Ben Gotow 9d995ded67 feat(work): Create the "Work" window, move TaskQueue, Nylas sync workers
Move sync workers and Edgehill token checks to work window

Move the task queue and database setup to the work window

Move ContactStore background refresh to work window

Store the task queue in the database


The TaskQueue now puts tasks in the database instead of in a file, which also means it can be observed

Move all delta sync and initial sync to a package, make NylasSyncStore which exposes read-only sync state

DraftStore no longer reads task status. Once you set the "sending" bit on a draft, it never gets unset. But that's fine actually.

If your package lists windowTypes, you *only* get loaded in those windowTypes. If you specify no windowTypes, you get loaded in the root window.

This means that onboarding, worker-ui, worker-sync, etc. no longer get loaded into the main window

ActivitySidebar has a special little store that observes the task queue since it's no longer in the window

Move "toggle component regions" / "toggle react remote" to the Developer menu

Move sync worker specs, update draft store specs to not rely on TaskQueue at all

Test Plan: Run existing tests, all pass

Reviewers: dillon, evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision:
2015-08-27 16:39:40 -07:00

487 lines
16 KiB

path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore'
EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Q = require 'q'
Grim = require 'grim'
ServiceHub = require 'service-hub'
Package = require './package'
ThemePackage = require './theme-package'
DatabaseStore = require './flux/stores/database-store'
# Extended: Package manager for coordinating the lifecycle of Atom packages.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.packages` global.
# Packages can be loaded, activated, and deactivated, and unloaded:
# * Loading a package reads and parses the package's metadata and resources
# such as keymaps, menus, stylesheets, etc.
# * Activating a package registers the loaded resources and calls `activate()`
# on the package's main module.
# * Deactivating a package unregisters the package's resources and calls
# `deactivate()` on the package's main module.
# * Unloading a package removes it completely from the package manager.
# Packages can be enabled/disabled via the `core.disabledPackages` config
# settings and also by calling `enablePackage()/disablePackage()`.
# Section: Atom
module.exports =
class PackageManager
constructor: ({configDirPath, @devMode, safeMode, @resourcePath, @specMode}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@packageDirPaths = []
if @specMode
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(@resourcePath, "spec-nylas", "fixtures", "packages"))
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(@resourcePath, "internal_packages"))
if not safeMode
if @devMode
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(configDirPath, "dev", "packages"))
@packageDirPaths.push(path.join(configDirPath, "packages"))
@loadedPackages = {}
@packagesWithDatabaseObjects = []
@activePackages = {}
@packageStates = {}
@serviceHub = new ServiceHub
@packageActivators = []
@registerPackageActivator(this, ['atom', 'textmate'])
Section: Event Subscription
# Public: Invoke the given callback when all packages have been loaded.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidLoadInitialPackages: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-load-initial-packages', callback
@emitter.on 'did-load-all', callback # TODO: Remove once deprecated pre-1.0 APIs are gone
onDidLoadAll: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::onDidLoadInitialPackages` instead.")
# Public: Invoke the given callback when all packages have been activated.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidActivateInitialPackages: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-activate-initial-packages', callback
@emitter.on 'did-activate-all', callback # TODO: Remove once deprecated pre-1.0 APIs are gone
onDidActivateAll: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::onDidActivateInitialPackages` instead.")
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is activated.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is activated.
# * `package` The {Package} that was activated.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidActivatePackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-activate-package', callback
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is deactivated.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is deactivated.
# * `package` The {Package} that was deactivated.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDeactivatePackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-deactivate-package', callback
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is loaded.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is loaded.
