareForDraft: (draftClientId) =>
@unlisteners = []
return unless draftClientId
# UndoManager must be ready before we call _onDraftChanged for the first time
@undoManager = new UndoManager
_setupSession: (proxy) =>
return if @_unmounted
return unless proxy.draftClientId is @props.draftClientId
@_proxy = proxy
@unlisteners.push @_proxy.listen(@_onDraftChanged)
_preloadImages: (files=[]) ->
files.forEach (file) ->
uploadData = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)
if not uploadData? and Utils.looksLikeImage(file)
_teardownForDraft: =>
unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners
if @_proxy
render: =>
if @props.mode is "inline"
<FocusTrackingRegion className={@_wrapClasses()} onFocus={@focus} tabIndex="-1">
<div className={@_wrapClasses()}>
_wrapClasses: =>
"message-item-white-wrap composer-outer-wrap #{@props.className ? ""}"
_renderComposer: =>
<DropZone className="composer-inner-wrap"
onDragStateChange={ ({isDropping}) => @setState({isDropping}) }
<div className="composer-drop-cover" style={display: if @state.isDropping then 'block' else 'none'}>
<div className="centered">
<RetinaImg name="composer-drop-to-attach.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
Drop to attach
<div className="composer-content-wrap" onKeyDown={@_onKeyDown}>
<div className="composer-action-bar-wrap">
_renderScrollRegion: ->
if @props.mode is "inline"
<ScrollRegion className="compose-body-scroll" ref="scrollregion">
_renderContent: ->
<div className="composer-centered">
{if @state.focusedField in Fields.ParticipantFields
to={@state.to} cc={@state.cc} bcc={@state.bcc}
onChangeEnabledFields={@_onChangeEnabledFields} />
to={@state.to} cc={@state.cc} bcc={@state.bcc}
onClick={@_focusParticipantField} />
<div className="compose-body" ref="composeBody" onClick={@_onClickComposeBody}>
_onPopoutComposer: =>
Actions.composePopoutDraft @props.draftClientId
_onKeyDown: (event) =>
if event.key is "Tab"
_onTabDown: (event) =>
enabledFields = _.filter @state.enabledFields, (field) ->
Fields.Order[field] >= 0
enabledFields = _.sortBy enabledFields, (field) ->
i = enabledFields.indexOf @state.focusedField
dir = if event.shiftKey then -1 else 1
newI = Math.min(Math.max(i + dir, 0), enabledFields.length - 1)
@setState focusedField: enabledFields[newI]
_onChangeParticipantField: (focusedField) =>
@setState {focusedField}
@_lastFocusedParticipantField = focusedField
_focusParticipantField: =>
@setState focusedField: @_lastFocusedParticipantField ? Fields.To
_onChangeEnabledFields: ({show, hide, focus}={}) =>
show = show ? []; hide = hide ? []
newFields = _.difference(@state.enabledFields.concat(show), hide)
enabledFields: newFields
focusedField: (focus ? @state.focusedField)
_renderSubject: ->
if Fields.Subject in @state.enabledFields
<div key="subject-wrap" className="compose-subject-wrap">
<input type="text"
onFocus={ => @setState focusedField: Fields.Subject}
_renderBody: =>
_renderBodyContenteditable: ->
onFocus={ => @setState focusedField: Fields.Body}
initialSelectionSnapshot={@_recoveredSelection} />
_onScrollToBottom: ->
if @props.onRequestScrollTo
return =>
@props.onRequestScrollTo({clientId: @_proxy.draft().clientId})
else return null
_editableFilters: ->
return [@_quotedTextFilter()]
_quotedTextFilter: ->
filter = new ContenteditableFilter
filter.beforeDisplay = @_removeQuotedText
filter.afterDisplay = @_showQuotedText
return filter
_editableFooterElements: ->
_removeQuotedText: (html) =>
if @state.showQuotedText then return html
else return QuotedHTMLParser.removeQuotedHTML(html)
_showQuotedText: (html) =>
if @state.showQuotedText then return html
else return QuotedHTMLParser.appendQuotedHTML(html, @state.body)
_renderQuotedTextControl: ->
