mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:54:13 +08:00
814 lines
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814 lines
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_ = require 'underscore'
React = require 'react'
ExtensionRegistry} = require 'nylas-exports'
InjectedComponentSet} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
FileUpload = require './file-upload'
ImageFileUpload = require './image-file-upload'
ComposerEditor = require './composer-editor'
ExpandedParticipants = require './expanded-participants'
CollapsedParticipants = require './collapsed-participants'
Fields = require './fields'
# The ComposerView is a unique React component because it (currently) is a
# singleton. Normally, the React way to do things would be to re-render the
# Composer with new props.
class ComposerView extends React.Component
@displayName: 'ComposerView'
@containerRequired: false
draftClientId: React.PropTypes.string
# Either "inline" or "fullwindow"
mode: React.PropTypes.string
# If this composer is part of an existing thread (like inline
# composers) the threadId will be handed down
threadId: React.PropTypes.string
# Sometimes when changes in the composer happens it's desirable to
# have the parent scroll to a certain location. A parent component can
# pass a callback that gets called when this composer wants to be
# scrolled to.
scrollTo: React.PropTypes.func
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
populated: false
to: []
cc: []
bcc: []
body: ""
files: []
subject: ""
account: null
focusedField: Fields.To # Gets updated in @_initiallyFocusedField
enabledFields: [] # Gets updated in @_initiallyEnabledFields
showQuotedText: false
uploads: FileUploadStore.uploadsForMessage(@props.draftClientId) ? []
componentWillMount: =>
shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) =>
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or
not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state)
componentDidMount: =>
@_usubs = []
@_usubs.push FileUploadStore.listen @_onFileUploadStoreChange
@_usubs.push AccountStore.listen @_onAccountStoreChanged
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_unmounted = true # rarf
usub() for usub in @_usubs
componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) =>
# We want to use a temporary variable instead of putting this into the
# state. This is because the selection is a transient property that
# only needs to be applied once. It's not a long-living property of
# the state. We could call `setState` here, but this saves us from a
# re-rendering.
@_recoveredSelection = null if @_recoveredSelection?
# If the body changed, let's wait for the editor body to actually get rendered
# into the dom before applying focus.
# Since the editor is an InjectedComponent, when this function gets called
# the editor hasn't actually finished rendering, so we need to wait for that
# to happen by using the InjectedComponent's `onComponentDidRender` callback.
# See `_renderEditor`
bodyChanged = @state.body isnt prevState.body
return if bodyChanged
focus: =>
_keymapHandlers: ->
'composer:send-message': => @_sendDraft()
'composer:delete-empty-draft': => @_deleteDraftIfEmpty()
'composer:show-and-focus-bcc': =>
@_onAdjustEnabledFields(show: [Fields.Bcc])
'composer:show-and-focus-cc': =>
@_onAdjustEnabledFields(show: [Fields.Cc])
'composer:focus-to': =>
@_onAdjustEnabledFields(show: [Fields.To])
"composer:show-and-focus-from": => # TODO
"composer:undo": @undo
"composer:redo": @redo
_applyFieldFocus: =>
_applyFieldFocusTo: (fieldName) =>
return unless @refs[fieldName]
$el = React.findDOMNode(@refs[fieldName])
return if document.activeElement is $el or $el.contains(document.activeElement)
