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synced 2025-03-09 06:23:30 +08:00
comment Adding test harness Using key strokes in main window test Tests work now Clean up argument variables Rename list manager and get rid of old spec-helper methods Extract out time overrides from spec-helper Spectron test for contenteditable fix spec exit codes and boot mode fix(spec): cleanup N1.sh and make specs fail with exit code 1 Revert tests and get it working in window Move to spec_integration and add window load tester Specs pass. Console logs still in Remove console logs Extract N1 Launcher ready method Make integrated unit test runner feat(tests): adding integration tests Summary: The /spectron folder got moved to /spec_integration There are now unit tests (the old ones) run via the renamed `script/grunt run-unit-tests` There are now integration tests run via the command `script/grunt run-integration-tests`. There are two types of integration tests: 1. Tests that operate on the whole app via Selenium/Chromedriver. These tests have access to Spectron APIs but do NOT have access to any JS object running inside the application. See the `app-boot-spec.es6` for an example of these tests. This is tricky because we want to test the Main window, but Spectron may latch onto any other of our loading windows. Code in `integration-helper` give us an API that finds and loads the main window so we can test it 2. Tests that run in the unit test suite that need Spectron to perform integration-like behavior. These are the contentedtiable specs. The Spectron server is accessed from the app and can be used to trigger actions on the running app, from the app. These tests use the windowed-test runner so Spectron can identify whether the tests have completed, passed, or failed. Unfortunately Spectron can't access the logs , nor the exit code of the test script thereby forcing us to parse the HTML DOM. (Note this is still a WIP) I also revamped the `N1.sh` file when getting the launch arguments to work properly. It's much cleaner. We didn't need most of the data. Test Plan: new tests Reviewers: juan, bengotow Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D2289 Fix composer specs Tests can properly detect when Spectron is in the environment Report plain text output in specs fixing contenteditable specs Testing slow keymaps on contenteditable specs Move to DOm mutation Spell as `subtree` not `subTree`
247 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file
247 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs');
var verifyRequirements = require('./utils/verify-requirements');
var safeExec = require('./utils/child-process-wrapper.js').safeExec;
var path = require('path');
var userHomeDirectory = (process.platform === 'win32') ? process.env.USERPROFILE : process.env.HOME;
var appPackageJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json')));
var targetElectronVersion = appPackageJSON['electronVersion'];
var targetPlatform = require('os').platform();
// Executes an array of commands in series
function executeCommands(commands, done, index) {
index = (index == undefined ? 0 : index);
if (index < commands.length) {
var command = commands[index];
if (command.message)
var options = null;
if (typeof command !== 'string') {
options = command.options;
command = command.command;
safeExec(command, options, executeCommands.bind(this, commands, done, index + 1));
function printArgs(args) {
out = "";
for(key in args) {
out += "--"+key+"="+args[key]+" ";
return out;
function makeSqlite3Command() {
var nodeGypPath = '"' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'node_modules', 'npm', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'node-gyp') + '"';
if (targetPlatform == "win32") {
// As of Electron 0.29.2, all windows machines, even if they're 64 bit,
// return "ia32" as the arch
var targetArch = "ia32"
} else {
var targetArch = require('os').arch();
// Use our local version of npm (npm 3x) to build sqlite
var npmPath = '"' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'npm') + '"';
return npmPath + " install https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/archive/v3.1.1.tar.gz --ignore-scripts && cd node_modules/sqlite3 && "+nodeGypPath+" configure rebuild --target="+targetElectronVersion+" --arch="+targetArch+" --target_platform="+targetPlatform+" --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/atom-shell --module_name=node_sqlite3 --module_path=../lib/binding/node-v46-"+targetPlatform+"-"+targetArch
function bootstrap() {
var apmDestinationPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm');
if (!fs.existsSync(apmDestinationPath))
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(apmDestinationPath, 'node_modules')))
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(apmDestinationPath, 'node_modules'));
var apmPath = '"' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm', 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', 'apm') + '"';
var apmFlags = process.env.JANKY_SHA1 || process.argv.indexOf('--no-color') !== -1 ? ' --no-color' : '';
var npmFlags = ' --userconfig=' + '"' + path.resolve('.npmrc') + '" ';
var gruntPath = '"' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'grunt') + '"';
var packagesToDedupe = ['fs-plus', 'humanize-plus', 'roaster', 'season', 'grim'];
// use the system version of npm to install build folder dependencies, including our
// own copy of NPM 3.x, which we'll use for subsequent commands
var buildInstallCommand = 'npm' + npmFlags + 'install';
var buildInstallOptions = {cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build')};
var npmPath = '"' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'build', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'npm') + '"';
// Use our local version of npm in ./build to install apm. This ensures it gets a
// flat dependency tree.