if QuotedHTMLParser.hasQuotedHTML(@state.body)
text = if @state.showQuotedText then "Hide" else "Show"
<a className="quoted-text-control" onClick={@_onToggleQuotedText}>
<span className="dots">•••</span>{text} previous
else return []
_onToggleQuotedText: =>
@setState showQuotedText: not @state.showQuotedText
_renderFooterRegions: =>
return <div></div> unless @props.draftClientId
<div className="composer-footer-region">
matching={role: "Composer:Footer"}
exposedProps={draftClientId:@props.draftClientId, threadId: @props.threadId}/>
_renderAttachments: ->
renderSubset = (arr, attachmentRole, UploadComponent) =>
arr.map (fileOrUpload) =>
if fileOrUpload instanceof File
@_attachmentComponent(fileOrUpload, attachmentRole)
<UploadComponent key={fileOrUpload.uploadTaskId} uploadData={fileOrUpload} />
<div className="attachments-area">
{renderSubset(@_nonImages(), 'Attachment', FileUpload)}
{renderSubset(@_images(), 'Attachment:Image', ImageFileUpload)}
_attachmentComponent: (file, role="Attachment") =>
targetPath = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)?.filePath
if not targetPath
targetPath = FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)
props =
file: file
removable: true
targetPath: targetPath
messageClientId: @props.draftClientId
if role is "Attachment"
className = "file-wrap"
className = "file-wrap file-image-wrap"
<InjectedComponent key={file.id}
matching={role: role}
exposedProps={props} />
_fileSort: (fileOrUpload) ->
if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
# There will only be an entry in the `linkedUpload` if the file had
# finished uploading in this session. We may well have files that
# already existed on a draft that don't have any uploadData
# associated with them.
uploadData = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(fileOrUpload)
uploadData = fileOrUpload
if not uploadData
sortOrder = 0
sortOrder = (uploadData.startDate / 1) + 1.0 / (uploadData.startId/1)
return sortOrder
_images: ->
_.sortBy _.filter(@_uploadsAndFiles(), Utils.looksLikeImage), @_fileSort
_nonImages: ->
_.sortBy _.reject(@_uploadsAndFiles(), Utils.looksLikeImage), @_fileSort
_uploadsAndFiles: ->
# When uploads finish, they stay attached to the object at 100%
# completion. Eventually the DB trigger will make its way to a window
# and the files will appear on the draft.
# In this case we want to show the file instead of the upload
uploads = _.filter @state.uploads, (upload) =>
for file in @state.files
linkedUpload = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)
return false if linkedUpload and linkedUpload.uploadTaskId is upload.uploadTaskId
return true
_onFileUploadStoreChange: =>
@setState uploads: FileUploadStore.uploadsForMessage(@props.draftClientId)
_renderActionsRegion: =>
return <div></div> unless @props.draftClientId
<InjectedComponentSet className="composer-action-bar-content"
matching={role: "Composer:ActionButton"}
exposedProps={draftClientId:@props.draftClientId, threadId: @props.threadId}>
<button className="btn btn-toolbar btn-trash" style={order: 100}
data-tooltip="Delete draft"
onClick={@_destroyDraft}><RetinaImg name="icon-composer-trash.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} /></button>
<button className="btn btn-toolbar btn-attach" style={order: 50}
data-tooltip="Attach file"
onClick={@_attachFile}><RetinaImg name="icon-composer-attachment.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} /></button>
<div style={order: 0, flex: 1} />
<button className="btn btn-toolbar btn-emphasis btn-text btn-send" style={order: -100}
data-tooltip="Send message"
onClick={@_sendDraft}><RetinaImg name="icon-composer-send.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} /><span className="text">Send</span></button>