# * `package` The {Package} that was loaded.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidLoadPackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-load-package', callback
# Public: Invoke the given callback when a package is unloaded.
# * `callback` A {Function} to be invoked when a package is unloaded.
# * `package` The {Package} that was unloaded.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidUnloadPackage: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-unload-package', callback
on: (eventName) ->
switch eventName
when 'loaded'
Grim.deprecate 'Use PackageManager::onDidLoadInitialPackages instead'
when 'activated'
Grim.deprecate 'Use PackageManager::onDidActivateInitialPackages instead'
Grim.deprecate 'PackageManager::on is deprecated. Use event subscription methods instead.'
EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments)
Section: Package system data
# Public: Get the path to the apm command.
# Return a {String} file path to apm.
getApmPath: ->
return @apmPath if @apmPath?
commandName = 'apm'
commandName += '.cmd' if process.platform is 'win32'
@apmPath = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'app', 'apm', 'bin', commandName)
if not fs.isFileSync(@apmPath)
@apmPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'apm', 'bin', commandName)
if not fs.isFileSync(@apmPath)
@apmPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'apm', 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', commandName)
# Public: Get the paths being used to look for packages.
# Returns an {Array} of {String} directory paths.
getPackageDirPaths: ->
Section: General package data
# Public: Resolve the given package name to a path on disk.
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Return a {String} folder path or undefined if it could not be resolved.
resolvePackagePath: (name) ->
return name if fs.isDirectorySync(name)
packagePath = fs.resolve(@packageDirPaths..., name)
return packagePath if fs.isDirectorySync(packagePath)
packagePath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'node_modules', name)
return packagePath if @hasAtomEngine(packagePath)
# Public: Is the package with the given name bundled with Atom?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isBundledPackage: (name) ->
Section: Enabling and disabling packages
# Public: Enable the package with the given name.
# Returns the {Package} that was enabled or null if it isn't loaded.
enablePackage: (name) ->
pack = @loadPackage(name)
# Public: Disable the package with the given name.
# Returns the {Package} that was disabled or null if it isn't loaded.
disablePackage: (name) ->
pack = @loadPackage(name)
# Public: Is the package with the given name disabled?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPackageDisabled: (name) ->
_.include(atom.config.get('core.disabledPackages') ? [], name)
Section: Accessing active packages
# Public: Get an {Array} of all the active {Package}s.
getActivePackages: ->
# Public: Get the active {Package} with the given name.
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Package} or undefined.
getActivePackage: (name) ->
# Public: Is the {Package} with the given name active?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPackageActive: (name) ->
Section: Accessing loaded packages
# Public: Get an {Array} of all the loaded {Package}s
getLoadedPackages: ->
# Get packages for a certain package type
# * `types` an {Array} of {String}s like ['atom', 'textmate'].
getLoadedPackagesForTypes: (types) ->
pack for pack in @getLoadedPackages() when pack.getType() in types
# Public: Get the loaded {Package} with the given name.
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Package} or undefined.
getLoadedPackage: (name) ->
# Public: Is the package with the given name loaded?
# * `name` - The {String} package name.
# Returns a {Boolean}.
isPackageLoaded: (name) ->
Section: Accessing available packages
# Public: Get an {Array} of {String}s of all the available package paths.
# If the optional windowType is passed, it will only load packages
# that declare that windowType in their package.json
getAvailablePackagePaths: (windowType) ->
packagePaths = []
loadPackagesWhenNoTypesSpecified = windowType is 'default'
for packageDirPath in @packageDirPaths
for packagePath in fs.listSync(packageDirPath)
# Ignore files in package directory
continue unless fs.isDirectorySync(packagePath)
# Ignore .git in package directory
continue if path.basename(packagePath)[0] is '.'
if windowType
packagePaths = _.filter packagePaths, (packagePath) ->
{windowTypes} = Package.loadMetadata(packagePath) ? {}
if windowTypes
return windowTypes[windowType]?
else if loadPackagesWhenNoTypesSpecified
return true
return false
return false
packagesPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'node_modules')
for packageName, packageVersion of @getPackageDependencies()
packagePath = path.join(packagesPath, packageName)
packagePaths.push(packagePath) if fs.isDirectorySync(packagePath)
