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synced 2025-02-23 15:46:28 +08:00
Summary: tests on the schemas build input elements form builder pulls data grouping by row salesforce object store salesforce api logic successfully pulling salesforce objects into db object store saving to db refactoring tokenizing text field full documented tokenizing text field with specs linking in object picker component converting generated form to a controlled input form change handlers for controlled inputs Salesforce object creator store new way of opening windows removed atom.state.mode create new salesforce object creator in new window form creator loading in popup with generated form generated form renders select and multiselcet and textarea add checkbox creating related objects windnows know when others close remove debugger statements form submission converting data for salesforce posting hot window loading new hot window registration hot loading windows actions for listening to salesforce objects created generated form errors error handling for salesforce object creator rename saleforce object form store display errors to form submitting state passed through properly posts objects to Salesforce change name to salesforce object form add deep clone use formItemEach styling for Salesforce form creator salesforce required fields come back and populate form generated form loads related objects into fields remove console logs and fix sales schema adapter test fix task queue and formbuilder specs fix action bridge spec fix tokenizing text field spec fix draft store and tokenizing proptypes fix linter issues fix tokenizing text field bug rename to refresh window props remove console.log Test Plan: edgehill --test Reviewers: bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision: https://review.inboxapp.com/D1425
515 lines
20 KiB
515 lines
20 KiB
Thread = require '../../src/flux/models/thread'
Message = require '../../src/flux/models/message'
Contact = require '../../src/flux/models/contact'
ModelQuery = require '../../src/flux/models/query'
NamespaceStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/namespace-store'
DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store'
DraftStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/draft-store'
SendDraftTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/send-draft'
DestroyDraftTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/destroy-draft'
Actions = require '../../src/flux/actions'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
fakeThread = null
fakeMessage1 = null
fakeMessage2 = null
msgFromMe = null
fakeMessages = null
describe "DraftStore", ->
describe "creating drafts", ->
beforeEach ->
fakeThread = new Thread
id: 'fake-thread-id'
subject: 'Fake Subject'
fakeMessage1 = new Message
id: 'fake-message-1'
to: [new Contact(email: 'ben@nilas.com'), new Contact(email: 'evan@nilas.com')]
cc: [new Contact(email: 'mg@nilas.com'), new Contact(email: NamespaceStore.current().me().email)]
bcc: [new Contact(email: 'recruiting@nilas.com')]
from: [new Contact(email: 'customer@example.com', name: 'Customer')]
threadId: 'fake-thread-id'
body: 'Fake Message 1'
subject: 'Fake Subject'
date: new Date(1415814587)
fakeMessage2 = new Message
id: 'fake-message-2'
to: [new Contact(email: 'customer@example.com')]
from: [new Contact(email: 'ben@nilas.com')]
threadId: 'fake-thread-id'
body: 'Fake Message 2'
subject: 'Re: Fake Subject'
date: new Date(1415814587)
msgFromMe = new Message
id: 'fake-message-3'
to: [new Contact(email: '1@1.com'), new Contact(email: '2@2.com')]
cc: [new Contact(email: '3@3.com'), new Contact(email: '4@4.com')]
bcc: [new Contact(email: '5@5.com'), new Contact(email: '6@6.com')]
from: [new Contact(email: NamespaceStore.current().me().email)]
threadId: 'fake-thread-id'
body: 'Fake Message 2'
subject: 'Re: Fake Subject'
date: new Date(1415814587)
fakeMessages =
'fake-message-1': fakeMessage1
'fake-message-3': msgFromMe
'fake-message-2': fakeMessage2
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'find').andCallFake (klass, id) ->
query = new ModelQuery(klass, {id})
spyOn(query, 'then').andCallFake (fn) ->
return fn(fakeThread) if klass is Thread
return fn(fakeMessages[id]) if klass is Message
return fn(new Error('Not Stubbed'))
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andCallFake (query) ->
return Promise.resolve(fakeMessage2) if query._klass is Message
return Promise.reject(new Error('Not Stubbed'))
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'persistModel')
describe "onComposeReply", ->
beforeEach ->
runs ->
DraftStore._onComposeReply({threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: fakeMessage1.id})
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
runs ->
@model = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
it "should include quoted text", ->
expect(@model.body.indexOf('blockquote') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(@model.body.indexOf(fakeMessage1.body) > 0).toBe(true)
it "should address the message to the previous message's sender", ->
it "should set the replyToMessageId to the previous message's ids", ->
describe "when the reply-to address is you", ->
it "on reply sends to all of the last messages's to recipients only", ->
runs ->
DraftStore._onComposeReply({threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: msgFromMe.id})
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
runs ->
@model = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
expect(@model.cc.length).toBe 0
expect(@model.bcc.length).toBe 0
it "on reply-all sends to all of the last messages's recipients", ->
runs ->
