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synced 2025-02-24 16:14:01 +08:00
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142 lines
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_ = require 'underscore'
Task = require './flux/tasks/task'
Actions = require './flux/actions'
Category = require './flux/models/category'
Thread = require './flux/models/thread'
Message = require './flux/models/message'
AccountStore = require './flux/stores/account-store'
DatabaseStore = require './flux/stores/database-store'
TaskQueueStatusStore = require './flux/stores/task-queue-status-store'
MailRulesStore = require './flux/stores/mail-rules-store'
{ConditionMode, ConditionTemplates} = require './mail-rules-templates'
ChangeUnreadTask = require './flux/tasks/change-unread-task'
ChangeFolderTask = require './flux/tasks/change-folder-task'
ChangeStarredTask = require './flux/tasks/change-starred-task'
ChangeLabelsTask = require './flux/tasks/change-labels-task'
Note: At first glance, it seems like these task factory methods should use the
TaskFactory. Unfortunately, the TaskFactory uses the CategoryStore and other
information about the current view. Maybe after the unified inbox refactor...
MailRulesActions =
markAsImportant: (message, thread) ->
DatabaseStore.findBy(Category, {
name: 'important',
accountId: thread.accountId
}).then (important) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("Could not find `important` label")) unless important
return new ChangeLabelsTask(labelsToAdd: [important], threads: [thread])
moveToTrash: (message, thread) ->
if AccountStore.accountForId(thread.accountId).usesLabels()
return MailRulesActions._applyStandardLabelRemovingInbox(message, thread, 'trash')
DatabaseStore.findBy(Category, { name: 'trash', accountId: thread.accountId }).then (folder) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("The folder could not be found.")) unless folder
return new ChangeFolderTask(folder: folder, threads: [thread])
markAsRead: (message, thread) ->
new ChangeUnreadTask(unread: false, threads: [thread])
star: (message, thread) ->
new ChangeStarredTask(starred: true, threads: [thread])
changeFolder: (message, thread, value) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("A folder is required.")) unless value
DatabaseStore.findBy(Category, { id: value, accountId: thread.accountId }).then (folder) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("The folder could not be found.")) unless folder
return new ChangeFolderTask(folder: folder, threads: [thread])
applyLabel: (message, thread, value) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("A label is required.")) unless value
DatabaseStore.findBy(Category, { id: value, accountId: thread.accountId }).then (label) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("The label could not be found.")) unless label
return new ChangeLabelsTask(labelsToAdd: [label], threads: [thread])
applyLabelArchive: (message, thread) ->
return MailRulesActions._applyStandardLabelRemovingInbox(message, thread, 'all')
# Helpers for other actions
_applyStandardLabelRemovingInbox: (message, thread, value) ->
inbox: DatabaseStore.findBy(Category, { name: 'inbox', accountId: thread.accountId })
newLabel: DatabaseStore.findBy(Category, { name: value, accountId: thread.accountId })
).then ({inbox, newLabel}) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("Could not find `inbox` or `#{value}` label")) unless inbox and newLabel
return new ChangeLabelsTask
labelsToRemove: [inbox]
labelsToAdd: [newLabel]
threads: [thread]
class MailRulesProcessor
constructor: ->
processMessages: (messages) =>
return Promise.resolve() unless messages.length > 0
enabledRules = MailRulesStore.rules().filter (r) -> not r.disabled
# When messages arrive, we process all the messages in parallel, but one
# rule at a time. This is important, because users can order rules which
# may do and undo a change. Ie: "Star if from Ben, Unstar if subject is "Bla"
Promise.each enabledRules, (rule) =>
matching = messages.filter (message) =>
@_checkRuleForMessage(rule, message)
# Rules are declared at the message level, but actions are applied to
# threads. To ensure we don't apply the same action 50x on the same thread,
# just process one match per thread.
matching = _.uniq matching, false, (message) ->
Promise.map matching, (message) =>
# We always pull the thread from the database, even though it may be in
# `incoming.thread`, because rules may be modifying it as they run!
DatabaseStore.find(Thread, message.threadId).then (thread) =>
return console.warn("Cannot find thread #{message.threadId} to process mail rules.") unless thread
@_applyRuleToMessage(rule, message, thread)
_checkRuleForMessage: (rule, message) =>
if rule.conditionMode is ConditionMode.All
fn = _.every
fn = _.any
return false unless message.accountId is rule.accountId
fn rule.conditions, (condition) =>
template = _.findWhere(ConditionTemplates, {key: condition.templateKey})
value = template.valueForMessage(message)
template.evaluate(condition, value)
_applyRuleToMessage: (rule, message, thread) =>
actionPromises = rule.actions.map (action) =>
actionFunction = MailRulesActions[action.templateKey]
if not actionFunction
return Promise.reject(new Error("#{action.templateKey} is not a supported action."))
return actionFunction(message, thread, action.value)
Promise.all(actionPromises).then (actionResults) ->
performLocalPromises = []
actionTasks = actionResults.filter (r) -> r instanceof Task
actionTasks.forEach (task) ->
performLocalPromises.push TaskQueueStatusStore.waitForPerformLocal(task)
.catch (err) ->
# Errors can occur if a mail rule specifies an invalid label or folder, etc.
# Disable the rule. Disable the mail rule so the failure is reflected in the
# interface.
Actions.disableMailRule(rule.id, err.toString())
return Promise.resolve()
module.exports = new MailRulesProcessor