if @refs[fieldName].focus
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
@_ignoreNextTrigger = false
if newProps.draftClientId isnt @props.draftClientId
# When we're given a new draft draftClientId, we have to stop listening to our
# current DraftStoreProxy, create a new one and listen to that. The simplest
# way to do this is to just re-call registerListeners.
_prepareForDraft: (draftClientId) =>
@unlisteners = []
return unless draftClientId
# UndoManager must be ready before we call _onDraftChanged for the first time
@undoManager = new UndoManager
_setupSession: (proxy) =>
return if @_unmounted
return unless proxy.draftClientId is @props.draftClientId
@_proxy = proxy
@unlisteners.push @_proxy.listen(@_onDraftChanged)
_preloadImages: (files=[]) ->
files.forEach (file) ->
uploadData = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)
if not uploadData? and Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage(file)
_teardownForDraft: =>
unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners
if @_proxy
render: ->
classes = "message-item-white-wrap composer-outer-wrap #{@props.className ? ""}"
_renderComposer: =>
<DropZone className="composer-inner-wrap"
onDragStateChange={ ({isDropping}) => @setState({isDropping}) }
<div className="composer-drop-cover" style={display: if @state.isDropping then 'block' else 'none'}>
<div className="centered">
<RetinaImg name="composer-drop-to-attach.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask}/>
Drop to attach
<div className="composer-content-wrap" onKeyDown={@_onKeyDown}>
<div className="composer-action-bar-wrap">
_renderScrollRegion: ->
if @props.mode is "inline"
<ScrollRegion className="compose-body-scroll" ref="scrollregion">
_renderContent: =>
<div className="composer-centered">
{if @state.focusedField in Fields.ParticipantFields
to={@state.to} cc={@state.cc} bcc={@state.bcc}
onAdjustEnabledFields={@_onAdjustEnabledFields} />
to={@state.to} cc={@state.cc} bcc={@state.bcc}
onClick={@_onExpandParticipantFields} />
<div className="compose-body"
_onPopoutComposer: =>
Actions.composePopoutDraft @props.draftClientId
_onKeyDown: (event) =>
if event.key is "Tab"
_onTabDown: (event) =>
@_onShiftFocusedField(if event.shiftKey then -1 else 1)
_onShiftFocusedField: (dir) =>
enabledFields = _.filter @state.enabledFields, (field) ->
Fields.Order[field] >= 0
enabledFields = _.sortBy enabledFields, (field) ->
i = enabledFields.indexOf @state.focusedField
newI = Math.min(Math.max(i + dir, 0), enabledFields.length - 1)
_onChangeFocusedField: (focusedField) =>
if focusedField in Fields.ParticipantFields
@_lastFocusedParticipantField = focusedField
_onExpandParticipantFields: =>
@_onChangeFocusedField(@_lastFocusedParticipantField ? Fields.To)
_onAdjustEnabledFields: ({show, hide}={}) =>
show = show ? []; hide = hide ? []
enabledFields = _.difference(@state.enabledFields.concat(show), hide)
if hide.length > 0 and enabledFields.indexOf(@state.focusedField) is -1
if show.length > 0
_renderSubject: ->
if Fields.Subject in @state.enabledFields
<div key="subject-wrap" className="compose-subject-wrap">
<input type="text"
onFocus={ => @setState(focusedField: Fields.Subject) }
_renderBodyRegions: =>
<span ref="composerBodyWrap">
_renderEditor: ->
exposedProps =
body: @_removeQuotedText(@state.body)
draftClientId: @props.draftClientId
parentActions: {
getComposerBoundingRect: @_getComposerBoundingRect
scrollTo: @props.scrollTo
initialSelectionSnapshot: @_recoveredSelection
onFocus: => @setState(focusedField: Fields.Body)
onBlur: => @setState(focusedField: null)