DraftStore._onComposeReplyAll({threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: msgFromMe.id})
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
runs ->
@model = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
expect(@model.bcc.length).toBe 0
describe "onComposeReplyAll", ->
beforeEach ->
runs ->
DraftStore._onComposeReplyAll({threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: fakeMessage1.id})
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
runs ->
@model = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
it "should include quoted text", ->
expect(@model.body.indexOf('blockquote') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(@model.body.indexOf(fakeMessage1.body) > 0).toBe(true)
it "should address the message to the previous message's sender", ->
it "should cc everyone who was on the previous message in to or cc", ->
ccEmails = @model.cc.map (cc) -> cc.email
expect(ccEmails.sort()).toEqual([ 'ben@nilas.com', 'evan@nilas.com', 'mg@nilas.com'])
it "should not include people who were bcc'd on the previous message", ->
it "should not include you when you were cc'd on the previous message", ->
ccEmails = @model.cc.map (cc) -> cc.email
it "should set the replyToMessageId to the previous message's ids", ->
describe "onComposeForward", ->
beforeEach ->
runs ->
DraftStore._onComposeForward({threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: fakeMessage1.id})
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
runs ->
@model = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
it "should include quoted text", ->
expect(@model.body.indexOf('blockquote') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(@model.body.indexOf(fakeMessage1.body) > 0).toBe(true)
it "should not address the message to anyone", ->
it "should not set the replyToMessageId", ->
describe "_newMessageWithContext", ->
beforeEach ->
# A helper method that makes it easy to test _newMessageWithContext, which
# is asynchronous and whose output is a model persisted to the database.
@_callNewMessageWithContext = (context, attributesCallback, modelCallback) ->
runs ->
DraftStore._newMessageWithContext(context, attributesCallback)
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
runs ->
model = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
modelCallback(model) if modelCallback
it "should create a new message", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
, (model) ->
it "should set the subject of the new message automatically", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
, (model) ->
expect(model.subject).toEqual("Re: Fake Subject")
it "should apply attributes provided by the attributesCallback", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
subject: "Fwd: Fake subject"
to: [new Contact(email: 'weird@example.com')]
, (model) ->
expect(model.subject).toEqual("Fwd: Fake subject")
describe "when a reply-to message is provided by the attributesCallback", ->
it "should include quoted text in the new message", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
replyToMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.body.indexOf('gmail_quote') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(model.body.indexOf('Fake Message 1') > 0).toBe(true)
it "should include the `On ... wrote:` line", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
replyToMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.body.search(/On .+, at .+, Customer <customer@example.com> wrote/) > 0).toBe(true)
it "should make the subject the subject of the message, not the thread", ->
fakeMessage1.subject = "OLD SUBJECT"
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
replyToMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.subject).toEqual("Re: OLD SUBJECT")
it "should change the subject from Fwd: back to Re: if necessary", ->
fakeMessage1.subject = "Fwd: This is my DRAFT"
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
replyToMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.subject).toEqual("Re: This is my DRAFT")
it "should only include the sender's name if it was available", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
replyToMessage: fakeMessage2
, (model) ->
expect(model.body.search(/On .+, at .+, ben@nilas.com wrote:/) > 0).toBe(true)
describe "when a forward message is provided by the attributesCallback", ->
it "should include quoted text in the new message", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
forwardMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.body.indexOf('gmail_quote') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(model.body.indexOf('Fake Message 1') > 0).toBe(true)
it "should include the `Begin forwarded message:` line", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
forwardMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.body.indexOf('Begin forwarded message') > 0).toBe(true)
it "should make the subject the subject of the message, not the thread", ->
fakeMessage1.subject = "OLD SUBJECT"
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
forwardMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.subject).toEqual("Fwd: OLD SUBJECT")
it "should change the subject from Re: back to Fwd: if necessary", ->
fakeMessage1.subject = "Re: This is my DRAFT"
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
forwardMessage: fakeMessage1
, (model) ->
expect(model.subject).toEqual("Fwd: This is my DRAFT")
it "should print the headers of the original message", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
forwardMessage: fakeMessage2
, (model) ->
expect(model.body.indexOf('From: ben@nilas.com') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(model.body.indexOf('Subject: Re: Fake Subject') > 0).toBe(true)