var npmInstallApmCommand = npmPath + npmFlags + '--target=0.10.40 ' + 'install';
var npmInstallApmOptions = {cwd: apmDestinationPath};
var npmDedupeNpmCommand = npmPath + npmFlags + '--target=0.10.40 ' + 'dedupe';
var npmDedupeNpmOptions = {cwd: path.join(apmDestinationPath, 'node_modules', 'npm')};
var sqlite3Command = makeSqlite3Command();
var apmInstallCommand = apmPath + ' install' + apmFlags;
var apmEnv = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(process.env))
apmEnv['ATOM_ELECTRON_VERSION'] = targetElectronVersion;
apmEnv['ATOM_HOME'] = path.join(userHomeDirectory, '.nylas');
var apmDedupeCommand = apmPath + ' dedupe' + apmFlags;
var semverOptions = {
cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'apm', 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager'),
env: apmEnv
if (process.argv.indexOf('--no-quiet') === -1) {
buildInstallCommand += ' --loglevel error';
npmInstallApmCommand += ' --loglevel error';
apmInstallCommand += ' --loglevel error';
apmDedupeCommand += ' --quiet';
npmDedupeNpmOptions.ignoreStderr = true;
npmDedupeNpmOptions.ignoreStdout = true;
buildInstallOptions.ignoreStdout = true;
npmInstallApmOptions.ignoreStdout = true;
// apm ships with 32-bit node so make sure its native modules are compiled
// for a 32-bit target architecture
if (process.env.JANKY_SHA1 && process.platform === 'win32')
npmInstallApmCommand += ' --arch=ia32';
m1 = "\n---> Installing N1 build tools\n"
m1 += " This goes inside the `build` folder and runs `npm install`\n"
m1 += " It will use the system `npm` to bootstrap our own N1 npm.\n"
m1 += " Our build tools (like Grunt) need to be compiled against Node via `npm`.\n"
m1 += " Everything else needs to be compiled against Chromium with `apm`.\n\n"
m1 += " $ "+buildInstallCommand+" "+printArgs(buildInstallOptions)+"\n"
m2 = "\n\n---> Installing apm\n"
m2 += " This installs apm via N1's `npm`\n"
m2 += " We use this local apm copy to install all N1 dependencies & packages\n\n"
m2 += " $ "+npmInstallApmCommand+" "+printArgs(npmInstallApmOptions)+"\n"
m2a = "\n\n---> Flattening apm package tree\n"
m2a += " This runs `npm dedupe` on apm's `npm` dependency.\n"
m2a += " We use this to prevent paths over 260 characters on Windows.\n\n"
m2a += " $ "+npmDedupeNpmCommand+" "+printArgs(npmDedupeNpmOptions)+"\n"
m3 = "\n\n---> Cleaning apm via `apm clean`\n"
m4 = "\n\n---> Installing N1 dependencies & packages via `apm install`\n\n"
m4 += " $ "+apmInstallCommand+"\n"
m5 = "\n\n---> De-duping packages `apm dedupe`\n\n"
m5 += " $ "+apmDedupeCommand+" "+packagesToDedupe.join(' ')+"\n"
m6 = "\n\n---> Request version `apm dedupe`\n\n"
m6 += " $ "+apmDedupeCommand+" request semver "+printArgs(semverOptions)+"\n"
m7 = "\n\n---> Getting latest Electron\n\n"
var gruntCmd = ""
var downloadElectronCmd = gruntPath + " download-electron --gruntfile build/Gruntfile.coffee"
m7 += " $ "+downloadElectronCmd
var integrationCommand = npmPath + npmFlags + 'install';
var integrationOptions = {cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'spec_integration')};
m8 = "\n\n---> Installing integration test modules\n\n"
m8 += " $ "+integrationCommand+" "+printArgs(integrationOptions)+"\n"
var commands = [
command: buildInstallCommand,
message: m1,
options: buildInstallOptions
command: npmInstallApmCommand,
message: m2,
options: npmInstallApmOptions
command: npmDedupeNpmCommand,
message: m2a,
options: npmDedupeNpmOptions
command: apmPath + ' clean' + apmFlags,
options: { env: apmEnv },
message: m3
// we need this because we don't put our modules in node_modules and npm
// install doesn't find them. Run APM install on each package directory manually.
internalPackagesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'internal_packages');
internalPackages = fs.readdirSync('internal_packages');
internalPackages.forEach(function(dir) {
var dirPackageJSONPath = path.join(internalPackagesDir, dir, 'package.json');
// On windows and linux, invoking the apm command is very slow even when there are no
// dependencies. Make it faster by not calling unless we find there are deps.
if (fs.existsSync(dirPackageJSONPath)) {
var dirPackageJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dirPackageJSONPath));
if (dirPackageJSON.dependencies && (Object.keys(dirPackageJSON.dependencies).length > 0)) {
command: apmInstallCommand,
message: "Installing dependencies for "+dir,
options: {
cwd: path.join(internalPackagesDir, dir),
env: apmEnv
commands = commands.concat([
command: apmInstallCommand,
options: { env: apmEnv },
message: m4
command: apmDedupeCommand + ' ' + packagesToDedupe.join(' '),
options: { env: apmEnv },
message: m5
command: apmDedupeCommand + ' request semver',
options: semverOptions,
message: m6
command: downloadElectronCmd,
message: m7
command: integrationCommand,
options: integrationOptions,
message: m8
command: sqlite3Command,
message: "Building sqlite3 with command: "+sqlite3Command
executeCommands(commands, function() {
console.log("script/bootstrap completed successfully. You can start\nN1 via ./N1.sh --dev, or run tests with ./N1.sh --test");
verifyRequirements(function(error, successMessage) {
if (error) {