isForwardedMessage: =>
return false if not @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
# This lets us click outside of the `contenteditable`'s `contentBody`
# and simulate what happens when you click beneath the text *in* the
# contentEditable.
_onClickComposeBody: (event) =>
_onDraftChanged: =>
return if @_ignoreNextTrigger
return unless @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
if not @_initialHistorySave
@_initialHistorySave = true
state =
to: draft.to
cc: draft.cc
bcc: draft.bcc
from: draft.from
body: draft.body
files: draft.files
subject: draft.subject
if !@state.populated
_.extend state,
populated: true
focusedField: @_initiallyFocusedField(draft)
enabledFields: @_initiallyEnabledFields(draft)
showQuotedText: @isForwardedMessage()
state = @_verifyEnabledFields(draft, state)
_initiallyFocusedField: (draft) ->
return Fields.To if draft.to.length is 0
return Fields.Subject if (draft.subject ? "").trim().length is 0
return Fields.Body
_verifyEnabledFields: (draft, state) ->
enabledFields = @state.enabledFields.concat(state.enabledFields)
updated = false
if draft.cc.length > 0
updated = true
if draft.bcc.length > 0
updated = true
if updated
state.enabledFields = _.uniq(enabledFields)
return state
_initiallyEnabledFields: (draft) ->
enabledFields = [Fields.To]
enabledFields.push Fields.Cc if not _.isEmpty(draft.cc)
enabledFields.push Fields.Bcc if not _.isEmpty(draft.bcc)
enabledFields.push Fields.From if @_shouldShowFromField(draft)
enabledFields.push Fields.Subject if @_shouldEnableSubject()
enabledFields.push Fields.Body
return enabledFields
# When the account store changes, the From field may or may not still
# be in scope. We need to make sure to update our enabled fields.
_onAccountStoreChanged: =>
if @_shouldShowFromField(@_proxy?.draft())
enabledFields = @state.enabledFields.concat [Fields.From]
enabledFields = _.without(@state.enabledFields, Fields.From)
@setState {enabledFields}
_shouldShowFromField: (draft) ->
return false unless draft
return AccountStore.items().length > 1 and
not draft.replyToMessageId and
draft.files.length is 0
_shouldEnableSubject: =>
return false unless @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
if _.isEmpty(draft.subject ? "") then return true
else if @isForwardedMessage() then return true
else if draft.replyToMessageId then return false
else return true
_shouldAcceptDrop: (event) =>
# Ensure that you can't pick up a file and drop it on the same draft
existingFilePaths = @state.files.map (f) ->
nonNativeFilePath = @_nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)
if nonNativeFilePath and nonNativeFilePath in existingFilePaths
return false
hasNativeFile = event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0
hasNonNativeFilePath = nonNativeFilePath isnt null
return hasNativeFile or hasNonNativeFilePath
_nonNativeFilePathForDrop: (event) =>
if "text/nylas-file-url" in event.dataTransfer.types
downloadURL = event.dataTransfer.getData("text/nylas-file-url")
downloadFilePath = downloadURL.split('file://')[1]
if downloadFilePath
return downloadFilePath
# Accept drops of images from within the app
if "text/uri-list" in event.dataTransfer.types
uri = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/uri-list')
if uri.indexOf('file://') is 0
uri = decodeURI(uri.split('file://')[1])
return uri
return null
_onDrop: (e) =>
# Accept drops of real files from other applications
for file in e.dataTransfer.files
Actions.attachFilePath({path: file.path, messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
# Accept drops from attachment components / images within the app
if (uri = @_nonNativeFilePathForDrop(e))
Actions.attachFilePath({path: uri, messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
_onFilePaste: (path) =>
Actions.attachFilePath({path: path, messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
_onChangeParticipants: (changes={}) =>
_onChangeSubject: (event) =>
@_addToProxy(subject: event.target.value)