expect(model.body.indexOf('To: customer@example.com') > 0).toBe(true)
describe "attributesCallback", ->
describe "when a threadId is provided", ->
it "should receive the thread", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
it "should receive the last message in the fakeThread", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id}
, (thread, message) ->
describe "when a threadId and messageId are provided", ->
it "should receive the thread", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: fakeMessage1.id}
, (thread, message) ->
it "should receive the desired message in the thread", ->
@_callNewMessageWithContext {threadId: fakeThread.id, messageId: fakeMessage1.id}
, (thread, message) ->
describe "onDestroyDraft", ->
beforeEach ->
@draftReset = jasmine.createSpy('draft reset')
spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask')
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc":{
draft: ->
pristine: false
commit: -> Promise.resolve()
reset: @draftReset
cleanup: ->
it "should reset the draft session, ensuring no more saves are made", ->
it "should not do anything if the draft session is not in the window", ->
expect ->
it "should queue a destroy draft task", ->
expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0] instanceof DestroyDraftTask).toBe(true)
it "should clean up the draft session", ->
spyOn(DraftStore, 'cleanupSessionForLocalId')
describe "before unloading", ->
it "should destroy pristine drafts", ->
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc": {
changes: {}
draft: ->
pristine: true
spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask')
expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0] instanceof DestroyDraftTask).toBe(true)
describe "when drafts return unresolved commit promises", ->
beforeEach ->
@resolve = null
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc": {
commit: => new Promise (resolve, reject) => @resolve = resolve
draft: ->
pristine: false
it "should return false and call window.close itself", ->
spyOn(window, 'close')
runs ->
waitsFor ->
window.close.callCount > 0
runs ->
describe "when no drafts return unresolved commit promises", ->
beforeEach ->
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc":{
commit: -> Promise.resolve()
draft: ->
pristine: false
it "should return true and allow the window to close", ->
describe "sending a draft", ->
draftLocalId = "local-123"
beforeEach ->
DraftStore._sendingState = {}
DraftStore._draftSessions = {}
DraftStore._draftSessions[draftLocalId] =
prepare: -> Promise.resolve()
cleanup: ->
draft: -> {}
commit: -> Promise.resolve()
spyOn(DraftStore, "trigger")
it "sets the sending state when sending", ->
expect(DraftStore.sendingState(draftLocalId)).toBe true
it "returns false if the draft hasn't been seen", ->
expect(DraftStore.sendingState(draftLocalId)).toBe false
it "resets the sending state on success", ->
expect(DraftStore.sendingState(draftLocalId)).toBe true
expect(DraftStore.sendingState(draftLocalId)).toBe false
it "resets the sending state on error", ->
expect(DraftStore.sendingState(draftLocalId)).toBe true
expect(DraftStore.sendingState(draftLocalId)).toBe false
it "closes the window if it's a popout", ->
spyOn(atom, "getWindowType").andReturn "composer"
spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn false
spyOn(atom, "close")
waitsForPromise ->
DraftStore._onSendDraft(draftLocalId).then ->
it "doesn't close the window if it's inline", ->
spyOn(atom, "getWindowType").andReturn "other"
spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn false
spyOn(atom, "close")
waitsForPromise ->
DraftStore._onSendDraft(draftLocalId).then ->
it "queues a SendDraftTask", ->
spyOn(Actions, "queueTask")
waitsForPromise ->
DraftStore._onSendDraft(draftLocalId).then ->
task = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0]
expect(task instanceof SendDraftTask).toBe true
expect(task.draftLocalId).toBe draftLocalId
expect(task.fromPopout).toBe false
it "queues a SendDraftTask with popout info", ->
spyOn(atom, "getWindowType").andReturn "composer"
spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn false
spyOn(atom, "close")
spyOn(Actions, "queueTask")
waitsForPromise ->
DraftStore._onSendDraft(draftLocalId).then ->
task = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0]
expect(task.fromPopout).toBe true
describe "cleanupSessionForLocalId", ->
it "should destroy the draft if it is pristine", ->
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc":{
draft: ->
pristine: true
cleanup: ->
spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask')
expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0] instanceof DestroyDraftTask).toBe(true)
it "should not do anything bad if the session does not exist", ->
expect ->
describe "when in the popout composer", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(atom, "getWindowType").andReturn "composer"
spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn false
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc":{
draft: ->
pristine: false
cleanup: ->
it "should close the composer window", ->
spyOn(atom, 'close')
it "should not close the composer window if the draft session is not in the window", ->
spyOn(atom, 'close')
describe "when it is in a main window", ->
beforeEach ->
@cleanup = jasmine.createSpy('cleanup')
spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn true
DraftStore._draftSessions = {"abc":{
draft: ->
pristine: false
cleanup: @cleanup
it "should call proxy.cleanup() to unlink listeners", ->
it "should remove the proxy from the sessions list", ->