Juan Tejada 9f998d1964 refactor(rip-current-account): Rips out AccountStore.current
- WIP: Need to fix tests and some errors!
- Refactors Category class to hold information about its type
- Refactors CategoryStore to rely on observables instead of local caches
- Adds and updates Observables and helpers
- Refactors ContactStore to hold entire cache of contacts instead of per
  current account
  - Same for ContactRankingStore and other stores
- Refactors method names for AccountStore + some helpers
- Updates MailViewFilter to hold an account
  - Adds basic Unified filter
- Replaces AccountStore.current calls with either:
  - The account of the currently focused MailViewFilter
  - The account associated with a thread, message, file, etc...
  - A parameter to be passed in
  - Arbitrarily, the first account in the AccountsStore

Test Plan: - Unit tests

Reviewers: evan, bengotow

Differential Revision:
2016-01-08 14:22:13 -08:00

67 lines
2 KiB

Actions} = require 'nylas-exports'
{RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
FeedbackActions = require './feedback-actions'
class FeedbackButton extends React.Component
@displayName: 'FeedbackButton'
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = {newMessages: false}
componentDidMount: =>
@_unsubs = []
@_unsubs.push Actions.sendFeedback.listen(@_onSendFeedback)
@_unsubs.push FeedbackActions.feedbackAvailable.listen(@_onFeedbackAvailable)
componentWillUnmount: =>
unsub() for unsub in @_unsubs
render: =>
<div style={position:"absolute",height:0} title="Help & Feedback">
<div className={@_getClassName()} onClick={@_onSendFeedback}>?</div>
_getClassName: =>
return "btn-feedback" + if @state.newMessages then " newmsg" else ""
_onFeedbackAvailable: =>
@setState(newMessages: true)
_onSendFeedback: =>
return if NylasEnv.inSpecMode()
Screen = require('remote').require('screen')
qs = require 'querystring'
# TODO no more account for the feedback window
# account = AccountStore.current()
params = qs.stringify({
# name:
# email: account.emailAddress
# accountId:
# accountProvider: account.provider
platform: process.platform
# provider: account.displayProvider()
# organizational_unit: account.organizationUnit
version: NylasEnv.getVersion()
parentBounds = NylasEnv.getCurrentWindow().getBounds()
parentScreen = Screen.getDisplayMatching(parentBounds)
width = 376
height = Math.min(550, parentBounds.height)
x = Math.min(parentScreen.workAreaSize.width - width, Math.max(0, parentBounds.x + parentBounds.width - 36 - width / 2))
y = Math.max(0, (parentBounds.y + parentBounds.height) - height - 60)
require('electron').ipcRenderer.send('show-feedback-window', { x, y, width, height, params })
setTimeout =>
@setState(newMessages: false)
, 250
module.exports = FeedbackButton