_onChangeBody: (event) =>
return unless @_proxy
# The body changes extremely frequently (on every key stroke). To keep
# performance up, we don't want to trigger every single key stroke
# since that will cause an entire composer re-render. We, however,
# never want to lose any data, so we still add data to the proxy on
# every keystroke.
# We want to use debounce instead of throttle because we don't want ot
# trigger janky re-renders mid quick-type. Let's just do it at the end
# when you're done typing and about to move onto something else.
@_addToProxy({body: event.target.value}, {fromBodyChange: true})
@_throttledTrigger ?= _.debounce =>
@_ignoreNextTrigger = false
, 100
_addToProxy: (changes={}, source={}) =>
return unless @_proxy
selections = @_getSelections()
oldDraft = @_proxy.draft()
return if _.all changes, (change, key) -> _.isEqual(change, oldDraft[key])
# Other extensions might want to hear about changes immediately. We
# only need to prevent this view from re-rendering until we're done
# throttling body changes.
if source.fromBodyChange then @_ignoreNextTrigger = true
@_saveToHistory(selections) unless source.fromUndoManager
_sendDraft: (options = {}) =>
return unless @_proxy
# We need to check the `DraftStore` because the `DraftStore` is
# immediately and synchronously updated as soon as this function
# fires. Since `setState` is asynchronous, if we used that as our only
# check, then we might get a false reading.
return if DraftStore.isSendingDraft(@props.draftClientId)
draft = @_proxy.draft()
remote = require('remote')
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
allRecipients = [].concat(draft.to, draft.cc, draft.bcc)
for contact in allRecipients
if not ContactStore.isValidContact(contact)
dealbreaker = "#{contact.email} is not a valid email address - please remove or edit it before sending."
if allRecipients.length is 0
dealbreaker = 'You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.'
if dealbreaker
dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Edit Message'],
message: 'Cannot Send',
detail: dealbreaker
bodyIsEmpty = draft.body is @_proxy.draftPristineBody()
forwarded = Utils.isForwardedMessage(draft)
hasAttachment = (draft.files ? []).length > 0
warnings = []
if draft.subject.length is 0
warnings.push('without a subject line')
if @_mentionsAttachment(draft.body) and not hasAttachment
warnings.push('without an attachment')
if bodyIsEmpty and not forwarded and not hasAttachment
warnings.push('without a body')
# Check third party warnings added via DraftStore extensions
for extension in DraftStore.extensions()
continue unless extension.warningsForSending
warnings = warnings.concat(extension.warningsForSending(draft))
if warnings.length > 0 and not options.force
dialog.showMessageBox remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Send Anyway', 'Cancel'],
message: 'Are you sure?',
detail: "Send #{warnings.join(' and ')}?"
}, (response) =>
if response is 0 # response is button array index
@_sendDraft({force: true})
_mentionsAttachment: (body) =>
body = QuotedHTMLParser.removeQuotedHTML(body.toLowerCase().trim())
return body.indexOf("attach") >= 0
_destroyDraft: =>
_attachFile: =>
Actions.attachFile({messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
undo: (event) =>
historyItem = @undoManager.undo() ? {}
return unless historyItem.state?
@_recoveredSelection = historyItem.currentSelection
@_addToProxy historyItem.state, fromUndoManager: true
@_recoveredSelection = null
redo: (event) =>
historyItem = @undoManager.redo() ? {}
return unless historyItem.state?
@_recoveredSelection = historyItem.currentSelection
@_addToProxy historyItem.state, fromUndoManager: true
@_recoveredSelection = null
_getSelections: =>
currentSelection: @refs[Fields.Body]?.getCurrentSelection?()
previousSelection: @refs[Fields.Body]?.getPreviousSelection?()
_saveToHistory: (selections) =>
return unless @_proxy
selections ?= @_getSelections()
newDraft = @_proxy.draft()
historyItem =
previousSelection: selections.previousSelection
currentSelection: selections.currentSelection
body: _.clone newDraft.body
subject: _.clone newDraft.subject
to: _.clone newDraft.to
cc: _.clone newDraft.cc
bcc: _.clone newDraft.bcc
lastState = @undoManager.current()
if lastState?
lastState.currentSelection = historyItem.previousSelection
_deleteDraftIfEmpty: =>
return unless @_proxy
if @_proxy.draft().pristine then Actions.destroyDraft(@props.draftClientId)
module.exports = ComposerView