Ben Gotow 523ed4b316 feat(thread-list): Inifite scrolling, powered by new DatabaseView, InboxSyncWorker
NamespaceStore needs to be more careful about triggering unnecessarily

ThreadListParticipants should use minimum set of <span> tags, not one per name

FocusedTagStore triggers only when the tag has actually changed

New InboxSyncWorker is responsible for fetching contacts, calendars, threads

Update the draft list to look like the thread list

ThreadStore now uses a "Database View" to vend items, which will free it up to focus on things like selection soon. The DatabaseView handles pagination and maintains a cache of items in a "retained range" the view needs. It also abstracts the...

..."thread metadata" concept into a general purpose pattern

Thread-list package implements SearchView to match the DatabaseView. Instead of fetching items from the database it uses the search API

Update existing specs

Bug fix

Specs for focused stores

New specs!

Pad search range so we prefetch the next pages

Clear the scroll offset if the view is changed (between tabs)

Test Plan: Run 58 new tests with 110 new assertions!

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-04-06 11:46:20 -07:00

427 lines
13 KiB

moment = require "moment"
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
CSON = require 'season'
React = require "react/addons"
ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
ReactTestUtils = _.extend ReactTestUtils, require "jasmine-react-helpers"
ComponentRegistry} = require "inbox-exports"
{ListTabular} = require 'ui-components'
ThreadStore = require "../lib/thread-store"
ThreadList = require "../lib/thread-list"
ParticipantsItem = React.createClass
render: -> <div></div>
me = new Namespace(
"name": "User One",
"email": ""
"provider": "inbox"
NamespaceStore._current = me
test_threads = -> [
(new Thread).fromJSON({
"id": "111",
"object": "thread",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"namespace_id": "nsid",
"snippet": "snippet 111",
"subject": "Subject 111",
"tags": [
"id": "unseen",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "unseen"
"id": "all",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "all"
"id": "inbox",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "inbox"
"id": "unread",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "unread"
"id": "attachment",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "attachment"
"participants": [
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "User One",
"email": ""
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "User Two",
"email": ""
"last_message_timestamp": 1415742036
(new Thread).fromJSON({
"id": "222",
"object": "thread",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"namespace_id": "nsid",
"snippet": "snippet 222",
"subject": "Subject 222",
"tags": [
"id": "unread",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "unread"
"id": "all",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "all"
"id": "unseen",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "unseen"
"id": "inbox",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "inbox"
"participants": [
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "User One",
"email": ""
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "User Three",
"email": ""
"last_message_timestamp": 1415741913
(new Thread).fromJSON({
"id": "333",
"object": "thread",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"namespace_id": "nsid",
"snippet": "snippet 333",
"subject": "Subject 333",
"tags": [
"id": "inbox",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "inbox"
"id": "all",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "all"
"id": "unseen",
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "unseen"
"participants": [
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "User One",
"email": ""
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"name": "User Four",
"email": ""
"last_message_timestamp": 1415741837
cjsxSubjectResolver = (thread) ->
<span>Subject {}</span>
<span className="snippet">Snippet</span>
describe "ThreadList", ->
Foo = React.createClass({render: -> <div>{@props.children}</div>})
c1 = new ListTabular.Column
name: "Name"
flex: 1
resolver: (thread) -> "#{} Test Name"
c2 = new ListTabular.Column
name: "Subject"
flex: 3
resolver: cjsxSubjectResolver
c3 = new ListTabular.Column
name: "Date"
resolver: (thread) -> <Foo>{}</Foo>
columns = [c1,c2,c3]
beforeEach ->
spyOn(ThreadStore, "_onNamespaceChanged")
spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) -> resolve(test_threads())
spyOn(Actions, "archiveCurrentThread")
spyOn(Actions, "archiveAndNext")
spyOn(Actions, "archiveAndPrevious")
ReactTestUtils.spyOnClass(ThreadList, "_prepareColumns").andCallFake ->
@_columns = columns
name: 'Participants'
view: ParticipantsItem
@thread_list = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ThreadList />
it "renders into the document", ->
ThreadList)).toBe true
it "has the expected columns", ->
expect(@thread_list._columns).toEqual columns
it "by default has zero children", ->
items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, ListTabular.Item)
expect(items.length).toBe 0
describe "when the workspace is in list mode", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(WorkspaceStore, "selectedLayoutMode").andReturn "list"
@thread_list.setState focusedId: "t111"
it "allows reply only when the sheet type is 'Thread'", ->
spyOn(WorkspaceStore, "sheet").andCallFake -> {type: "Thread"}
spyOn(Actions, "composeReply")
expect(@thread_list._actionInVisualScope()).toBe true
it "doesn't reply only when the sheet type isnt 'Thread'", ->
spyOn(WorkspaceStore, "sheet").andCallFake -> {type: "Root"}
spyOn(Actions, "composeReply")
expect(@thread_list._actionInVisualScope()).toBe false