# Public: Get an {Array} of {String}s of all the available package names.
getAvailablePackageNames: ->
_.uniq @getAvailablePackagePaths(), (packagePath) -> path.basename(packagePath)
# Public: Get an {Array} of {String}s of all the available package metadata.
getAvailablePackageMetadata: ->
packages = []
for packagePath in @getAvailablePackagePaths()
name = path.basename(packagePath)
metadata = @getLoadedPackage(name)?.metadata ? Package.loadMetadata(packagePath, true)
Section: Private
getPackageState: (name) ->
setPackageState: (name, state) ->
@packageStates[name] = state
getPackageDependencies: ->
unless @packageDependencies?
metadataPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'package.json')
{@packageDependencies} = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(metadataPath)) ? {}
@packageDependencies ?= {}
hasAtomEngine: (packagePath) ->
metadata = Package.loadMetadata(packagePath, true)
unobserveDisabledPackages: ->
@disabledPackagesSubscription = null
observeDisabledPackages: ->
@disabledPackagesSubscription ?= atom.config.onDidChange 'core.disabledPackages', ({newValue, oldValue}) =>
packagesToEnable = _.difference(oldValue, newValue)
packagesToDisable = _.difference(newValue, oldValue)
@deactivatePackage(packageName) for packageName in packagesToDisable when @getActivePackage(packageName)
for packageName in packagesToEnable
for packageName in packagesToEnable
# If a windowType is passed, we'll only load packages who declare that
# windowType as `true` in their package.json file.
loadPackages: (windowType) ->
# Ensure atom exports is already in the require cache so the load time
# of the first package isn't skewed by being the first to require atom
require '../exports/atom'
packagePaths = @getAvailablePackagePaths(windowType)
packagePaths = packagePaths.filter (packagePath) => not @isPackageDisabled(path.basename(packagePath))
packagePaths = _.uniq packagePaths, (packagePath) -> path.basename(packagePath)
@loadPackage(packagePath) for packagePath in packagePaths
@emit 'loaded'
@emitter.emit 'did-load-initial-packages'
loadPackage: (nameOrPath) ->
return pack if pack = @getLoadedPackage(nameOrPath)
if packagePath = @resolvePackagePath(nameOrPath)
name = path.basename(nameOrPath)
return pack if pack = @getLoadedPackage(name)
metadata = Package.loadMetadata(packagePath) ? {}
if metadata.theme
pack = new ThemePackage(packagePath, metadata)
pack = new Package(packagePath, metadata)
if pack.declaresNewDatabaseObjects
@packagesWithDatabaseObjects.push pack
@loadedPackages[] = pack
@emitter.emit 'did-load-package', pack
return pack
catch error
console.warn "Failed to load package.json '#{path.basename(packagePath)}'"
console.warn error.stack ? error
console.warn "Could not resolve '#{nameOrPath}' to a package path"
unloadPackages: ->
@unloadPackage(name) for name in _.keys(@loadedPackages)
unloadPackage: (name) ->
if @isPackageActive(name)
throw new Error("Tried to unload active package '#{name}'")
if pack = @getLoadedPackage(name)
delete @loadedPackages[]
@emitter.emit 'did-unload-package', pack
throw new Error("No loaded package for name '#{name}'")
# Activate all the packages that should be activated.
activate: ->
promises = []
for [activator, types] in @packageActivators
packages = @getLoadedPackagesForTypes(types)
promises = promises.concat(activator.activatePackages(packages))
Q.all(promises).then =>
@emit 'activated'
@emitter.emit 'did-activate-initial-packages'
# another type of package manager can handle other package types.
# See ThemeManager
registerPackageActivator: (activator, types) ->
@packageActivators.push([activator, types])
activatePackages: (packages) ->
promises = []
atom.config.transact =>
for pack in packages
for pack in packages
promise = @activatePackage(
promises.push(promise) unless pack.hasActivationCommands()
# When packages load they can declare new DatabaseObjects that need to
# be setup in the Database. It's important that the Database starts
# getting setup before packages activate so any DB queries in the
# `activate` methods get properly queued then executed.
# When a package with database-altering changes loads, it will put an
# entry in `packagesWithDatabaseObjects`.
refreshDatabaseSchema: ->
if @packagesWithDatabaseObjects.length > 0
@packagesWithDatabaseObjects = []
# Activate a single package by name
activatePackage: (name) ->
if pack = @getActivePackage(name)
else if pack = @loadPackage(name)
pack.activate().then =>
@activePackages[] = pack
@emitter.emit 'did-activate-package', pack
Q.reject(new Error("Failed to load package '#{name}'"))
# Deactivate all packages
deactivatePackages: ->
atom.config.transact =>
@deactivatePackage( for pack in @getLoadedPackages()
# Deactivate the package with the given name
deactivatePackage: (name) ->
pack = @getLoadedPackage(name)
if @isPackageActive(name)
@setPackageState(, state) if state = pack.serialize?()
delete @activePackages[]
@emitter.emit 'did-deactivate-package', pack