Evan Morikawa 488dff0f90 refactor(env): new NylasEnv global
Converted all references of global atom to NylasEnv

Temporary rename

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/'

atom.config to NylasEnv.config

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.config/NylasEnv.config/g'

atom.packages -> NylasEnv.packages

atom.commands -> NylasEnv.commands atom.getLoadSettings

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.commands/NylasEnv.commands/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getLoadSettings/NylasEnv.getLoadSettings/g'

More common atom methods

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.styles/NylasEnv.styles/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.emitError/NylasEnv.emitError/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.inSpecMode/NylasEnv.inSpecMode/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.inDevMode/NylasEnv.inDevMode/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getWindowType/NylasEnv.getWindowType/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.displayWindow/NylasEnv.displayWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.quit/NylasEnv.quit/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.close/NylasEnv.close/g'

More atom method changes

find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.keymaps/NylasEnv.keymaps/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.hide/NylasEnv.hide/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getCurrentWindow/NylasEnv.getCurrentWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getConfigDirPath/NylasEnv.getConfigDirPath/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.isMainWindow/NylasEnv.isMainWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.finishUnload/NylasEnv.finishUnload/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.isWorkWindow/NylasEnv.isWorkWindow/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.showSaveDialog/NylasEnv.showSaveDialog/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.append/NylasEnv.append/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.confirm/NylasEnv.confirm/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.clipboard/NylasEnv.clipboard/g'
find -E . -regex ".*\.(coffee|cjsx|js|md|cmd|es6)" -print0 | xargs -0 sed
-i "" 's/atom.getVersion/NylasEnv.getVersion/g'

More atom renaming

Rename atom methods

More atom methods

Fix grunt config variable

Change atom.cmd to N1.cmd

Rename and atom.js to nylas-env.js

Fix atom global reference in specs manually

Fix atom requires

Change engine from atom to nylas

got rid of global/nylas-env

rename to nylas-win-bootup

Fix onWindowPropsChanged to onWindowPropsReceived

fix nylas-workspace

atom-text-editor to nylas-theme-wrap

atom-text-editor -> nylas-theme-wrap

Replacing atom keyword

AtomWindow -> NylasWindow

Replace Atom -> N1

Rename atom items

nylas.asar -> atom.asar

Remove more atom references

Remove 6to5 references

Remove license exception for atom
2015-11-17 16:41:20 -08:00

2 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable file

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