onFilePaste: @_onFilePaste
onBodyChanged: @_onBodyChanged
# TODO Get rid of the unecessary required methods:
# getCurrentSelection and getPreviousSelection shouldn't be needed and
# undo/redo functionality should be refactored into ComposerEditor
# _onDOMMutated is just for testing purposes, refactor the tests
matching={role: "Composer:Editor"}
exposedProps={exposedProps} />
_onEditorBodyDidRender: =>
# The contenteditable decides when to request a scroll based on the
# position of the cursor and its relative distance to this composer
# component. We provide it our boundingClientRect so it can calculate
# this value.
_getComposerBoundingRect: =>
_removeQuotedText: (html) =>
if @state.showQuotedText then return html
else return QuotedHTMLTransformer.removeQuotedHTML(html)
_showQuotedText: (html) =>
if @state.showQuotedText then return html
else return QuotedHTMLTransformer.appendQuotedHTML(html, @state.body)
_renderQuotedTextControl: ->
if QuotedHTMLTransformer.hasQuotedHTML(@state.body)
text = if @state.showQuotedText then "Hide" else "Show"
<a className="quoted-text-control" onClick={@_onToggleQuotedText}>
<span className="dots">•••</span>{text} previous
else return []
_onToggleQuotedText: =>
@setState showQuotedText: not @state.showQuotedText
_renderFooterRegions: =>
return <div></div> unless @props.draftClientId
<div className="composer-footer-region">
matching={role: "Composer:Footer"}
exposedProps={draftClientId:@props.draftClientId, threadId: @props.threadId}/>
_renderAttachments: ->
renderSubset = (arr, attachmentRole, UploadComponent) =>
arr.map (fileOrUpload) =>
if fileOrUpload instanceof File
@_attachmentComponent(fileOrUpload, attachmentRole)
<UploadComponent key={fileOrUpload.uploadTaskId} uploadData={fileOrUpload} />
<div className="attachments-area">
{renderSubset(@_nonImages(), 'Attachment', FileUpload)}
{renderSubset(@_images(), 'Attachment:Image', ImageFileUpload)}
_attachmentComponent: (file, role="Attachment") =>
targetPath = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)?.filePath
if not targetPath
targetPath = FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)
props =
file: file
removable: true
targetPath: targetPath
messageClientId: @props.draftClientId
if role is "Attachment"
className = "file-wrap"
className = "file-wrap file-image-wrap"
<InjectedComponent key={file.id}
matching={role: role}
exposedProps={props} />
_fileSort: (fileOrUpload) ->
if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
# There will only be an entry in the `linkedUpload` if the file had
# finished uploading in this session. We may well have files that
# already existed on a draft that don't have any uploadData
# associated with them.
uploadData = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(fileOrUpload)
uploadData = fileOrUpload
if not uploadData
sortOrder = 0
sortOrder = (uploadData.startDate / 1) + 1.0 / (uploadData.startId/1)
return sortOrder
_images: ->
_.sortBy _.filter(@_uploadsAndFiles(), Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage), @_fileSort
_nonImages: ->
_.sortBy _.reject(@_uploadsAndFiles(), Utils.shouldDisplayAsImage), @_fileSort
_uploadsAndFiles: ->
# When uploads finish, they stay attached to the object at 100%
# completion. Eventually the DB trigger will make its way to a window
# and the files will appear on the draft.
# In this case we want to show the file instead of the upload
uploads = _.filter @state.uploads, (upload) =>
for file in @state.files
linkedUpload = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)
return false if linkedUpload and linkedUpload.uploadTaskId is upload.uploadTaskId
return true
_onFileUploadStoreChange: =>
@setState uploads: FileUploadStore.uploadsForMessage(@props.draftClientId)
_renderActionsRegion: =>
return <div></div> unless @props.draftClientId
<InjectedComponentSet className="composer-action-bar-content"
matching={role: "Composer:ActionButton"}
exposedProps={draftClientId:@props.draftClientId, threadId: @props.threadId}>
<button className="btn btn-toolbar btn-trash" style={order: 100}
title="Delete draft"
onClick={@_destroyDraft}><RetinaImg name="icon-composer-trash.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} /></button>
<button className="btn btn-toolbar btn-attach" style={order: 50}
title="Attach file"
onClick={@_attachFile}><RetinaImg name="icon-composer-attachment.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} /></button>
<div style={order: 0, flex: 1} />
<button className="btn btn-toolbar btn-emphasis btn-text btn-send" style={order: -100}
onClick={@_sendDraft}><RetinaImg name="icon-composer-send.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} /><span className="text">Send</span></button>
isForwardedMessage: =>
return false if not @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
# This lets us click outside of the `contenteditable`'s `contentBody`
# and simulate what happens when you click beneath the text *in* the
# contentEditable.
# Unfortunately, we need to manually keep track of the "click" in
# separate mouseDown, mouseUp events because we need to ensure that the
# start and end target are both not in the contenteditable. This ensures
# that this behavior doesn't interfear with a click and drag selection.
_onMouseDownComposerBody: (event) =>
if React.findDOMNode(@refs[Fields.Body]).contains(event.target)