describe "when the workspace is in split mode", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(WorkspaceStore, "selectedLayoutMode").andReturn "split"
@thread_list.setState focusedId: "t111"
it "allows reply and reply-all regardless of sheet type", ->
spyOn(WorkspaceStore, "sheet").andCallFake -> {type: "anything"}
spyOn(Actions, "composeReply")
expect(@thread_list._actionInVisualScope()).toBe true
describe "Populated thread list", ->
beforeEach ->
view =
loaded: -> true
get: (i) -> test_threads()[i]
count: -> test_threads().length
setRetainedRange: ->
ThreadStore._view = view
ThreadStore._focusedId = null
@thread_list_node = @thread_list.getDOMNode()
spyOn(@thread_list, "setState").andCallThrough()
it "renders all of the thread list items", ->
items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list, ListTabular.Item)
# describe "ThreadListNarrow", ->
# beforeEach ->
# InboxTestUtils.loadKeymap("internal_packages/thread-list/keymaps/thread-list.cson")
# spyOn(ThreadStore, "_onNamespaceChanged")
# spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake ->
# new Promise (resolve, reject) -> resolve(test_threads())
# ThreadStore._resetInstanceVars()
# ComponentRegistry.register
# name: 'Participants'
# view: ParticipantsItem
# @thread_list = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
# <ThreadListNarrow />
# )
# it "renders into the document", ->
# expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType(@thread_list,
# ThreadListNarrow)).toBe true
# it "by default has zero children", ->
# items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list,
# ThreadListNarrowItem)
# expect(items.length).toBe 0
# describe "Populated thread list", ->
# beforeEach ->
# ThreadStore._items = test_threads()
# ThreadStore._focusedId = null
# ThreadStore.trigger()
# @thread_list_node = @thread_list.getDOMNode()
# it "renders all of the thread list items", ->
# items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list,
# ThreadListNarrowItem)
# expect(items.length).toBe 3
# describe "Shifting selected index", ->
# beforeEach ->
# spyOn(@thread_list, "_onShiftSelectedIndex")
# spyOn(Actions, "selectThreadId")
# it "can move selection up", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:previous-item")
# expect(@thread_list._onShiftSelectedIndex).toHaveBeenCalledWith(-1)
# it "can move selection down", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:next-item")
# expect(@thread_list._onShiftSelectedIndex).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1)
# describe "Triggering message list commands", ->
# beforeEach ->
# spyOn(Actions, "composeReply")
# spyOn(Actions, "composeReplyAll")
# spyOn(Actions, "composeForward")
# ThreadStore._onSelectThreadId("111")
# @thread = ThreadStore.selectedThread()
# spyOn(@thread, "archive")
# spyOn(@thread_list, "_onShiftSelectedIndex")
# spyOn(Actions, "selectThreadId")
# it "can reply to the currently selected thread", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:reply")
# expect(Actions.composeReply).toHaveBeenCalledWith(threadId:
# it "can reply all to the currently selected thread", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:reply-all")
# expect(Actions.composeReplyAll).toHaveBeenCalledWith(threadId:
# it "can forward the currently selected thread", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:forward")
# expect(Actions.composeForward).toHaveBeenCalledWith(threadId:
# it "can archive the currently selected thread", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:remove-item")
# expect(@thread.archive).toHaveBeenCalled()
# it "can archive the currently selected thread and navigate up", ->
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:remove-and-previous")
# expect(@thread.archive).toHaveBeenCalled()
# expect(@thread_list._onShiftSelectedIndex).toHaveBeenCalledWith(-1)
# it "does nothing when no thread is selected", ->
# ThreadStore._focusedId = null
# atom.commands.dispatch(document.body, "application:reply")
# expect(Actions.composeReply.calls.length).toEqual(0)
# describe "ThreadListNarrowItem", ->
# beforeEach ->
# items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@thread_list,
# ThreadListNarrowItem)
# item = items.filter (tli) -> is "111"
# @thread_list_item = item[0]
# @thread_date = moment(@thread_list_item.props.thread.lastMessageTimestamp)
# it "finds the thread list item by id", ->
# expect( "111"
# it "fires the appropriate Action on click", ->
# spyOn(Actions, "selectThreadId")
# @thread_list_item.getDOMNode()
# expect(Actions.focusThreadId).toHaveBeenCalledWith("111")
# it "sets the selected state on the thread item", ->
# ThreadStore._onSelectThreadId("111")
# items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@thread_list, "selected")
# expect(items.length).toBe 1
# expect(items[0] "111"
# it "renders de-selection when invalid id is emitted", ->
# ThreadStore._onSelectThreadId('abc')
# items = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@thread_list, "selected")
# expect(items.length).toBe 0
# # test "last_message_timestamp": 1415742036
# it "displays the time from threads LONG ago", ->
# spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake =>
# @thread_date.add(2, 'years')
# expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D YYYY"
# it "displays the time from threads a bit ago", ->
# spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake =>
# @thread_date.add(2, 'days')
# expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D"
# it "displays the time from threads exactly a day ago", ->
# spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake =>
# @thread_date.add(1, 'day')
# expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "h:mm a"
# it "displays the time from threads recently", ->
# spyOn(@thread_list_item, "_today").andCallFake =>
# @thread_date.add(2, 'hours')
# expect(@thread_list_item._timeFormat()).toBe "h:mm a"