Juan Tejada f484117b00 fix(sidebar): Correctly update sidebar when focusing perspective
- When focusing a perspective:
  - If sidebar is unified inbox then don't the sidebar layout
  - If sidebar is for a single account, then update to the appropriate
  single account
- Renames some variables
2016-06-03 15:10:08 -07:00

88 lines
2.7 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
{Actions, AccountStore, MenuHelpers} = require 'nylas-exports'
class AccountCommands
@_focusAccounts: (accounts) ->
Actions.focusDefaultMailboxPerspectiveForAccounts(accounts) unless NylasEnv.isVisible()
@_isSelected: (account, sidebarAccountIds) =>
if sidebarAccountIds.length > 1
return account instanceof Array
else if sidebarAccountIds.length is 1
return account?.id is sidebarAccountIds[0]
return false
@registerCommands: (accounts) ->
commands = {}
allKey = "window:select-account-0"
commands[allKey] = @_focusAccounts.bind(@, accounts)
[1..8].forEach (index) =>
account = accounts[index - 1]
return unless account
key = "window:select-account-#{index}"
commands[key] = @_focusAccounts.bind(@, [account])
@_commandsDisposable = NylasEnv.commands.add(document.body, commands)
@registerMenuItems: (accounts, sidebarAccountIds) ->
windowMenu = _.find, ({label}) ->
MenuHelpers.normalizeLabel(label) is 'Window'
return unless windowMenu
submenu = _.reject windowMenu.submenu, (item) -> item.account
return unless submenu
idx = _.findIndex submenu, ({type}) -> type is 'separator'
return unless idx > 0
template = @menuTemplate(accounts, sidebarAccountIds)
submenu.splice(idx + 1, 0, template...)
windowMenu.submenu = submenu
@menuItem: (account, idx, {isSelected, clickHandlers} = {}) =>
item = {
label: account.label ? "All Accounts",
command: "window:select-account-#{idx}",
account: true
if isSelected
item.type = 'checkbox'
item.checked = true
if clickHandlers
accounts = if account instanceof Array then account else [account] = @_focusAccounts.bind(@, accounts)
item.accelerator = "CmdOrCtrl+#{idx + 1}"
return item
@menuTemplate: (accounts, sidebarAccountIds, {clickHandlers} = {}) =>
template = []
multiAccount = accounts.length > 1
if multiAccount
isSelected = @_isSelected(accounts, sidebarAccountIds)
template = [
@menuItem(accounts, 0, {isSelected, clickHandlers})
template = template.concat, idx) =>
# If there's only one account, it should be mapped to command+1, not command+2
accIdx = if multiAccount then idx + 1 else idx
isSelected = @_isSelected(account, sidebarAccountIds)
return @menuItem(account, accIdx, {isSelected, clickHandlers})
return template
@register: (accounts, sidebarAccountIds) ->
@registerMenuItems(accounts, sidebarAccountIds)
module.exports = AccountCommands