@_mouseDownTarget = null
else @_mouseDownTarget = event.target
_onMouseUpComposerBody: (event) =>
if event.target is @_mouseDownTarget
# We don't set state directly here because we want the native
# contenteditable focus behavior. When the contenteditable gets focused
# the focused field state will be properly set via editor.onFocus
@_mouseDownTarget = null
# When a user focuses the composer, it's possible that no input is
# initially focused. If this happens, we focus the contenteditable. If
# we didn't focus the contenteditable, the user may start typing and
# erroneously trigger keyboard shortcuts.
_onFocusIn: (event) =>
return if DOMUtils.closest(event.target, DOMUtils.inputTypes())
@setState(focusedField: @_initiallyFocusedField(@_proxy.draft()))
_onMouseMoveComposeBody: (event) =>
if @_mouseComposeBody is "down" then @_mouseComposeBody = "move"
_onDraftChanged: =>
return if @_ignoreNextTrigger
return unless @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
if not @_initialHistorySave
@_initialHistorySave = true
state =
to: draft.to
cc: draft.cc
bcc: draft.bcc
from: draft.from
body: draft.body
files: draft.files
subject: draft.subject
account: AccountStore.itemWithId(draft.accountId)
if !@state.populated
_.extend state,
populated: true
focusedField: @_initiallyFocusedField(draft)
enabledFields: @_initiallyEnabledFields(draft)
showQuotedText: @isForwardedMessage()
state = @_verifyEnabledFields(draft, state)
_initiallyFocusedField: (draft) ->
return Fields.To if draft.to.length is 0
return Fields.Subject if (draft.subject ? "").trim().length is 0
shouldFocusBody = @props.mode isnt 'inline' or draft.pristine or
(FocusedContentStore.didFocusUsingClick('thread') is true)
return Fields.Body if shouldFocusBody
return null
_verifyEnabledFields: (draft, state) ->
enabledFields = @state.enabledFields.concat(state.enabledFields)
updated = false
if draft.cc.length > 0
updated = true
if draft.bcc.length > 0
updated = true
if updated
state.enabledFields = _.uniq(enabledFields)
return state
_initiallyEnabledFields: (draft) ->
enabledFields = [Fields.To]
enabledFields.push Fields.Cc if not _.isEmpty(draft.cc)
enabledFields.push Fields.Bcc if not _.isEmpty(draft.bcc)
enabledFields.push Fields.From if @_shouldShowFromField(draft)
enabledFields.push Fields.Subject if @_shouldEnableSubject()
enabledFields.push Fields.Body
return enabledFields
# When the account store changes, the From field may or may not still
# be in scope. We need to make sure to update our enabled fields.
_onAccountStoreChanged: =>
enabledFields = if @_shouldShowFromField(@_proxy?.draft())
@state.enabledFields.concat [Fields.From]
_.without(@state.enabledFields, Fields.From)
account = AccountStore.itemWithId @_proxy?.draft().accountId
@setState {enabledFields, account}
_shouldShowFromField: (draft) =>
return false unless draft
account = AccountStore.itemWithId(draft.accountId)
return false unless account
return account.aliases.length > 0
_shouldEnableSubject: =>
return false unless @_proxy
draft = @_proxy.draft()
if _.isEmpty(draft.subject ? "") then return true
else if @isForwardedMessage() then return true
else if draft.replyToMessageId then return false
else return true
_shouldAcceptDrop: (event) =>
# Ensure that you can't pick up a file and drop it on the same draft
existingFilePaths = @state.files.map (f) ->
nonNativeFilePath = @_nonNativeFilePathForDrop(event)
if nonNativeFilePath and nonNativeFilePath in existingFilePaths
return false
hasNativeFile = event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0
hasNonNativeFilePath = nonNativeFilePath isnt null
return hasNativeFile or hasNonNativeFilePath
_nonNativeFilePathForDrop: (event) =>
if "text/nylas-file-url" in event.dataTransfer.types
downloadURL = event.dataTransfer.getData("text/nylas-file-url")
downloadFilePath = downloadURL.split('file://')[1]
if downloadFilePath
return downloadFilePath
# Accept drops of images from within the app
if "text/uri-list" in event.dataTransfer.types
uri = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/uri-list')
if uri.indexOf('file://') is 0
uri = decodeURI(uri.split('file://')[1])
return uri
return null
_onDrop: (e) =>
# Accept drops of real files from other applications
for file in e.dataTransfer.files
Actions.attachFilePath({path: file.path, messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
# Accept drops from attachment components / images within the app
if (uri = @_nonNativeFilePathForDrop(e))
Actions.attachFilePath({path: uri, messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
_onFilePaste: (path) =>
Actions.attachFilePath({path: path, messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
_onChangeParticipants: (changes={}) =>
_onChangeSubject: (event) =>
@_addToProxy(subject: event.target.value)
_onBodyChanged: (event) =>
return unless @_proxy
newBody = @_showQuotedText(event.target.value)
