Evan Morikawa 6144f83834 fix(tracking): fix link tracking and read receipt plugins
Fix broken links in link tracking and read receipts

Fix bug in email frame where it wouldn't adjust the height even when
content changed

MessageItem bodies automatically clear the MessageBodyProcessor cache when
the message contents (including metadata) change.

Remove unused Account stuff from nylas-observables

Plugins appIds properly read if there's an environment set
2016-02-24 12:30:12 -08:00

95 lines
3.3 KiB

React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore'
EmailFrame = require './email-frame'
FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
{InjectedComponentSet} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
class MessageItemBody extends React.Component
@displayName: 'MessageItemBody'
message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
downloads: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
showQuotedText: Utils.isForwardedMessage(@props.message)
processedBody: undefined
componentWillMount: =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
componentWillUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
if not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps.message, @props.message)
_prepareBody: (props) ->
@_unsub = MessageBodyProcessor.processAndSubscribe(props.message, @_onBodyChanged)
componentWillUnmount: =>
render: =>
matching={role: "message:BodyHeader"}
exposedProps={message: @props.message}
_renderBody: =>
return null unless @state.processedBody?
<EmailFrame showQuotedText={@state.showQuotedText} content={@state.processedBody}/>
_renderQuotedTextControl: =>
return null unless QuotedHTMLTransformer.hasQuotedHTML(@props.message.body)
text = if @state.showQuotedText then "Hide" else "Show"
<a className="quoted-text-control" onClick={@_toggleQuotedText}>
<span className="dots">&bull;&bull;&bull;</span>{text} previous
_toggleQuotedText: =>
showQuotedText: !@state.showQuotedText
_onBodyChanged: (body) =>
downloadingSpinnerPath = Utils.imageNamed('inline-loading-spinner.gif')
# Replace cid:// references with the paths to downloaded files
for file in @props.message.files
download = @props.downloads[]
cidRegexp = new RegExp("cid:#{file.contentId}(['\"]+)", 'gi')
if download and download.state isnt 'finished'
# Render a spinner and inject a `style` tag that injects object-position / object-fit
body = body.replace cidRegexp, (text, quoteCharacter) ->
"#{downloadingSpinnerPath}#{quoteCharacter} style=#{quoteCharacter} object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: none; "
# Render the completed download
body = body.replace cidRegexp, (text, quoteCharacter) ->
# Replace remaining cid:// references - we will not display them since they'll
# throw "unknown ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME". Show a transparent pixel so that there's
# no "missing image" region shown, just a space.
body = body.replace(MessageUtils.cidRegex, "src=\"#{TransparentPixel}\"")
processedBody: body
module.exports = MessageItemBody