Ben Gotow 67c48b5136 fix(drag-n-drop): Remove react-dnd, display dropzone, allow tokens to be dragged out of app as plaintext
React-dnd is a nice library but it assumes it's going to be the only thing managing your drag and drop in the entire app. It also hides the underlying dataTransfer object so it's difficult to implement native drag and drop behaviors other than for Files and Urls, which they special-case.

Implementing it manually really isn't hard, and we can do things like attach a text/plain version of contact data to the contact drag.

Fixes T2054
2015-07-15 20:06:11 -07:00

92 lines
2.9 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
path = require 'path'
React = require 'react'
{RetinaImg, Flexbox} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
{Actions, Utils, FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports'
class AttachmentComponent extends React.Component
@displayName: 'AttachmentComponent'
file: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
download: React.PropTypes.object
removable: React.PropTypes.bool
targetPath: React.PropTypes.string
messageLocalId: React.PropTypes.string
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = progressPercent: 0
render: =>
<div className="inner" onDoubleClick={@_onClickView} onDragStart={@_onDragStart} draggable="true">
<span className={"progress-bar-wrap state-#{ ? ""}"}>
<span className="progress-background"></span>
<span className="progress-foreground" style={@_downloadProgressStyle()}></span>
<Flexbox direction="row" style={alignItems: 'center'}>
<RetinaImg className="file-icon"
<span className="file-name">{@props.file.displayName()}</span>
_renderFileActions: =>
if @props.removable
<div className="file-action-icon" onClick={@_onClickRemove}>
else if @_isDownloading() and @_canAbortDownload()
<div className="file-action-icon" onClick={@_onClickAbort}>
<div className="file-action-icon" onClick={@_onClickDownload}>
_downloadProgressStyle: =>
width: "#{ ? 0}%"
_canAbortDownload: -> true
_canClickToView: => not @props.removable and not @_isDownloading()
_isDownloading: => is "downloading"
_renderRemoveIcon: ->
<RetinaImg name="remove-attachment.png"/>
_renderDownloadButton: ->
<RetinaImg name="icon-attachment-download.png"/>
_onDragStart: (event) =>
path = FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(@props.file)
DownloadURL = "#{@props.file.contentType}:#{@props.file.displayName()}:file://#{path}"
event.dataTransfer.setData("DownloadURL", DownloadURL)
event.dataTransfer.setData("text/nylas-file-url", DownloadURL)
_onClickView: => Actions.fetchAndOpenFile(@props.file) if @_canClickToView()
_onClickRemove: (event) =>
file: @props.file
messageLocalId: @props.messageLocalId
event.stopPropagation() # Prevent 'onClickView'
_onClickDownload: (event) =>
event.stopPropagation() # Prevent 'onClickView'
_onClickAbort: (event) =>
event.stopPropagation() # Prevent 'onClickView'
_extension: -> @props.file.filename.split('.').pop()
module.exports = AttachmentComponent