# The body changes extremely frequently (on every key stroke). To keep
# performance up, we don't want to trigger every single key stroke
# since that will cause an entire composer re-render. We, however,
# never want to lose any data, so we still add data to the proxy on
# every keystroke.
# We want to use debounce instead of throttle because we don't want ot
# trigger janky re-renders mid quick-type. Let's just do it at the end
# when you're done typing and about to move onto something else.
@_addToProxy({body: newBody}, {fromBodyChange: true})
@_throttledTrigger ?= _.debounce =>
@_ignoreNextTrigger = false
, 100
_addToProxy: (changes={}, source={}) =>
return unless @_proxy
selections = @_getSelections()
oldDraft = @_proxy.draft()
return if _.all changes, (change, key) -> _.isEqual(change, oldDraft[key])
# Other extensions might want to hear about changes immediately. We
# only need to prevent this view from re-rendering until we're done
# throttling body changes.
if source.fromBodyChange then @_ignoreNextTrigger = true
@_saveToHistory(selections) unless source.fromUndoManager
_sendDraft: (options = {}) =>
return unless @_proxy
# We need to check the `DraftStore` because the `DraftStore` is
# immediately and synchronously updated as soon as this function
# fires. Since `setState` is asynchronous, if we used that as our only
# check, then we might get a false reading.
return if DraftStore.isSendingDraft(@props.draftClientId)
draft = @_proxy.draft()
remote = require('remote')
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
allRecipients = [].concat(draft.to, draft.cc, draft.bcc)
for contact in allRecipients
if not ContactStore.isValidContact(contact)
dealbreaker = "#{contact.email} is not a valid email address - please remove or edit it before sending."
if allRecipients.length is 0
dealbreaker = 'You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.'
if dealbreaker
dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Edit Message'],
message: 'Cannot Send',
detail: dealbreaker
bodyIsEmpty = draft.body is @_proxy.draftPristineBody()
forwarded = Utils.isForwardedMessage(draft)
hasAttachment = (draft.files ? []).length > 0
warnings = []
if draft.subject.length is 0
warnings.push('without a subject line')
if @_mentionsAttachment(draft.body) and not hasAttachment
warnings.push('without an attachment')
if bodyIsEmpty and not forwarded and not hasAttachment
warnings.push('without a body')
# Check third party warnings added via Composer extensions
for extension in ExtensionRegistry.Composer.extensions()
continue unless extension.warningsForSending
warnings = warnings.concat(extension.warningsForSending({draft}))
if warnings.length > 0 and not options.force
response = dialog.showMessageBox(remote.getCurrentWindow(), {
type: 'warning',
buttons: ['Send Anyway', 'Cancel'],
message: 'Are you sure?',
detail: "Send #{warnings.join(' and ')}?"
if response is 0 # response is button array index
@_sendDraft({force: true})
_mentionsAttachment: (body) =>
body = QuotedHTMLTransformer.removeQuotedHTML(body.toLowerCase().trim())
signatureIndex = body.indexOf('<div class="nylas-n1-signature">')
body = body[...signatureIndex] if signatureIndex isnt -1
return body.indexOf("attach") >= 0
_destroyDraft: =>
_attachFile: =>
Actions.attachFile({messageClientId: @props.draftClientId})
undo: (event) =>
historyItem = @undoManager.undo() ? {}
return unless historyItem.state?
@_recoveredSelection = historyItem.currentSelection
@_addToProxy historyItem.state, fromUndoManager: true
@_recoveredSelection = null
redo: (event) =>
historyItem = @undoManager.redo() ? {}
return unless historyItem.state?
@_recoveredSelection = historyItem.currentSelection
@_addToProxy historyItem.state, fromUndoManager: true
@_recoveredSelection = null
_getSelections: =>
currentSelection: @refs[Fields.Body]?.getCurrentSelection?()
previousSelection: @refs[Fields.Body]?.getPreviousSelection?()
_saveToHistory: (selections) =>
return unless @_proxy
selections ?= @_getSelections()
newDraft = @_proxy.draft()
historyItem =
previousSelection: selections.previousSelection
currentSelection: selections.currentSelection
body: _.clone newDraft.body
subject: _.clone newDraft.subject
to: _.clone newDraft.to
cc: _.clone newDraft.cc
bcc: _.clone newDraft.bcc
lastState = @undoManager.current()
if lastState?
lastState.currentSelection = historyItem.previousSelection
_deleteDraftIfEmpty: =>
return unless @_proxy
if @_proxy.draft().pristine then Actions.destroyDraft(@props.draftClientId)
module.exports = ComposerView